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Article by Phillip Marshall on Auburn Undercover (w/his permission)


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Here is the link to an Auburn Undercover article by Phillip Marshall.  It is hard for all of us to have this attitude.  It has become even more difficult for me as this week unfolds, because of most so call sports reporters assuming we will lose, but here it is for what it is worth.  It is worth a read anyway.



:wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle:

:zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama: :zapbama:

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Good read,  I have had bad feelings about the extra-game activities since all this other crap has come up.  I saw a couple of fights in the stands at the UGA game and the Iron bowl I fear could be worse.  Outside the stadium really could be dangerous.

If you are going, stay in a group and BE CAREFUL.



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if you go to the game please take some advice.  this is what i always tell the kids at church when we take them anywhere.

    ACT LIKE YOU BEEN SOMEWHERE BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  then all should be fine.                                :wareagle:

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Sad indeed. I'm glad sometimes I live out of state. You would think it was Sunni's and Shia's going at it. There are people who have nothing in their life that must live vicariously through the lives on young adults to give them meaning.

Come Saturday morning regardless of the outcome, the realities of my life will still be there.  

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I would not worry about anything happening. There will be a lot of alcohol consumed so that should help most people stay rational and level headed.

Yea you're probably right, I'm just overreacting  ;)

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I would not worry about anything happening. There will be a lot of alcohol consumed so that should help most people stay rational and level headed.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

fuuuuuuuuuny stuff!

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This is a great post by Phillip Marshall I love to listen to him when he is on sportscall, I love sportscall it's the best sports call in show in the state in my personal opinion.  Phillip has a great point lets go in there with class, lets leave it with class no matter what happens don't worry about the standards you expect from someone else you just do you thing and worry about what is under your control.  Adversity will always effect is in life but it's how you deal with it that makes you Auburn men/women.  Happy Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for what I've got but lets be mindful that people out there are going through hardships lets keep them in our prayers and our thoughts.

War Eagle Beat Bama!

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Look, I've been to several Iron Bowls. I've even been to their place. I've never had anything other than a great experience. One thing that has always given me a lot of pride has been the classy nature of this rivalry on game day. Yes, there's some talk back and forth. That's to be expected. That doesn't mean I've ever mistreated. I have a lot of faith in the good people of the state of Alabama. Let's show the rest of the nation that this is the best rivalry in all of college football.

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This is a great article and true. A lot more hatred has come to the surface in the past few years because of the internet. Its pretty easy to go onto Al.com, call out a bunch derogatory names, a basically say hurtful things that one would never say to someone's face.

I want to beat Bama. But, win or lose I'll always love Auburn University, the town and the sports team that represent both. Lets hope its a great game.

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I have been to over 40 ironbowls and the bama fans get worse every year.  You used to never see a problem.  Two years ago in town was by far the worse.    The Internet, sports radio, and other social media are part of the problem

  Also with satellite tv you have a lot more people at the game without tickets. I a

Still going this week in ttown

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Can someone cut & paste this ? I can't connect on the link. Need to update internet explorer and can't using a company laptop. Thanks.

War Eagle !

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Phillip's blog: Healthy or hateful?

Phillip Marshall, Senior Editor

48 hours ago

A football game of great importance rushes ever closer. For Auburn, Friday’s Iron Bowl at Bryant-Denny Stadium is an opportunity to move within one game of playing for a national championship. For Alabama, it’s an opportunity to hold on to the state championship for another year, to perhaps squeeze into a BCS bowl game.

It will be one of the bigger games ever played in our state. But remember while the game is being played …

Young men and women the same ages as those playing game are fighting and dying in on the other side of the world.

While we await the next play with anticipation, there are parents in this land of plenty who will be wondering how they are going to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads.

While fans make plans to attend bowl games, thousands who have lost their jobs fear the foreclosure notice will be in the mail.

Friday’s Iron Bowl ought to be a celebration of all that is good, a celebration of the dedication and determination of the young men who will perform in front of a crowd of more than 100,000. But will it be?

Or will it be an ugly scene that shows what is not so good about our state’s passion for football. Will it be about healthy competition or will it be about hate? Will it be about pride that millions across the nation will be focused on our state or will it be about adults ridiculing college students who happen to play for the other team?

There’s no game bigger than the Iron Bowl for those who play. They compete with ferocity, give all they have and respect each other when it’s over.

It’s sad that so many fans can’t do the same.

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I admit I get very passionate, OK, over passionate about this game. I know I need to stop and remember, this is just a game and will  not affect the realities of my life. I hope AU wins, but I pray God will bless me with the scerenity to accept whatever the outcome will be. WDE.

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