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The Ten Dumbest Fan Bases in America: #1 The Alabama Crimson Tide


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Alabama fans are so dumb that every single other SEC fan base thinks, "Damn, you Bama fans are really stupid."

Kentucky fans are like, "These Bama fans need to get their lives in order."

The Alabama fan base is a fractious mix of two distinct groups who can't really stand each other.

At the top of the list is the 10-15% of the fan base that could actually be admitted to Alabama or attended the school.

This group hates most of the rest of the Alabama fan base with a passionate fury.

Right now they are reading this column and silently nodding.

The other 85% of Bama fans are incapable of coherent thought and have a deep-seated insecurity about all things in life. Alabama football comprises, and this is not an exaggeration, 99% of their self esteem.

This group of Alabama fans resents those who actually attended the school and calls them, "elitists." (To be an "elitist" in Alabama you have to graduate high school, avoid having kids until you're 22, and shop at Target instead of Wal-Mart. Seriously, that's an Alabama elitist.). Auburn fans, a distinct minority in the state, are really nothing like Alabama fans. That's because by and large Auburn fans are associated in some way with Auburn. 95% of the idiots in Alabama root for the Crimson Tide.

These fans are the ones who wear the, "Got (insert made up national title numbers here) t-shirts," and call into Paul Finebaum's radio show.


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I had not realized that, when Finebaum, went to ESPN one of the effects would be to expose the real bamzos to the whole nation. The same morons, whose asinine babble used to be confined mostly to the state of Alabama, are now heard on the national level. And the whole country learns what a real bamzo is like.

That is probably one of the main reasons why the whole country now hates bama and their fans. Remember last year when even the Wall St Journal published an editorial entitled, "Auburn, You're Our Last Hope." Good for Finebaum. At last the entire nation is learning what gutter trash half wits we're dealing with in this state.

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Well that'll teach me to look at date stamps... ;)/>

ETA: I don't think there are any dates, sigh.

Looks like FOX picked up his article, whenever.

NP. I didn't mean to sound snarky. Outkick the coverage got absorbed into the fox brand a couple of months back. They probably stripped the dates when they imported the old content.

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