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Plausible Deniability? YES!


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We are running out of oil. Well duh. Yea, I believe Dubya was told the lies. He had no choice but to go with the intelligence he was given, even though it was a lie. All attention has been on Dubya, while Cheney, the "WIZARD" behind the curtain, has been calling all of the shots. Cheney's energy task force minutes should be released, immediately. Iran is next, and our children's, children's, children's...etc. will pay for it. Or, we'll go broke in the process of conquering the world's oil reserves. Britain, China and Russia are in it to. Heck, there are many countries interest in the spoils of war(s). Sad thing is we're paying for it with worthless US currency (DEBT). Iraqi Compliance Regime Change!

War for Oil - BBC - Part 1/3

War for Oil - BBC - Part 2/3

War for Oil - BBC - Part 3/3

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Imminent threat? 45 minutes to a mushroom cloud? :lol:


Now YOU'RE spreading the lie. Those words were never spoken as you try to portray. You know this, but it's far easier for you to be intellectually dishonest than to deal w/ the facts.

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