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Posts posted by 1716AU

  1. 32 minutes ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

    It isn't just a money game. That is the whole point here.  Just because it legal now, don't be naive and think A&M hasn't been slinging cash around buying recruits for the past 20 plus years. Absolutely they have. 

    Saban is pissed off the whole system. That has leveled what he has done and given schools like AU a chance to do things he could get away with in the past. Saban is pissed off at Jimbo for calling Nick out for what he has been doing in the past, cheating his ass off. That is personal. 

    I have said that NIL is a leveling of the playing field.  Saban has gotten away with murder since he arrived at bummer, and Kirby, the same since he arrived at UGA.

    This isn't fun for them.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

    I realize that this was from his announcement speech.  I didn't realize how many people that listen only to right wing media know nothing about it until I was around a few on the 4th.  All they wanted to talk about was Hunter getting money from China, although they had no idea how much and when.

    We spent the weekend Biking the Virginia Creeper Trail and hiking all over southwest VA.  Went to a July 4 celebration in Damascus, VA. Beautiful people who have bought hook, line, and sinker into a lie. 

    They would go off on a diatribe about Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, how democrats were demon possessed (literally), ect.  I calmly listened to them, for which they were quite grateful. I will leave out the Theological discussion, but concentrate on the political.

    I would just ask, what evidence do you have that would stand up in court?

    That was a thought they had not encountered before.  

    I nicely explained that, as a professor, I had to document EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING, that happened during each lesson, each meeting, whatever that I did at the university, as if I was going to use it as evidence in court. Then provide more evidence.  And that was just to protect myself from what a student might say about me or another colleague. I finished with, "If there is real evidence, bring it forward, prove it in court, and lock his ass up."

    They weren't ready for that.

    It then became, "Don't you think all this stuff against Trump is politically motivated?" 

    "No, not really."

    "How can you say that?!"

    "Well, because it's Republicans and his own people testifying against him.  That speaks volumes to me. And the evidence is undeniable, and voluminous. I mean, y'all are the ones who cry 'Where there is smoke there is fire.' So, this argument seems kinda hypocritical to me."

    That ended the conversations with most. Not all.  Several appreciated that I listened.  And I realized that people are not willing to actually listen to a viewpoint that is different.  They just want theirs heard and implemented. And that happens on both sides, but it runs rampant on the Right in the US.  Especially in the states that depend upon others just to be able to exist, like Alabama, Mississippi, Idaho, and Montana.

    It's not scary.  It's just sad. 

    And it won't get any better because people would rather believe a lie than deal with the truth.





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  3. 4 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    It's being worked on. When Democrat partisan hacks are at the top of the DOJ and FBI it takes a little time to get the facts out.

    Is it being worked on like the Wall? Or like Fani Willis is planning on dropping all charges?

    Jeeze, old fool.  Don't bring that crap in the door with your intellectual betters.  

    That's the biggest problem is the lack of education.  And you truly need one.

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  4. 23 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Burisma was the tip of the iceberg, they are on to bigger and better bribery (China).  They are getting nervous and Biden is getting riled.  The meltdown will be delicious.

    Then produce rather than fart out your mouth so much. 

    And there folks, like his saints in congress, is the rub.  All they want to do is drive Biden's numbers dowm with horses**t.

    The problem is, you have nothing to produce when it comes to this, but you pass gas like trump lies.

    Do something different:  PRODUCE EVIDENCE, then fart off at the mouth. I will listen, and say, lock his a** up.

    Problem is, you're like all those screwed up evangelicals that run around screaming that the end is coming, then have egg all over your face when the sun comes up again.

    You have got to be a Baptist.

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  5. On 6/24/2023 at 10:44 PM, TexasTiger said:

    If you told me 20-30 years ago that this degenerate would be adored by white evangelicals I would have laughed. I knew there was a great deal of hypocrisy among many evangelicals, but man did I misjudge the depth & breadth of it.


