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Posts posted by USATiger

  1. 10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

    also for the record i cannot take head meds because i cannot tolerate them as they change my personality and made me suicidal. my shrink told me to self medicate with marijuana and that is fact. not trying to start a fight i just wanted you to hear another viewpoint anyhoo back to out regular proram

    Look, this whole discussion, has been about weed and the developing brain, not developed.  Also, many docs are idiots, just like the ones that refuse to use known and proven treatments for covid to help their patients.  But to your point, I would suggest trying CBD Delta 8's as an alternative to full strength THC if you haven't already.  There are definitely benefits with low level THC.  Anti-depressants are, in general, do much more harm than good.  

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  2. 6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    You are entitled to your opinion but cam Newton's brother is or was on the team as well. That didn't get him into the QB competition race. This isn't about who you want or any of that. When objectively looking at the QB race there's a bunch of stuff that doesn't add up and a bunch of stuff that was covered up. Maybe you should think or look at those things before just making the proclamation it wasn't about race.

    I know it's an anthem right now but as far as how QB's are evaluated nobody can deny that Bo certainly broke alot of trends out of the blue.....

    Ok dude.  I won't mention that Willis is one of my sources for my conclusion as to why Bo was starting.  Like from his mouth to my ears type of source.  Gus very well may have made those conclusions as to what black QB's are capable of, so in that regard, you may be right that Gus decided not to start a black QB over a white QB.  I concede that Gus wasn't crazy about the "Gus needs a running QB for his offense to work" talk.  That could very well be his reason, which proves the point even more that the dude is a moron. 


    I just know, from the convo's I had with those very close to the situation, Gus being the idiot he is, decided to start the kid who was pre-ordained Auburn QB at birth.   Gatewood and Willis never had a chance.  I believe the reason Gus didn't let Gatewood play more is then it would become obvious Gus screwed up the QB situation, and that he indeed needs and athletic QB to run his offense, regardless of race.  

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  3. 3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    All that is fine but the bottom line is when picking holes at the integrity of a view you can't ignore the original liars were the people making out how evil marijuana was. And that's validated.

    But my point with bringing in valid research is that weed for the developing brain is evil.  It damages the brain so that life will be more difficult and more depressing.  We cannot ignore that, and the common theme is that weed is harmless.   I have this discussion daily with young patients, and their parents.  Alcohol is, as well, it's just that drinking alcohol daily takes a huge toll physically, and hard to hide, so it isn't abused as frequently as weed.  That's the beauty of weed to most young folks, they can use and not get caught like other drugs.   

  4. 5 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    This is actually a pretty complex convo, that is not going to go over well or be had here. She went overboard which will make it easy to disregard her are now it will be black people cry make stuff up and blame all problems on white people without cause.

    As far as Bo's career so far there are things fishy. And he has been very privileged compared to others in the past. 

    And there has always been racial undertones how black QB's are always said to not understand playbook and can't throw accurately as opposed to whites are really smart, hard workers, super accurate.

    You can actually look at Bo and see all of this, but of course you know the outcome, I actually know for a fact there were problems and mumblings as far as the treatment of mw and jg in regards to that "competition" but like I said that would be a complex issue to talk about in a climate where even people that aren't racist prefers to not speak about it and feel that's holding a moral compass.

    Of course that's my opinion besides things that were stated facts.

    Look man, I get that Bo is privileged, and in my eyes shouldn't have been given the starting job over Gatewood.  I've known about Gatewood since his early HS years and loved watching him play.  Just one of the many, many issues I have with Gus. That being said, Bo starting has more to do with Pat's legacy and Gus having no clue, than race.    

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  5. 7 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    I guess it's no purpose in arguing but the things you said aren't true. Also many of the studies in the past has been refuted even the foundational research which the guy completely made up racist undertones. But I guess it's up to you to believe what you want

    Ok brother, it's all good.  Medical research has been my life since college, but you can believe the refuted studies, I'll believe the validated studies, which are the only ones I will ever reference.  

    The study I mentioned, from the Uk, had 15k subjects with white being the predominant race.  The subjects were given a baseline around 14 y/o with f/u tests every few years, until their 30's.  Scores were only assessed individually.  As were the mental health assessments.  Race had absolutely no factor.  That was just one of many studies into effects of weed, but no need to continue that.  It's there for your perusal on pub med, NLM, etc.

