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If you're scared


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In anticipation of the pending Tebow to Bama announcement, let me be the first to say I am not scared of Tim Tebow. Bring him on. I am only weary already of the hype. Alabama is the master at coming up with "next". They are never content to allow a player or a coach to create his own legend, they live in the world of "next". The next Namath. The next Bear. The next Biscuit. The next incarnation of the '92 defense. And they continue to tilt at windmills.

A player is only as good as the teammates who surround him and the coaches who guide him.

I am not scared of Tim Tebow. Are you?

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What worries me is that he will steal away some of the players that we have a good chance at, especially recievers. I'm still holding out hope for Tim Hawthorne, and I sure don't want him going to bammer and their little wimp coach.

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I'm just afraid of freaking out, "going postal", and finding myself in prison for life if I have to listen to Bama fans brag about what a great recruiter Shula is for another year, if/when they get Tebow! :angry::puke:

I have no fear of their program catching ours as long as we have Tommy Tuberville and they have Mike Shula, regardless of what "superman" they sign out of high school. They may win some games with Tebow and may win the occasional Iron Bowl (no streak lasts forever), but CTT will always have a better overall program than CMS, IMHO.

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Mr. Tebow, if he signs with uat, needs to have a heavy dose of fear.

He needs to look at the tape of the Iron Bowl and get fitted for the proper, much needed extra padding NOW ! ! ! :lol::lol::lol:

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"Well I ain't scared of no boogerman!"-The Duke


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I ain't skerrrred. All indications are that Tim Tebow is a big time recruit and could be a great quarterback for whomever signs the kid. My brother in law is a high school head coach and saw him play twice in person. He said the guy is pretty darn good and should do well at the D-1 level. Okay, big deal.

The problem is exactly what many have alluded to. He's only as good as those around him and if he signs at UA, they better be doing their job in paying for...er, recruiting top shelf offensive linemen. Otherwise, the UT's, LSU's and Auburn's of the world will continue to tee off on him or whatever poor soul is back there.

Second, no matter how good this kid is, he will NEVER be as good as the unbelievable hype that has surrounded him. Superstars are a dime a dozen every year(Or in Bama's case $200K for one, but I digress :big: ) There are tons of five-start recruits all over the country; however, this kid has been the one annointed to be this year's Golden child. Two years ago, it was the Willie Wiiliams story. Best linebacker in the history of the free world. He did win some awards this year...right?

Last year, it was Ryan "I'm startin' right away cause' ain't nobody better than me" Perrilloux. His stats were...let's see here...how many yards did he throw for....uh, oh I see...he was redshirted. Next year, it will be some 6'5" 257 lb. running back who runs a 4.1 forty and whoever signs him will be forced to give up D-1 status and proceed directly to the Super Bowl. Even if President Bush is on to tell us our troops are coming home and every terrorist on the face of the earth has given us the keys to their C-4 filled Hyundai's and surrendered personally to Lynndie England, they will interrupt that speech to bring us his live announcement.

It's beyond belief what recruiting has become. But no, I ain't skerred.

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Watts, Brodie, the list could go on and on of bammer flops after all the hype.

If Tebow makes the mistake of going to the smaller school in the west then, the only thing I am scared of is he is a little fast than Brodie so he may be able to avoid sack 14 and 15 for the afternoon. :lol:

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scared no, concerned yes. This guy from all accounts is the real deal.

A true to life supastar, once in a lifetime player.

Of course that doesn't mean squat but the ripple effects may be felt for

quite some time.

As if the media circus isn't bad enough, besides ESPN' s primetime special

Channel 13 in Birmingham will carry the event live. Could that be a hint?

I'm surprised Oprah won't be there as well.

Some have said that since the announcement will be in a Jacksonville restaurant

(true?) that it could be ugly with unhappy Gator fans around if it doesn't go

their way.

Are any other schools in the SEC recruiting? You wouldn't think so.

I would think a hot shot db would love the chance to T-Bone the Tebow.

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Was the QB the big weakness in Bammer's offense this year?

I can't wait to see freshmanTebow and Stanley McClover meet face to face in the Iron Bowl.

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If Tebow makes the mistake of going to the smaller school in the west then, the only thing I am scared of is he is a little fast than Brodie so he may be able to avoid sack 14 and 15 for the afternoon.  :lol:



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T-One, this is where we may differ. The fact that some feel this guy is a "True to life superstar, once in a lifetime player" can probably be attributed to the hype that has accompnied this kid. I have no doubt he's good, but, the fact is, there has NEVER been this kind of production made over a high school kid making his announcement and most people belive this guy truly is a superman because he MUST be that good if they're making this big a deal out of it.

In recent conversations with both Bama and Florida fans, I've heard the question asked if this guy is black or white. NO, that has no bearing on anything, period. I say that to point out that many out there don't know a thing about this kid, his stats, his height or weight, his 40 time etc. They just know there's all this hoopla over his announcement, so he must be the greatest athlete ever to walk the earth.

