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In sickness and in health


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I can't believe that this event has taken up one second of the President's time with all the extremely important issues out there there beg for attention that affect millions of people. Of course these politicians might lose some of their popularity if they tackle some tough issues. Let's spend a few days letting everyone know we are "for life", that will get us some votes.

It is funny that it is now backfiring on them a little. Let's see how quickly they drop it like a hot potato.

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Mr. Schiavo is one of the few that apparently can have it both ways: He can stay married to her and still manage to have kids with another woman, and still be the one responsible for her dehydrating and starving to death.

He should have either gotten a divorce or wait until she dies to sleep with another woman.

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Oh yes, let's all jump on mr. schiavo, when we don't have a clue what it's like to be in his shoes, so we can feel better about ourselves. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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It's just a no win situation. I wish the press and everyfreakingbody else would mind their own business on this and let it play out.

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I just wonder how some people may react if someone put a pillow over her face.Would they be upset? Would they rather her stave to death? She suppodedly feels no pain, so would that person be criminally charged?

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I would prefer a lethal injection if it were me, even though I wouldn't be conscious of what was happening to me. Even if I couldn't feel or recognize my situation, I wouldn't want to dehydrate to death like that. I guess I better get started on my living will.

Afa your reasoning, it is not sound imo. To me it is no different than disconnecting the ventilator on a brain dead person. They are not so much hastening the death as ending the artificial means that keep a person alive.

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I can't believe that this event has taken up one second of the President's time with all the extremely important issues out there there beg for attention that affect millions of people. Of course these politicians might lose some of their popularity if they tackle some tough issues. Let's spend a few days letting everyone know we are "for life", that will get us some votes.

It is funny that it is now backfiring on them a little. Let's see how quickly they drop it like a hot potato.


Sorry but he has been working on SS Reform for months and the millions of children it will affect.

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I can't believe that this event has taken up one second of the President's time with all the extremely important issues out there there beg for attention that affect millions of people. Of course these politicians might lose some of their popularity if they tackle some tough issues. Let's spend a few days letting everyone know we are "for life", that will get us some votes.

It is funny that it is now backfiring on them a little. Let's see how quickly they drop it like a hot potato.


Sorry but he has been working on SS Reform for months and the millions of children it will affect.


Well my point was that it is ridiculous for the pres. to waste a second on this issue much less as much time as he has. I support Bush, but S.S. is far form the only matter he coulda invested more time on instead of this issue. This is an issue for the woman's family to decide.

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I can't believe that this event has taken up one second of the President's time with all the extremely important issues out there there beg for attention that affect millions of people. Of course these politicians might lose some of their popularity if they tackle some tough issues. Let's spend a few days letting everyone know we are "for life", that will get us some votes.

It is funny that it is now backfiring on them a little. Let's see how quickly they drop it like a hot potato.


Sorry but he has been working on SS Reform for months and the millions of children it will affect.


Well my point was that it is ridiculous for the pres. to waste a second on this issue much less as much time as he has. I support Bush, but S.S. is far form the only matter he coulda invested more time on instead of this issue. This is an issue for the woman's family to decide.


And somewhere on this board I said just that. The only question is why wasnt there a living will. Then there would be no problem here.

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