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In Alabama a citation cannot be written to someone who ran a red light unless a police officer witnesses the violation

Also state representatives have immunity over most laws. Meaning a state representative can drive down your quiet little street going 100mph and there's nothing we can do about it. If an officer tries to arrest the representative, they risk the possibility of termination

County occupational taxes are illegal, but somehow city occupational taxes are legal?

Can anyone else name any in Alabama or wherever you may be from?

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In Alabama a citation cannot be written to someone who ran a red light unless a police officer witnesses the violation


Wouldn't this be a law so that cameras can't be used?

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  • 4 weeks later...
In Alabama a citation cannot be written to someone who ran a red light unless a police officer witnesses the violation


Wouldn't this be a law so that cameras can't be used?


That can't be right because they're considering installing them at some intersections around Auburn... I think that is a great idea because people don't seem to know what red means in this town. Put one on college/magnolia, magnolia/donahue, and wire/webster and that would reduce the number of violations.

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You're right. So that's why cameras are being installed that way alot of police eyes can see people run the res light.

But right now, Alabama law says that only a citation for running a red light has to be witnessed by a police officer,

So if Joe Blow sees someone run a red light and he gets the liscence plate # and calls the police, they can't do anything about it. That's why many people and police want to use this loophole to crack down on this rising, and dangerous problem.

They are thinking of doing this in Montgomery and they have a few places that already do, but SOME CRITICS feel it's a pressumed guilt issue.

If you ask me the following reasons by critics are knit-pickey: someone borrowing your car and running the red light, you, the owner are sent the citation through the mail. A car dealership lets someone test drive a car and they run a red light. The citation is sent to the car delearship.

In conclusion, I agree that we need cameras at traffic lights.

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