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TitanTiger last won the day on July 9

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  1. This forum is for serious discussion. That does not mean that it's not opinionated. It just means the aim is to have more in-depth discussions that are short on snark, drive by posts consisting of nothing more than a copy/paste of an op-ed, name calling, vitriol and partisan sloganeering and long on giving solid reasoning for the opinion you're arguing, trying to ask intelligent questions, to the best of your ability seek to foster good conversation even with your opposition and things like that. It's not an exact science, but it should give a general direction we're hoping for here.
  2. The determination on whether something goes in smack talk or here isn't whether it's an opinion or not.
  3. Has he though? He seems the same as ever to me. He's rambled incoherently ever since the 2015 primaries.
  4. Correct. Pulling a gun on someone - even if you are in the right and doing so for right reasons - is an escalator. And it may cause people to do irrational s*** in their fight or flight mode. Thus, it should be the last resort and only if you are fully prepared to kill someone.
  5. Absolutely. I'd make a certain amount of regular gun use and safety training be required for carrying a gun outside your home at the least.
  6. Or as an equalizer even if the other person doesn't have a gun. Women protecting themselves from men with violent intent. Normal to smaller sized men protecting themselves or others from larger, stronger, men with violent intent. If you're giving up 40, 50, 70 to 100 lbs in size, differences in fighting skill level, muscle mass differences, to someone - or dealing with someone hopped on on PCP or meth - you're going to need something to close that gap and close range weapons like a knife, bat or something aren't always practical or helpful.
  7. Maybe. It's not like this is her first presidential campaign either.
  8. If they believe the DNC is violating their own party rules or some election laws, then they should file suit to stop the process. What they want is not relevant or feasible. People in hell want ice water. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. BLM just wants to find a way to stay relevant. There's no practical way to do what they're asking.
  10. There was never any other outcome that would be reasonable.
  11. We have nothing but clowns running at this point.
  12. I could be wrong but I still maintain that the Democratic leadership doesn't really think Harris has a very good chance of winning this fall. This is more about Biden's debate performance feeding the view that he's not up to 4 more years and the malaise it has created for Democrats in general. They were worried too many Democratic voters would stay home altogether and all the down ballot races for House and Senate would be impacted to the point that the GOP would sweep the WH and Congress. Naming anyone younger and "not Biden" is just meant to give those folks a reason to show up at the polls and hopefully stave off a complete Republican takeover. Also, I think because they see the chance of overtaking Trump as very slim, they'd rather Harris (who they don't really believe in) take this "L" rather than hanging it on anyone they see as a real breakout star for 2028. That combined with the fact that bypassing Harris would piss off so much off their base, that's why she's going to be the nominee.
  13. I just don't think it's too much to ask that a presidential candidate have at least a bare minimum level of class, grace and decorum. Not every thought that flittered across your mind needs to be said out loud. We teach kindergarteners this.
  14. Nikki Haley said the same thing months ago: https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/joe-biden-drops-out-nikki-haley-b2583808.html
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