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Trump's immigration ad wasn't just racist, it was based on a lie


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Trump’s new immigration ad was panned as racist. Turns out it was also based on a falsehood.

The expletive-filled advertisement President Trump released this week, seemingly to raise fears about immigration in advance of the midterm elections, was widely denounced, with Democrats and even some Republicans criticizing it as racist.

But beyond the outrage, the ad was also reportedly based on a falsehood.

The 53-second video, shared by the president on Twitter, focuses on the courtroom behavior of Luis Bracamontes, an undocumented immigrant who was convicted of killing two sheriff’s deputies in California in 2014 — and repeatedly bragged about the slayings during his trial.

“Democrats let him into our country,” the ad’s script reads. “Democrats let him stay.”

Just one problem: It doesn’t appear to be true.

Bracamontes, who had been deported multiple times before his crime rampage, appears to have last entered the country while George W. Bush was president, sometime between May 2001 and February 2002, when there is a record for his marriage in Arizonaaccording to the Sacramento Bee.

He lived near Salt Lake City until 2014, when a methamphetamine-fueled road trip ended with him murdering two Sacramento-area deputies, according to the newspaper.

The ad also failed to mention that in 1998, Bracamontes was arrested on drug charges in Phoenix, then released by the office of then-Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio “for reasons unknown,” the Bee reported.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office did not respond to a request for comment.

But in 2014, after Bracamontes surrendered in Northern California, Arpaio acknowledged that the killer had been arrested in his county, according to the Arizona Republic.

“He was booked into the jails I run for drug-related convictions,” Arpaio said at the time, according to the Republic. “He was evidently turned over to ICE and had been deported on two occasions.”

Bracamontes was deported under both Democratic and Republican presidents...



Yeah, Sheriff Arpaio - that well-known liberal Democrat let him loose. <_<

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