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CCTAU last won the day on March 2 2023

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  • Birthday July 25

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  1. If we get this guy, I’m going on record here. If I see any of you outside the stadium selling bawled peanuts as JuJu beans, I’ll be stopping by for my cut.
  2. I would love to see him have success at a smaller school. I think he would be fun to watch. I don’t think people realize just how hard SEC football is.
  3. I don’t see Sean Jackson on the roster. Did he transfer out?
  4. Still sucks to be the bottom of the SEC. But dang if the SEC was not a bear this year. Tennessee and aTm in the championship.
  5. He should get fired. That’s just cruel…
  6. Yeah. I hated to hear that Walker White is transferring out already.... <#yellerfont>
  7. Somebody will be sitting outside the stadium with boiled peanuts selling them as Juju beans.
  8. I remember Gary. I don’t remember “Superfly” though. Although that was a long time ago.
  9. This is interesting. I would not have guessed a co coach scenario even if you told me it existed. I like the out of box thinking. We get a cohesive coaching staff from the jump. Now let’s get, and KEEP, those top recruits.
  10. Ace - Alexander Wright Shine - Walter Reeves Rock - Vincent Harris Cujo - Curtis Stewart or Reggie Ware? My memory fades. Pig - Robert Goff Moonpie - Steve Wilson
  11. Against FSU for the natty, all I could think of is, “Don’t pull a hammy. Don’t pull a hammy” WDE gentlemen!
  12. They should get everything except a large salary.(a reasonable stipend for sure) Individual NIL should be acquired by the player and not facilitated by the school/coach in any way. But I fear that boat has left the dock.
  13. When you say, “all the other benefits “, you show that maybe you don’t understand the scholarship situation with baseball. Most of these guys are on partial scholarship as the NCAA only allows 11.7 scholarships per team. So many of these guys are still trying to find money to finish out their cost each semester. With NIL, the cost of an education can now become fully paid. The NCAA needs to loosen up the reigns on baseball. Allow more scholarships and allow more paid coaches.
  14. Right! I can’t keep up. Is it OK to wear my little orange shirt with the flaming basketball again? This thread has so many ups and downs. It’s tough knowing what to wear from day to day. I do like the Kelly add. We should be more versatile this season. Unless we still suck. I’m just not sure…
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