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Gowebb11 last won the day on November 2 2023

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    AU football, Boston Red Sox, Marksmanship, Hiking
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  1. Very true. I’m beyond fatigued on US politics and culture. It’s not healthy to invest much time following either too closely. Too much hate, division, and misinformation. I have to continually remind myself that the overall quality of my life doesn’t change based on who is in the White House.
  2. I’m not sure what’s more frightening about that clip. The facts that he said it and believes it, or the fact that he has a room full of people who are excited and clapping about it. WTH has happened to us as a nation? My message to JD: “Your life story, though compelling is not unique. Often the only refuge for kids in dire situations is the helping hand of a childless couple, who because they’re childless have the resources and bandwidth to invest time and effort into saving you. Now, stop being a dingbat.”
  3. I’m still trying to save up for my faux Gold Trump sneakers but by this time next year I should be able to get Melanie’s book too! Oh boy 😅
  4. Road rage: two people are in each others life for all of 30-90 seconds, one dies and the other life is changed forever. Senseless. Drive away.
  5. How many people do you know who are truly waffling between KH and DJT? The Trumpers are going Trump. If you were going to vote for Biden you’ll vote for her. Plus those who are anti-Trump who were going to stay home but will now care enough to vote. Will it be enough? We’ll see. But if your still undecided at this juncture you’re probably not the type to dig into her Senate record.
  6. With who? Trump supporters are aligned and will support him 100%. She’s not courting the Republican vote. What KH brings is energy to the democrats who might’ve otherwise stayed home. Nome of them are going to suddenly vote for Trump because of her voting record.
  7. You just described the way I’ve felt The last 8 years listening to the Orangeman’s constant lies, exaggerations, and venom. You do eventually get used to it so hang in there. 😅
  8. Interesting post from Vance’s wife. Kamala has a much better resume than JD when it comes to work history. Seven years as a DA, 6 years as the Attorney General of California, and 4 years as a Senator. He’s had 4 years as a Marine Journalist, a couple of years each as a lawyer at a private firm, finance guy, and Senator.
  9. This of course will be dismissed as ‘locker room’ banter. And lumped into the ‘whataboutism’ discussion. If this is said on a public stage right after an assassination attempt, imagine what is being talked about in private.
  10. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-trump-election-07-21-24#h_6a8278e8df8ace73c84df57af6af8614 Joe Manchin being mentioned. At a mere 76 years of age, he brings a burst of youth. 😅
  11. It’s funny to me how little age plays into who should run the country. If after firing Harsin, AU had hired Steve Spurrier (79) as HC and Bill Oliver (84) as DC, no one would think that is a good idea. But we somehow think it works for POTUS. Crazy times.
  12. Noticed that too. Saw Vandy more than AU. This version may just be a peak at the type of graphics and video flow they plan on using.
  13. Great topic. I was an evangelical through all of my childhood and early adulthood. It took me a lot of years, exploration, and reading of the Bible (slowly and in small increments) to illuminate how selective I was with the scriptures I practiced and those I simply ignored.
  14. And they don’t acknowledge yours. So y’all can all go lawless at the same time. Ought to be interesting.
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