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About roe4christ

  • Birthday May 21

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    Serving the Lord, Seeing people accept Christ as their personal Savior, Cheering my daughter on at OSU, Auburn Athletics.
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  1. The staff is doing an excellent job. Following up last year's class with another good one in 2025. This is how you build a strong program. Requires stacking a few of these classes together but Freeze and company get it. Polar opposite from that other guys (no mention of his name will be uttered ever again).
  2. What would be the reason that the entire staff sat down and had a video meeting/call with him? Entire staff. Have they researched him since the incident and determined that he has matured since that time and worthy of a talk? I am sure they would have done their homework before taking such a step. What does this mean about JIC and his visit/interest. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of this. No doubt the kid can play and would be something to watch at Auburn. Having said that, the optics would be tough to get around. We said the same thing with Coach Freeze and he has done a great job since getting his second chance. We'll see where this goes........could be nothing or it could be rehabilitation 2.0.
  3. I like that latest Lunardi prediction. I think it gives us the best chance. Easiest of the four in my opinion. Kansas without Dickerson. NC, who is currently getting beat by NC State and an Arizona team that is beatable, for sure. Give me this outcome and I will feel good.....not great but better than if we were in one of the other three brackets.
  4. Look at it this way. We have more money now to spend post spring on any remaining needs. I am not upset with this. If we didn't have the stacked WR's class we just pulled in.....maybe but I think this actually could be a good thing. Not making excuses for losing him, it would have been a good get but in the long run, I think this is not that bad of a thing. Now we move on.
  5. Put pressure on their guards making it hard for them to dribble or advance the ball - They are prone to high turnovers. We are one of the best in 3pt field goal defense. They rely on 3pt baskets. Make it tough. Hand in the face without fouling. Be physical, if that's possible without getting into foul trouble. It is the primary reason Tennessee won by the margin they did. They made things very uncomforable, which Bama could not handle. We are the deepest team in the league, but we don't want to put our guys in foul trouble too early, especially Broome and Williams. Limit long droughts without baskets. Make free throws. Can't give away points from the line.
  6. Well, if nothing else we can find out during the last visit what Bama offered to get him to cancel the UT visit. We can then decide if we want to match or exceed. How important is he with 4 very good WR's already in the stable and could the money required be better used for other needs? Guess that is where we are at now. Let's just hope he doesn't cancel his visit to us. If so, we know the answer.
  7. I think this week will tell us a lot more about our team. Road games at Bama and Miss. St. will show us what we are really made of. Need to be focused for each game and not think to highly of ourselves. I think Bruce has been trying to instill that into the team. The moment you think you are "all that" is the moment you get a reality check. Stay humble, stay hungry, and take care of business. Nothing more.....nothing less.
  8. Sorry you all are dealing with some nasty weather. 😬 This is my reality 365 days a year. Flip-flops and shorts year-round. 😁 I'm a far cry from Boaz, Alabama. Stay safe.
  9. Snow and ice......what's that? I am wearing flip flops and shorts every day. 😁
  10. One game at a time but I think we win tomorrow. Ole Miss at home over the weekend is very favorable. Next week will show us what kind of team we really have. Alabama and Mississippi State on the road. Survive that and we finish off the month with Vandy again at home. I think we will be at the very least 17-4 or at best 19-2. We shall see. Again, one game at a time.
  11. Get passed Vandy (especially if it's by double digits and on the road) and I think we finally reach the Top 10.
  12. Alot of the teams above us got beat or had a rough go of it today. We should move up the polls substantially again this week. Wouldn't be surprised to be #10. I like the direction we are heading in. Keep getting better. Sky is the limit.
  13. Is there still time over the weekend to still get any more transfers in time to go through spring training? What is the cutoff date for enrollment?
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