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The Real Story


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All right. Welcome to "The Real Story."

Tonight, I`ve got two stories that will take away the last ounce of respect you have left for our leaders in Washington. I know, not a lot in there, but let`s whittle it away some more.

Let`s start with illegal immigration. Everybody in Washington is talking about these U.S. attorneys that were fired. But the real story is, we should be looking harder at who wasn`t fired, and my list begins and ends with a guy named Johnny Sutton. Remember that name. He`s the U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas. He`s a long-time friend of President George W. Bush. And what`s not in his bio is this is the cretin that has been locking up the very people who are trying to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

You already know the story about the border agents, Compean and Ramos, two guys who are now serving ridiculously long sentences for allegedly shooting an illegal drug smuggler in the butt as he led them on a chase. It was Johnny Sutton who mercilessly prosecuted these agents, even in the face of conflicting testimony and evidence.

Then, we have Sheriff`s Deputy Gilmer Hernandez. In 2005, this guy fired at the tires of a Chevy Suburban packed with illegal aliens, and this Suburban was actually trying to run him over after fleeing from a traffic stop. Now, as he shot at the tires, a piece of one bullet superficially wounded one of the hiding illegal aliens in the back, and Hernandez was convicted of violating this woman`s civil rights.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney -- what a surprise -- Johnny Sutton prosecuted Hernandez and recommended an unbelievable six years in prison. He was sentenced yesterday, year and one day. Of course, none of the illegal aliens were ever charged with anything.

What is it saying when we allow our U.S. attorney to prosecute and lock up three different men who were trying to do their jobs? Are you trying to send some sort of message, Mr. Sutton? If so, congratulations. Message delivered.

Everyone now knows that the western district of Texas, a district that just happens to include the Bush Crawford ranch, cares more about the civil rights of illegal aliens than the rights of people who are just trying to protect us and enforce our laws. I know, it`s an old-fashioned idea that Texans used to understand.


Now, somehow or another, if you`re still not convinced that our leaders are playing us all for fools, then buckle up, brother, because this will make blood shoot out of your eyes. I told you a couple of weeks ago, our soldiers` lives are for sale in Washington. Today, real story, finally found out the price. What does it cost? What do our soldiers cost? What are they worth to us?

Here it is, $9.9 billion. That`s the amount of, quote, "non-military spending" -- translation, pork -- included in the House emergency war appropriations bill. This is a bill that sets an August 31, 2008, deadline for withdrawing the troops from Iraq. Wow, a date that is coincidentally just ten weeks away before the presidential election. Who would have seen that coming?

I want to explain to you why this is such a big deal, and I think the best way to do that is to put you in a position of a politician who`s actually trying to do the right thing.

Let`s say you`re in Washington. Pretend for just a second you`re Republican Congressman Marilyn Musgrave, OK? You`re 100 percent against setting a deadline for withdrawing the troops. Hillary Clinton was against it, you know, two years ago. You`re still against it.

Last week, the emergency spending bill is released, and you notice that it happens to include $3.7 billion in agricultural assistance for ranchers. Well, that`s aid your Colorado farmers have been begging you for. You haven`t been able to get it done. So your choice, your ranchers or the soldiers. You can`t have both. What do you do, Congressman?

Now, let`s say you`re Republican Congressman Charles Boustany. This guy`s been against the troop withdrawal. You`re against it. Got it? Remember? You`ve been lobbying for money to help your Louisiana rice farmers hold the saltwater back from destroying their crops, and for years you`ve been asking, and everybody in Congress says no. Then, last week, out of the blue, $15 million just suddenly falls right into your lap, but only if you vote for the war spending bill. Rice farmers or our soldiers? Can`t have both. What do you do?

Literally dozens of politicians who are caught in this trap, Sam Farr from California being offered $25 million for his hard-hit spinach growers. Bobby Jindal from Louisiana, you can have that $2.9 billion for desperately needed Hurricane Katrina repairs. Georgia Democrats, cash in on that $75 million worth of peanut storage, if they`ll turn against their own conscience.

