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Posts posted by BizTiger

  1. 1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Just to confirm; you are ok with whatever culture of the day is ok with you as long as it doesn’t harm you or yours, is this correct?

    I consider myself as a conservative and I believe pushing gender identity on my children without my permission is pushing leftist desires on other people.  Can you see the other side of your statement.

     If you're raising your children, nobody can "push" anything on your children. My parents raised me in the church during the 80s and 90s when everything on TV was "devil worship." I never worshipped the devil. LOL. In fact, I never left the church and am currently a church leader. 

    America needs conservatives to be sane so American government has balance. The more insane and unreasonable conservative voters are, the less balance will exist in American government. And vice versa for liberals and centrists. 

    The lies we tell ourselves eventually come back to eat us. Please get sane. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Do you believe *gender affirming care* (puberty blockers, cross hormone therapy and top/bottom surgery) should be allowed to minors?  Do you believe in abortion up to the moment of birth?  Do you believe we should teach gender identity in K-3 grade?

    Or should we just let whatever cultural construct rule the day?

    I don't care how anyone else exercises their freedoms as long as it doesn't harm me and mine. Period. End of story.

    No one who considers themselves a conservative should be liberal about pushing their desires on other people. Period. End of story. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

    Anyone who believes John Wesley would split the church does not know much about John Wesley.

    Then again, if you believe Jesus would want us divided by doctrine and scripture rather than united in His love and grace,,,

    There are no exceptions to,,, love everyone.  Love is not condemnation.  Love is the His mercy, His grace. 

    When churches go through these divisions, I fully understand why some people look at religion as silly and destructive.


    Amen and amen. 

    United Methodist lay delegate here. It's sad. North Alabama Conference is voting on disaffiliating members next month. I consider myself personally a centrist in all this (and most matters outside of church business), but I don't want the conservative leaning churches to go. The UMC needs all voices, and I wish the global denomination allowed for local church control over the LGBT issue. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 hours ago, auskull said:

    I thought that Friend was calling the plays for LAC. I wonder if LAC has any play calling experience. He is one hell of an emotional leader though. Harsin could have learned from this however. I think the Admin is in somewhat of a quandary now. No one expected this turnaround over night going forward. LAC has endured himself in Auburn folklore and simply cannot be ignored.  

    Also, consider this. 

    Who else would have the alignment of Coach Lac? Meaning, all functions pulling in the same direction? 

  5. 1 hour ago, ScotsAU said:

    Dabo had a lot more experience than Caddy. And I’d also argue there’s more examples of the Dabo experiment type situation that didn’t work.

    Dabo's assistant coaches plus leaning on Woody McCorvey as his mentor was more instrumental than a few extra years as an assistant. 

    I just feel like we're overthinking a lot of the reasons why not to hire him.  

  6. 31 minutes ago, Elephant Tipper said:

    Absolutely FALSE.  The last Presidential candidate to attempt to overturn an election was VP Al Gore.  He was aided by the 7 Democrat-appointed Florida Supreme Court Justices who took the effort of overturning the election by rewriting Florida State Law, but Bush et al appealed to the US Supreme Court which ruled that the Florida Supreme Court did not have the authority to rewrite Florida law, only the Florida Legislature did.  Al Gore's efforts were the most contentious efforts to overturn a US Presidential election in recent history far surpassing the rhetoric by DJT.  

    There have been other contested US Presidential elections dating back to Thomas Jefferson vs John Adams, Andrew Jackson vs JQ Adams, Hayes vs Tilden and more.  At the time of the Jefferson-Adams contested election there were threats of State secession, which was probably the most contentious election.

    Why is contesting an election an issue ?  The problem for Gore was that he tried an end run that wasn't legal and DJT contested his re-election effort without the proof.  The matters were resolved, just as has been with the Biden-DJT election.


    Contesting prior to certification and overthrowing a CERTIFIED ELECTION are two different things. Stop the madness. 

    Where is Trump's concession speech?



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  7. 16 minutes ago, pensacolatiger said:

    Come on man - look at the people stressing the importance of “muh democracy”.  They just got called out for censoring half the country and labeling right wings terrorists.  “Muh democracy” is code for, quick beat the race drum, they see we eff’d up everything we touched in the last 2 years

    Nobody else tried to overturn an election except Trump. Stop the BS.

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  8. On 10/28/2022 at 8:48 PM, pensacolatiger said:

    If Dem’s don’t have “muh democracy”, voters will look at what they actually accomplished in the last 2 years.

    Which is ironic, because they want opposition silenced and a president that calls half the country terrorists.  But I guess they mean only some people get a say in this “democracy”

    Downplay this to "muh democracy" all you want. When America becomes a dictatorship and your side loses via a left wing coup, don't say nobody warned you. 

    Democracy is not "muh"... it's OURS. All of ours. Once it's gone, it's gone and eventually the sword you attempt to use on others strikes yourself just the same. 


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  9. Putin doesn't care about annexing Ukraine. He does care about destabilizing America and turning Americans against each other for his own gain. 

    So far, he's won that battle. It's up to American VOTERS to decide if they want to sober up from this silly, childish culture war and crush global authoritarianism for the next generation. 

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  10. I wrote Senator Shelby a couple years ago and requested that he co-sponsor a GOP written bill to require voter ID will ease of access. The hope was to have a 2 party compromise of an updated Voting Rights and Security bill, but I guess not enough conservatives wanted a compromise with liberals. 😥

    We really have to really do better as a voting population of pushing compromise. 

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