Unless he announces for Florida, then he becomes a 2 star partial qualifier that we didn't need anyway. :big:

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scared no, concerned yes. This guy from all accounts is the real deal.

A true to life supastar, once in a lifetime player.

Of course that doesn't mean squat but the ripple effects may be felt for

quite some time.

As if the media circus isn't bad enough, besides ESPN' s primetime special

Channel 13 in Birmingham will carry the event live. Could that be a hint?

I'm surprised Oprah won't be there as well.

Some have said that since the announcement will be in a Jacksonville restaurant

(true?) that it could be ugly with unhappy Gator fans around if it doesn't go

their way.

Are any other schools in the SEC recruiting? You wouldn't think so.

I would think a hot shot db would love the chance to T-Bone the Tebow.


What time is the media circus? on ESPN?? :blink:

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The fact that the media allows itself to be collectively held hostage by some 18 year old kid who, while a good high school player, has yet to take even ONE snap in the toughest football conference in the nation is in and of itself DISGUSTING. Live press conference - good Lord. :angry:

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Guest Tigrinum Major
The fact that the media allows itself to be collectively held hostage by some 18 year old kid who, while a good high school player, has yet to take even ONE snap in the toughest football conference in the nation is in and of itself DISGUSTING.  Live press conference - good Lord. :angry:


It is not only the media. In fact, it isn't the media. It is the public, who demand that we annoint the next big thing.

How many basketball players have been the next Jordan? The next Russell? The next Magic? Plenty. How many have lived up to it? In my opinion, none.

Even those of us who have no dog in this recruiting fight are fascinated by it. We are hoping that he does not sign with Alabama, not neccessarily because he will lead them to an unprecendented string of 4 straight MNCs, but so that the coaches and fans of our main rival (not you, LSU fan) fall flat on their faces. There were a ton of threads on here early this week concerning this issue, when we had no direct interest in the situation, outside of which stadium we would be facing his future team in next season.

The media (or in this case, the entertainment channel of ESPN) only delivers what the public wants. The public wants drama.

Or gratuitous nudity.

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The fact that the media allows itself to be collectively held hostage by some 18 year old kid who, while a good high school player, has yet to take even ONE snap in the toughest football conference in the nation is in and of itself DISGUSTING.  Live press conference - good Lord. :angry:


It is not only the media. In fact, it isn't the media. It is the public, who demand that we annoint the next big thing.


The media (or in this case, the entertainment channel of ESPN) only delivers what the public wants. The public wants drama.

Or gratuitous nudity.


Oh, please. I totally disagree. You mean to tell me that the sheeple tell the media what they want to see? If not for the media, this led-around-by-the-nose culture we live in would not have the slightest clue about what they want to see or hear more about. It's Orwell and 1984 come to life. Kids want only the toys they see hyped on TV. All it takes is one well placed product in one overhyped tv show, and an item becomes the hottest item on the market. How many people rushed out to buy Dalmations after the Disney movie, or Chihuauas after those stupid Taco Bell commercials?? All some overpaid publicist has to do is get their client's untalented mug in some tabloid entertainment magazine and they are the next "Big Thing." Think Jessica Simpson. :no: No one but college coaches would have ever heard of Tommy TuTones if ESPN had not decided to make a big hoop-dee-ha-ha over him. No one would give a rats ass about Matt Lienart other than "the USC guy who's a great QB" if ESPN didn't give 24/7 coverage of his every move. Vince Young is as talented as ML and did not get anywhere NEAR the coverage Lienart got. How about Ronnie and Caddy? What a freaking awesome pair of guys that was - in every single way. They both had personal hardships that make Matt Leinart's crossed eyes look like bunions. They both had talent POURING out of their ears. However, their playing situation never errupted into some kind of power struggle - so there was nothing to hype. So they were pretty much ignored outside the SEC.

The media giveth and the media taketh away. They don't just report the who, what, where, when and how. These days, they decide it too. They don't give the public what it wants. They decide what the public wants, tell them they want it, make them frenzied to get it, then just deliver more of the same. They make drama out of crap that otherwise would be backpage news on any other day.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

This is almost a case of which came first, chicken (media reports) or egg (public's demand for media reports.)

You make some good points, mainly concerning whether the media gives the public what they want or whether they give the public what they tell them they want. As we become saturated with info, everyone wants something different. Some people want profiles and info on their current stars (Leinart) and some want info on their potential heroes (Tebow.) Either way, the entertainment industry (of which ESPN is now firmly entrenched as a member of) gives us what they want us to have, which is that from which they can get the most ratings. USC is the "hot" team, so therefore they inudate the market with info about their current stars. SEC is still the hotbed of recruiting junkies, so The Tim Tebow Tattletale Tell-All becomes the big thing they can market to the rubes down here.

So, which was it that came first, the demand of this type of programming or the programming itself? I will give you the point about the "media's" selectivity about which stories they promote, but the basis demand amongst the hardcore fan has to be there before they put it on the air. It is a symbiotic relationship that shows no sign of changing anytime soon.

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