And just in case, some lawmakers are inadvertently left out of the free-cash-for-votes extravaganza, Nancy Pelosi has done an extra little thing. She`s covered her bases by including the minimum wage hike. So part of this bill is about minimum wage.

So guess what, Democrats? A vote against losing this war is now a vote against low-wage workers, not exactly popular if you`re looking for re-election in a couple of years.

A few weeks ago, during a press conference, President Bush said, quote, "Money trumps peace sometimes." I want you to think about that, because as we sit here on the verge of trading American lives of our soldiers for spinach and peanuts and rice, those words will never ring more true. Money is about to trump peace.

According to Tex, if you quote someone you agree with more than a couple of times, you view this person as a God. I guess I have gone overboard now with quoting Glenn Beck once again. I guess in Tex's little brain, this would make Beck bigger than God to me.

If Tex's notion is true, what does that say about Tex with the sources he cites? :rolleyes:

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All right. Welcome to "The Real Story."

Tonight, I`ve got two stories that will take away the last ounce of respect you have left for our leaders in Washington. I know, not a lot in there, but let`s whittle it away some more.

Let`s start with illegal immigration. Everybody in Washington is talking about these U.S. attorneys that were fired. But the real story is, we should be looking harder at who wasn`t fired, and my list begins and ends with a guy named Johnny Sutton. Remember that name. He`s the U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas. He`s a long-time friend of President George W. Bush. And what`s not in his bio is this is the cretin that has been locking up the very people who are trying to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

You already know the story about the border agents, Compean and Ramos, two guys who are now serving ridiculously long sentences for allegedly shooting an illegal drug smuggler in the butt as he led them on a chase. It was Johnny Sutton who mercilessly prosecuted these agents, even in the face of conflicting testimony and evidence.

Then, we have Sheriff`s Deputy Gilmer Hernandez. In 2005, this guy fired at the tires of a Chevy Suburban packed with illegal aliens, and this Suburban was actually trying to run him over after fleeing from a traffic stop. Now, as he shot at the tires, a piece of one bullet superficially wounded one of the hiding illegal aliens in the back, and Hernandez was convicted of violating this woman`s civil rights.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney -- what a surprise -- Johnny Sutton prosecuted Hernandez and recommended an unbelievable six years in prison. He was sentenced yesterday, year and one day. Of course, none of the illegal aliens were ever charged with anything.

What is it saying when we allow our U.S. attorney to prosecute and lock up three different men who were trying to do their jobs? Are you trying to send some sort of message, Mr. Sutton? If so, congratulations. Message delivered.

Everyone now knows that the western district of Texas, a district that just happens to include the Bush Crawford ranch, cares more about the civil rights of illegal aliens than the rights of people who are just trying to protect us and enforce our laws. I know, it`s an old-fashioned idea that Texans used to understand.


Now, somehow or another, if you`re still not convinced that our leaders are playing us all for fools, then buckle up, brother, because this will make blood shoot out of your eyes. I told you a couple of weeks ago, our soldiers` lives are for sale in Washington. Today, real story, finally found out the price. What does it cost? What do our soldiers cost? What are they worth to us?

Here it is, $9.9 billion. That`s the amount of, quote, "non-military spending" -- translation, pork -- included in the House emergency war appropriations bill. This is a bill that sets an August 31, 2008, deadline for withdrawing the troops from Iraq. Wow, a date that is coincidentally just ten weeks away before the presidential election. Who would have seen that coming?

I want to explain to you why this is such a big deal, and I think the best way to do that is to put you in a position of a politician who`s actually trying to do the right thing.

Let`s say you`re in Washington. Pretend for just a second you`re Republican Congressman Marilyn Musgrave, OK? You`re 100 percent against setting a deadline for withdrawing the troops. Hillary Clinton was against it, you know, two years ago. You`re still against it.