    Well, Evangelicalism is a cult.  Definitely Southern Baptist Convention.

    The Cult of John Nelson Darby and all his end times horses**t.

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  6. 17 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    Funny this guy thinks Jesus fed thousands with bread and fish because they were poor. Jesus fed them because they followed Him out in the hills listening to Him preach and there was nothing to feed them. It wasn’t feeding the poor. It was feeding followers and believers who were away from their homes and cities where they could feed themselves.  

    DeSantis must be getting close to the target if he is getting attacks already.  Fiddy gotta Christian bash on Ron.  Predictable.


    Just what I love about Evangelicals:  They deal in quarter truths.

    But you will warp this story out of shape to make it work for you.  Then again, none of you get context or howw the people actually lived, spoke, thought, and did things.  Geeze, y'all think that modern day Israelis and Palestinians think the way you do.

    Just vapid.



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  7. 15 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Nice to compare news sources. Fox News asks Trump a bunch of tough questions. MSNBC & the like toss Biden slow pitch softball thoughts, then have to show him the way to exit the stage.

    You're like clock work.

    When an stupid, vapid, and untrue statement needs to be made, you're the first to show up.


    Is it fun being that vapid?

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  8. 21 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

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    these unhinged Republicans are going to get someone killed. is that the plan?

    what in actual **** is going on?

    Jeff Tiedrich

    Jun 12




    what in actual **** is this?

    you could be forgiven for taking this as the dipshit ravings of a dipshit lunatic — because you would be half right: Clay Higgens, wingnut rep from Lousiana, is a dipshit lunatic.

    but let’s take a closer look at this tweet. we should be alarmed by it.

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    it’s a coded message in militia-speak.

    “rPOTUS” refers to Donald Trump, the “real POTUS.” “buckle up,” as in ‘stand back and stand by.’ “1/50k” is the scale used in military maps. “know your bridges.” why? sabotage?

    holy s***!

    "This isn’t a metaphor. This isn’t slow civil war. This is a congressman calling for the real thing."
    “Prepare for war. ‘Know your bridges’ is militia speak for closing them down. County level insurrection.”

    it would be nice if we could dismiss Clay Higgins as a lone weirdo. but Republicans have spent the days leading up to tomorrow’s arraignment of Donald Trump calling for a violent response. but Clay has a lot of company.

    here’s freelance election denier and professional lunatic Kari Lake, speaking at an event in Georgia:

    “I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden. And the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one’s for you. If you wanna get to President Trump, you’re gonna have to go through me, and you’re gonna have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And most of us are card carrying members of the NRA. That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

    that’s not a threat? holy s***, that’s exactly a threat.

    seems to me that if you or I said anything like that, the Secret Service would come knocking on our doors, post ******* haste.

    Andy Biggs: “We have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye.”

    Kimberly Guilfoyle: “Retribution Is Coming.”

    and what the **** is this s***:

    folks, they’re out here trying to turn the arraignment into another January 6th. and they’re not even hding it.

    fortunately, law enforcement has taken notice:

    Authorities were monitoring plans for pro-Trump rallies in Miami, including one outside the federal courthouse on Tuesday purportedly organized by a local chapter of the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, some leaders of which were found guilty of seditious conspiracy in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    be very afraid. it only takes one ******* idiot with a rifle and a misplaced sense of justice to cause a tragedy.

    above all, what it to be done about elected officials (and whatever the **** Kimberly Guilfoyle is) openly and brazenly calling for armed insurrection against their own government?

    I know that Joe Biden prefers to give the appearance of riding above all this, and there is no shortage of Democrats toeing the “when they go low, we go high” line, but someone needs to address this s***, pronto.

    everyone is entitled to my own opinion is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    You're currently a free subscriber to everyone is entitled to my own opinion .

    You seriously have to ask that question?  YES.  Resoundingly.


