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USC under investigation

The Prowler

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Enough of this Patty Cake BullSh**......who's your favorite player, where's the biggest stadium you've went to, what's your favorite play of ALL TIME..........Who freakin' cares, okay........USC is now under possible Recruiting Violations........And I don't want to have this **** sweept under the rug.............The violations are, Coach Carroll has been taken his recruits to a Certain Restaurant that is 25 miles from the campus with entrees that are as high as $60, the combination of distance and expense go way beyond the NCAA stipulation for regular college life eating.......also the owner of that restaurant Papadakis Taverna, John Papadakis, is a former player and considered a "representative of athletics interests" by the NCAA and is prohibited from speaking to recruits about the Trojans......But, he gives Impassioned Speeches to the recruits that include talking about the Significanace of the Trojans' Cardinal and Gold Uniform Colors, he also closes the dining experience, belly dancers, Greek dances, and breaking of plates, by urging recruits to declare, "I want to be a Trojan." See....................Now we know why the trojans have been recruiting so freakin' good year in, year out.......oh yea and are going for 2 1/2 straight MNC.....War "BY GOD" Eagle

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Let me see if I understand, Coach Carol took recruits to resteraunt where the owner tries to hotbox recruits. *@!&*%!!!!!!!!

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Nothing is going to come of this. The NCAA will turn a head just like they did with Leinhart a few weeks ago recording the ESPN promo. Even if sanctions come from this, they will be minor. I don't think USC is a completely clean program though. The size of the rocks in Bush's ears let me know at least one person is getting cash on the side. The fact that USC is a pretty tough school and their football players are academically among the nations poorest sounds an alarm too... someone is letting them slide by somewhere. Who's paying for Leinhart's bodyguard?

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I'm sure this is going to go away like the Tee Martin thing. USC is like UAT in the 70's, everyone knew they were cheating but their record was so good no one wanted to do anything about it.

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