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5 year old cuffed and stuffed

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St. Petersburg 5-year-old cuffed after school outburst

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A 5-year-old girl was arrested, cuffed and put in back of a police cruiser after an outburst at school where she threw books and boxes, kicked a teacher in the shins, smashed a candy dish, hit an assistant principal in the stomach and drew on the walls.

The students were counting jelly beans as part of a math exercise at Fairmount Park Elementary School when the little girl began acting silly. That's when her teacher took away her jelly beans, outraging the child.

Minutes later, the 40-pound girl was in the back of a police cruiser, under arrest for battery. Her hands were bound with plastic ties, her ankles in handcuffs.

"I don't want to go to jail," she said moments after her arrest Monday.

No charges were filed and the girl went home with her mother.

While police say their actions were proper, school officials were not pleased with the outcome.

"We never want to have 5-year-old children arrested," said Michael Bessette, the district's Area III superintendent.

The district's campus police should have been called to help and not local police, he said.

Bessette said campus police routinely deal with children and are trained to calm them in such situations.

Under the district's code of student conduct, students are to be suspended for 10 days and recommended for expulsion for unprovoked attacks, even if they don't result in serious injury. But district spokesman Ron Stone said that rule wouldn't apply to kindergartners.

"She's been appropriately disciplined under the circumstances," he said.

The girl's mother, Inda Akins, said she is consulting an attorney.

"She's never going back to that school," Akins said. "They set my baby up."

Ok, so cuffing the kid is a bit much - but it is also obvious that she was out of control. In that case, cuffing her probably kept her from hurting herself or someone else.

But what about that MOM? Her child threw books and boxes, kicked a teacher in the shins, smashed a candy dish, hit an assistant principal in the stomach and drew on the walls. And she thinks the school officials SET HER UP? :blink: For what purpose?? Methinks someone sees $$$. Moron - it's her TAX DOLLARS that get hit when she sues a school. She should just be glad SHE is not being charged with assault by that teacher and the asst principal. Someone has a HUGE problem with denial about their child. :no:

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My sister-in-law is a teacher in the Birmingham area. She had two of her fingers broken by one of those little angles. All because he was "upset" over his parents. After two conferences with the parents concerning his anger issues.

BTW the parents still don't think the kid needs counseling.

If the kids are as out of control as that young girl was, then restraints are in order.

The girl's mother, Inda Akins, said she is consulting an attorney.

"She's never going back to that school," Akins said. "They set my baby up."

Bull$hit lady, your baby was probably only acting like you do. You have not done a very good job of teaching your child self control. Your baby should be charged with assault. Your baby should be kicked out of school until she receives counseling.

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Your baby should be kicked out of school until she receives counseling.


I have a sneaky feeling that this young 'lady' won't be out of trouble for too long. In fact, I'd lay 5:1 odds that an incident this bad or worse will happen again by the time she turns 7.

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This is pathetic, and people want to say there isn't a parenting problem in this country. Next time some one wants to blame the media,video games or movies they need to read this story and countless other ones and then sit down and shut up. Bad parenting makes me so mad and I don't even have kids.

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Katie is only a year old and she already knows "NO." I am not suggesting she is old enough to remember not to do the same thing again, but she will still stop what she is doing when we take that "tone" and use the "No" word. Nothing but reinforcement and consistency - is that so stinking hard? The little displays of independence and stubborn-ness are starting now too, and we are being firm and consistent in handling those too. Man, it's not rocket science!! But heaven forbid you turn your eyes off Jerry Springer or your soaps to actually give your child five minutes of your time or attention.

People like this stupid woman just don't want to admit their own shortcomings. My sister and I NEVER EVER EVER got in trouble in school because it would be a bajillion times worse when we got home. and we KNEW THAT. This child obviously has no fear, and what kind of reinforcement is this when her mom takes her side over the school!! Ridiculous.

All the crap about the media, violent games, etc. all comes back to one thing - PARENTING. Katie won't be listening to filthy music or playing Grand Theft Auto when she is 9 or 11 or even 15 - why? Because we will not allow it!! Very simple. If she does, it wil be behind our back - it will not be in front of my face in my own living room like some parents allow. Maybe I am being naive, but I will certainly try my best. Can I totally stop it? Probably not - but I can give it a shot.

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I have found that scheduled spankings work best. I don't feel guilty because my 7 year old son is the "spittin" image of me, as my mom says, so I know he has already did something I don't know about and probably will never know about it. :D

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I have found that scheduled spankings work best. I don't feel guilty because my 7 year old son is the "spittin" image of me, as my mom says, so I know he has already did something I don't know about and probably will never know about it. :D



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