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Those god-awful LSU fans at it again.


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From an OSU fan


"Just got back from Orlando (about 90% recovered). I know y'all have probably moved on by now to your new HC, but a few of my thoughts from the game:

1. LSU fans are amazing... I met scores of your great people in my 3 days in Orlando and was very impressed... I'm sure there was some, but I didn't see one example of poor sportsmanship... before or after the game... We both can be VERY proud of our fan base."

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thats nice that he had a good time but do you honestly think your fans are gonna treat fans from a big 10 team the same way they do SEC rival fans?

i don't, and there is nothin wrong with that

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You have one guy from another conference say something nice about LSU fans and that is supposed to trump the scores of SEC fans that have dealt with you miscreants for years. Give me a break!

Saddam can even find a handful of people that actually like him. :rolleyes:

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Man, I am so glad to read that. I'd always heard people say that LSU fans were just not that friendly and they aren't very quick to extend a warm welcome and hearty hand shake to the opposing team's fans.

Guess you just can't believe everything you hear. Well, gotta' go, the Tellitubbies are coming on now.

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WOW!  :icon_eek: a Sadam comparison.

Who did you say doesn't have any class?

Good Luck tonight.


Actually, I made no reference to class. :P But, thanks for playing along... :poke:

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By the way UT, congrats on the beatch slapping you guys gave A&M. And you'll be happy to know that Minnesota helped Bama fans enjoy their rendition of Rocky Top at the MCB. They were just being cordial to Bama because they knew how much they missed hearing that song. :D

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I think it's telling when you have to CONSTANTLY talk up your fanbase at every possible chance when everyone already knows the pathetic truth. :hmm:

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I think it's telling when you have to CONSTANTLY talk up your fanbase at every possible chance when everyone already knows the pathetic truth.  :hmm:


Don't be so hard on AU fans. (We all know AU fans never talk up their fan base.) :poke:

I do agree with your statement but I'm not sure how it applies to my post since it wasn't me nor an LSU fan "talking up LSU's fanbase."

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Ha! So explain how this entire thread applies to Auburn Football? I won't hold my breath waiting on you...talk about irrelevant. :hmm:

You came over here to a rival forum and posted something from your OWN forum about what ONE Iowa fan said....ONE IOWA FAN!

I'm sure the Capital One Bowl had the same intense atmosphere that you would find in Baton Rouge for any given Auburn/LSU matchup. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Give it a rest kid...nobody cares.

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Ha!  So explain how this entire thread applies to Auburn Football?  I won't hold my breath waiting on you.

You came over here to a rival forum and posted something from your OWN forum about what ONE Iowa fan said....ONE IOWA FAN!

I'm sure that Capital One Bowl had the same intense atmosphere that you would see in Baton Rouge for any given Auburn/LSU matchup.   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:

Give it a rest kid...nobody cares.


If no one cares then you didn't have to read nor apply to my post.

Of course my post doesn't apply directly to Auburn football but it does relate to a topic that has been raised here time after time by Auburn football fans. (LSU fan behavior.)

If another post was something bad about LSU fans I'm sure your reaction would have been quite different. (you guys would have been all over it.)

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If my post was something bad about LSU fans I'm sure your reaction would have been quite different. (you guys would have been all over it.)

An LSU homer posting something negative about LSU fans on an Auburn forum? Did I read your scenario right? Quit while you're behind dude...

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Yes, there's still that 10% of LSU fans who can be nice. The other 90% couldn't afford to gas up the Ford to get to the game.

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You guys hear one person tell a horror story about an LSU fan and its gospel - to be spread far and wide, especially on nonconference message boards the week before a visiting team comes to Baton Rouge. But you dismiss this guy's positive comments as meaningless?

Face it - Auburn fans hate LSU fans b/c of what happened in 2001 and b/c we hate your coach. Its got nothing to do with the inherent evil of the average LSU fan - it all goes back to Tubby, and the (totally inappropriate) incident that happened after the game at Tiger Stadium. You can talk all you want about how "every SEC school complains about LSU fans" but the fact is, 90% of it comes from Auburn. The rest is ordinary, run of the mill, talk about the fanbase of a conference opponent.

For those of you who don't realize this, and are responsible for the misinformation campaign - grow up. Learn to reason like an adult.

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You guys hear one person tell a horror story about an LSU fan and its gospel - to be spread far and wide, especially on nonconference message boards the week before a visiting team comes to Baton Rouge. But you dismiss this guy's positive comments as meaningless?

Face it - Auburn fans hate LSU fans b/c of what happened in 2001 and b/c we hate your coach. Its got nothing to do with the inherent evil of the average LSU fan - it all goes back to Tubby, and the (totally inappropriate) incident that happened after the game at Tiger Stadium. You can talk all you want about how "every SEC school complains about LSU fans" but the fact is, 90% of it comes from Auburn. The rest is ordinary, run of the mill, talk about the fanbase of a conference opponent.

For those of you who don't realize this, and are responsible for the misinformation campaign - grow up. Learn to reason like an adult.


Uh.... no.

The majority of the board members here who have an issue with the LSU fan behavior seem to have first hand knowledge of these problems. It's not just an Internet rumor run rampant.

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If no one cares then you didn't have to read nor apply to my post.

aww shucks!

i don't care either but i just wanted to break the 115 post mark.

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If no one cares then you didn't have to read nor apply to my post.

aww shucks!

i don't care either but i just wanted to break the 115 post mark.


Glad I could help out. Let me know when you get to the 214 mark and I'll post another "who cares" thread. :)

Good luck in the SB!

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thats nice that he had a good time but do you honestly think your fans are gonna treat fans from a big 10 team the same way they do SEC rival fans?

i don't, and there is nothin wrong with that


I don't know about that. There were a few Sooner fans complaining last year. I just think some LSU fans are more belligerant at home. I know I speak for most fans here and say we are not that bad but alot of things get blown out of proportion. A little spirited ribbing turns into a grandmother getting punched in the mouth and a lot full of visiting cars set on fire. Don't believe everything and when you come to LSU look me up for some good food.

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I'd like to see if AUNation could even come up with 10 grandma's getting drug out int ot he street and shot! Or children getting stoned(you can take that one either way)!

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My 5'2" mom is a grandma now, and the last time she went to baton rouge there were drunk men with their finger inches away from her face screaming at her " TIGER MEAT, TIGER MEAT".

Of course she was shotgunning a can of miller lite and when she crushed the can over her head they all stopped messing with her.

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