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Posts posted by Southwest

  1. 22 hours ago, cole256 said:

    Hey when they said the only reason he completed the pass was because the wr got open nothing to brag about......💀

    Bo had a wr come open in the endzone also,he threw it 4feet above his head though.

  2. 6 minutes ago, au701948 said:

    Just read a comment by the Ga State Coach where said that the SEC officials "gave" Auburn the game by not overturning the catch by Shenker right before Finley's TD throw. I thought it was a close call, but he made the reception and I was praying that his hands being beneath the ball was more important than one end of the ball touching the ground.

    I don't think he caught it,but its funny the coach had no issue with the no p.i call in the endzone a few plays earlier..

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  3. 1 hour ago, Tiger said:

    I find it interesting that some of those who don't like ESPN injecting political themes into sports coverage are themselves injecting politics into which sports apparel company they'd prefer AU to go with.


    This is about what's best for AU, IMO. Everyone should assess this question without personal agenda, as I see it. Not calling anyone out and not trying to be nasty or derail this thread, JMO. 

    Agree,i also think U.A got a little backlash a few years ago for being political also. Vick situation was horrendous but i respect Nike for seeing the change in him and given him another chance.

  4. 1 hour ago, GwillMac6 said:

     Wanya and Booth ended up replicating the same script. We got the lead but we did NOT FINISH THE DRILL and close. Both schools got them on campus before they committed and they both never came back to campus like they were supposed to before they committed. BUT REMAIN CALM AU FANS!! ALL IS WELL!!! Thank goodness a guy who has not played QB in 6 years is riding in to save the day to help us get over the sting on losing out on a elite corner that we led as recently as big cat for......... 



    Agree and now it makes me wonder about holding on to Pickens also. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

    It's difficult to understand how you can say that about Gatewood. Some of the kids in his class aren't even on campus yet, but people say he doesn't have it in him to be A SEC QB... This time last year, he was preparing for his SR year in high school... I just dont get it... 

    E, do you think there is a chance this happens? I don't... I just don't... 


    I'm in the camp that hopes Gatewood becomes Newton 2.0. But had Cam signed here out of high school, we wouldnt have won in 2010, nor would we have a 3rd Heisman... He would of had people calling for him to be a TE also... You know... The position Gus NEVER uses... Because he is a superior athlete... Had Cam signed with us out of high school, he would of been swapped to TE and never heard from again. I can't believe people are really calling for that to happen to Gatewood... SMH... 

    I think the whole reason Cam went to UF in the first place was because GA saw him only as a TE..

  6. 10 hours ago, AU64 said:

    PT Barnum said something to the effect that there is a " sucker born every minute" and that probably goes double in pro basketball. ...especially with the owners.  

    Hard to believe he has been playing professionally for 14 or maybe 15 years though.   So how much has LaBron been paid and how many championships has he managed to recruit to "his" team to play for "his coach".....three I think which I guess is  pretty good but they cost the team owners a bundle....and maybe they were worth it....Not questioning his skill as a ballplayer but I do wonder about his ability to help lead a team to championships. 

    But as I noted, whether it's been going on for years,  it does seem shady, especially when some of the contacts are being made (or interest floated) during the playing season....as is being done in baseball where it was suggested that Harper was "auditioning" for the New York Yankees in a recent series. 

    To the money aspect of this post you do know the Clippers and Rockets were sold for like 1 or 2 billion a piece.So Lebron isnt putting a dent in thier pockets.

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