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  9. 9 hours ago, Mikey said:

    With the DOJ and FBI hiding the cards it's been kind of hard to see them. I expect that very soon now, as these things go, within a month or so, the criminal activities of the Bidens will finally see the light of day. It's a good thing the Pubbies won the House. Had the Dems kept control we never would have known all this.

    Here is where I know you're nothing but a dishonest broker and a bulls*&Ter.

    His first two years he had MAJORITIES in BOTH legislative branches.  Yet did nothing.  After running his mouth all over the campaign trail about it.

    His last two years he had a MAJORITY in the Senate, and still, not a peep.

    Majorities mean that you have the power and ability to get things done. 

    Your opinion has no merit.


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  10. 3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    What is being said here is the Biden administration, through their DOJ, are indicting a man for doing the same thing many presidents, state department heads and vice presidents have done for years and Trump gets indicted.  Unfortunately, he is the front runner for the opposition party in the next general election.  You don’t think that’s odd?  You hate Trump so much you would rather Biden eliminate the competition rather than beat him at the ballot box?

    The Horse sheit meter just exploded

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  11. 27 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Its amazing how your comments works both ways.

    And amazing how folks like you are as deep as a thimble, and never take the time to look at the redwood in your own eyes while you bitch and moan about the splinter in the eyes of those you don't like...

  12. 11 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

    I think alot of people are overreacting to a bad finish. And I get it, leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It's embarrassing to end this way. But BT has done alot here with not alot of resources. He deserves some benefit of the doubt, especially with the level of injuries we had this year.

    Help me out, Kansas.  Speaking as a former professor, just what is he missing, other than schorlarships?

  13. On 6/2/2023 at 9:43 AM, Mikey said:

    To balance out your one Pubbie terrorist, I give you the liberal terrorist rioters of Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and several other spots. It's the left that is the cradle of domestic terrorism.

    And I raise you American Evangelicalism.  They are a war machine just begging for the opportunity.

    I will guarantee that 95% of Southern Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal preachers groom their congregations to respond violently to those they deem irredeemable or not of the "right faith."

    Saw and heard it too many times, and have had too many of them threaten me since I was fifteen for speaking out against it.

    American Evangelicalism wants an authoritarian theocracy in this country.  They are the greatest danger to democracy there is in this country.

    It is evil.

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  14. 6 hours ago, Son of A Tiger said:

    I'm not a fan of either one but I love to see AOC get schooled.

    Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democrat Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws | Fox News

    True, but a very weak argument.  Especially coming from that fool Cruz. The Republican Party is the KKK's home, and has been since Reagan. Shoot, Republicans go out of their way to protect them any way they can.

    Then again, it would be like trying to explain to you evangelicals that there is no biblical basis or suggestion of a Rapture.  You morons just make it up on the go.  Been doing that gaily since 1830...

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  15. On 5/9/2023 at 1:51 PM, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Thought this was a good little segment. Josh isn’t the only guy I’ve seen talk like this, post Thorne commitment. Josh Pate can be a bit of an Auburn homer, but he makes some valid points here.

    Josh has sure seemed like a bammer suck up to me

  16. 8 hours ago, jj3jordan said:



    x/x/x lgbtq***

    Oh wait..

    Well, if you need a proper education on Greek and Roman Culture and JUST WHAT Paul was speaking on, and to which close minded religious bigot (Peter and James) that he was aiming it at, I can point you in the right direction.  Then again, it would mean that you would drop your anti-Christ fundamentaist horse crap into the dung bin.

    Also, Jonathan and David were homosexual lovers.  The Hebrew is quite explicit on that.  Another key sign David is Bi-sexual, is when David is old and they place young virgins in bed with him andhis arousal is nil, well, that should ring a bell for you. Also Naomi and Ruth.  Explicit language.  

    You should try learning one of the languages the Old and New Testament are written in.  Then again, people that swallow propaganda are too lazy to put any work in.  

    Fascist Fundamentalists often say the Bible says things that it doesn't. Time to put that garbage down.

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