    For the record, I am not anti-weed, I wish all the money spent of fighting weed would've been spent on helping folks, especially kids, find happiness and enjoyment in life so drugs were a hinderance to success and not an outlet for escaping misery.  Anyway War Eagle brother! 

  6. 2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    Always fun when mom's jump in.  In the last decade Gus has had a pretty equal number of Black/White QBs starting.  I'm guessing she's talking about Gatewood?  



    Holy hell, this is his mother?  

    This is disrespectful to even black QB we've had, the staffs that recruited them, and us fans that love them with all our hearts.  One reason I became an Auburn fan was the difference of opinions from bama fans about Walter Lewis and Auburn fans about Pat Washington and Reggie Slack.  My sister was in the band at bama when Lewis was QB, my dad stopped going to games because of the things we would hear in the stands.  My dad was a football fan and didn't have a preference then.  After that, he quit watching any bama games.   This lady is a damn fool!

  7. 11 hours ago, Mikey said:

    That's your choice, if you want to live that way.

    To the contrary, that's very disputable.  You are saying that a man who thought about football every waking minute was a slacker. That doesn't make any sense. You are saying that a man who worked his way to the very top of his profession is a slacker. That doesn't make any sense. Slackers don't reach the top.

    You have no way of knowing whether Gus or any human being other that yourself performed to the best of his ability.

    So, you bought into the Gus eats and sleeps football stuff.  I gotcha, it has been written about many times.  Gus was good at controlling access to info, you want access to Auburn football, write about how much Gus lives football and eats at Waffle House.  Reality is different though

    • Thanks 1
  8. 22 hours ago, cole256 said:

    I'm pretty sure that's not true though

    To be fair, I don’t know if Big Kat smokes weed.  My comment was meant like saying cocaine is a helluva drug when folks act crazy. 

     The part about smoking weed and lower IQ is not in question.  Numerous studies, one where over 15k subjects were studied for weed use, IQ and depression levels.  This was a 20 year study.  Subjects smoking more than once a month before age 25 (when brain development ends) had progressively lower IQ’s and roughly 40% higher manic depression compared to folks with little to no history of smoking.  And this study was started in the 90’s before strains of more potent weed became readily available.  Weeds negative effects on the brain isn’t debatable.  

    The positive spin on weed has been propagated by users and pharma that are making a killing in the new open weed world.  

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  9. 2 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Anybody who pays attention to things here knows you have hated Gus for years.

    It was time for a change and I'm glad we made a change. That doesn't mean the rest of us have to hate the guy. He did his best and won some big games over the years.

    Other than to wish him well, unless his team is playing Auburn the only time I think about Gus is when I come here and see the childish posts of those who cannot seem to let go of their hatred.

    For the record, I don't hate Gus, I just despise the man. 

    Also, I wouldn't get crazy with the he won some big games deal.  He lost more big games, and little games, than he should've.  Especially, for a HC making top dollar.  If this were a business in the private world, the return of investment wouldn't be tolerated, period.  Now, I blame the idiots who hired him.  Either way, I think most of us can agree that no matter what job you do in life, no matter what the pay is, you should do that to the best of your ability.  That isn't the case with Gus and that isn't disputable.  

    Whether folks want to admit it or not, 2010 and 2013 happened in-spite of Gus.  The one year he was HC, he absolutely choked,  just like he did in many games when he was a high school coach, with the best talent.   Hell, 2013 is a win if he just listens to his assistants.  Remember Kick-six?  Whose idea was it to put the return team out there?  Not Gus'.  About the only thing Ellis was good for....

    Anyway, I made a promise to myself last season that if Gus were fired, I would put his sorriness behind me and move forward.  The info is starting to leak out, and in time, hopefully, a book will be written on how not to run a D-1 program.  Like the book about Michigan's fall years ago.

     I am as excited for a season to start as I've been since Chizik was hired, no cap.   War Eagle everyone!


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  10. He very well be right, but it won’t be because of his play. Big Kat is a great example of why recruiting rankings are often way off mark.  This isn’t sour grapes and I’m not trying to bash the kid, but considering all the games he played, I have a hard time remembering a game where I thought he played close to the hype that he received.  His best chance to make it to the NFL would’ve been to pass on the bus ride to Orlando and gone somewhere where he’d have to play disciplined football. 

    Good luck to him and the knight. 

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  11. 30 minutes ago, Mike4AU said:

    It’s entirely possible that the coaches sniffed out another game-playing Foster/Evans flip to UA at the last minute and told Shor he wasn’t wanted.  

    That's certainly possible.  I believe the staff has reasons to slow-play Shor, and think they are waiting for more evaluations from this Fall.  I think this is just Saban being Saban, and locking up a player that Auburn needs, in-case the staff changes their mind.  It is part of the process, Saban has done it many times before.



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  12. On 7/26/2021 at 9:28 AM, bigbird said:

    Plays with his hands well and seems to have good power. Don't know about competition level, but he definitely overwhelms the OT he plays against.

    Bird, Warner Robbins plays big-boy football for sure.  Last years schedule, including playoffs, was probably the toughest in the state.   I share your concern, though, dominant d-lineman in HS generally don't match-up with D-1 O-lineman very often.  

    Love hearing lineman go off to college then talk about how dang tough that first camp is.  Eating isn't quite as easy as it was in HS.  lol 

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  13. He'll end up being asked to accept a gray shirt, I'm confident.  

    I haven't seen it posted, but wanted to mention he has transferred back to Denmark, the school he was at his freshman year.  4 schools in 4 years.   

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  14. 11 pages in the thread......about 3 pages of substance.  Holy crap at the time invested in trolling this hard, just shows a level of "I have absolutely nothing better to do" that I don't recall seeing before.  Well, a level of trolling I've only seen from one group of folks in my life.   Maybe a cap on the percentage of posts in relation to number of posts in a thread?  I am all about free speech, just not from members of the toothless nation

  15. 5 hours ago, McLoofus said:

    Good insight. Thanks for that additional info.

    I'm always looking for the next Kenny Irons. Maybe he could be that kind of guy. KI wasn't physically dominating, either, but he just had that crazy toughness and leg drive and somehow became one of our most talented backs of the last 20 years. 

    Similar build with this guy, I believe. 

    One of the toughest RB's I've ever seen.  That 2005 LSU game is one of the greatest games by any Auburn RB, regardless of the fact we lost.  He carried the offense.  Kenny's 70 yards against LSU in 2006, for the win, was arguably the toughest, and most important 70 yards ever gained.  The hitting in that game was unmatched.  I was sore just from watching. lol. Love, love, love Kenny Irons.

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  16. 9 hours ago, autan said:

    I get tired of watching our undersized LBs getting swatted away by athletic OLs, H-Backs, RB stiff arms and Big WRs.

    I appreciate what those undersized guys are doing, they are OLB, Zakoby was never meant to play ILB.  Normal sized ILB'er's, which we had on the roster, bailed or haven't put forth any effort.  Not to mention, if the DL did their job, the LB'er would have a much easier time.  No linebacker is going to win against an athletic lineman.   

    One of the few bright spots for me this year is watching McClain and his 240 heart battle each Saturday.  McClain and Pappoe are true warriors, playing most every snap this season.  Unreal for the amount of punishment they take on each play. 

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  17. 10 hours ago, bigbird said:

    I just want to throw this out there...Avalos, Oregon's DC, runs a 3-3-5. I'm just saying...


    @Malcolm_FleX48, rather than play our ends as 3's, which allows good blocking angles for the OL, especially on IZ, I'd rather line them up as 4is (a TITE front) forcing more difficult angles and taking away the B-gaps and the ability for the guards to pull. What do you think?

    Anyone on the Aranda coaching tree in mind?  Aranda himself?

  18. You can bet Saban has green-lighted the REC in Mobile to make this kid an offer.  This is a perfect example of a kid Saban really doesn't want, Hunter isn't a "process" kind of kid, but will sell out to get him at the last minute to keep talent from coming here, more importantly, embarrass Gus/Auburn again.   I hope we have enough invested that Hunter can't take the bama bags. 

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