Last week, the emergency spending bill is released, and you notice that it happens to include $3.7 billion in agricultural assistance for ranchers. Well, that`s aid your Colorado farmers have been begging you for. You haven`t been able to get it done. So your choice, your ranchers or the soldiers. You can`t have both. What do you do, Congressman?

Now, let`s say you`re Republican Congressman Charles Boustany. This guy`s been against the troop withdrawal. You`re against it. Got it? Remember? You`ve been lobbying for money to help your Louisiana rice farmers hold the saltwater back from destroying their crops, and for years you`ve been asking, and everybody in Congress says no. Then, last week, out of the blue, $15 million just suddenly falls right into your lap, but only if you vote for the war spending bill. Rice farmers or our soldiers? Can`t have both. What do you do?

Literally dozens of politicians who are caught in this trap, Sam Farr from California being offered $25 million for his hard-hit spinach growers. Bobby Jindal from Louisiana, you can have that $2.9 billion for desperately needed Hurricane Katrina repairs. Georgia Democrats, cash in on that $75 million worth of peanut storage, if they`ll turn against their own conscience.

And just in case, some lawmakers are inadvertently left out of the free-cash-for-votes extravaganza, Nancy Pelosi has done an extra little thing. She`s covered her bases by including the minimum wage hike. So part of this bill is about minimum wage.

So guess what, Democrats? A vote against losing this war is now a vote against low-wage workers, not exactly popular if you`re looking for re-election in a couple of years.

A few weeks ago, during a press conference, President Bush said, quote, "Money trumps peace sometimes." I want you to think about that, because as we sit here on the verge of trading American lives of our soldiers for spinach and peanuts and rice, those words will never ring more true. Money is about to trump peace.

According to Tex, if you quote someone you agree with more than a couple of times, you view this person as a God. I guess I have gone overboard now with quoting Glenn Beck once again. I guess in Tex's little brain, this would make Beck bigger than God to me.

If Tex's notion is true, what does that say about Tex with the sources he cites? :rolleyes:

I cite no one source as much as you do Beck. You hang on his every word. That's okay-- it's your right Why so defensive?

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All right. Welcome to "The Real Story."

Tonight, I`ve got two stories that will take away the last ounce of respect you have left for our leaders in Washington. I know, not a lot in there, but let`s whittle it away some more.

Let`s start with illegal immigration. Everybody in Washington is talking about these U.S. attorneys that were fired. But the real story is, we should be looking harder at who wasn`t fired, and my list begins and ends with a guy named Johnny Sutton. Remember that name. He`s the U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas. He`s a long-time friend of President George W. Bush. And what`s not in his bio is this is the cretin that has been locking up the very people who are trying to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

You already know the story about the border agents, Compean and Ramos, two guys who are now serving ridiculously long sentences for allegedly shooting an illegal drug smuggler in the butt as he led them on a chase. It was Johnny Sutton who mercilessly prosecuted these agents, even in the face of conflicting testimony and evidence.

Then, we have Sheriff`s Deputy Gilmer Hernandez. In 2005, this guy fired at the tires of a Chevy Suburban packed with illegal aliens, and this Suburban was actually trying to run him over after fleeing from a traffic stop. Now, as he shot at the tires, a piece of one bullet superficially wounded one of the hiding illegal aliens in the back, and Hernandez was convicted of violating this woman`s civil rights.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney -- what a surprise -- Johnny Sutton prosecuted Hernandez and recommended an unbelievable six years in prison. He was sentenced yesterday, year and one day. Of course, none of the illegal aliens were ever charged with anything.

What is it saying when we allow our U.S. attorney to prosecute and lock up three different men who were trying to do their jobs? Are you trying to send some sort of message, Mr. Sutton? If so, congratulations. Message delivered.

Everyone now knows that the western district of Texas, a district that just happens to include the Bush Crawford ranch, cares more about the civil rights of illegal aliens than the rights of people who are just trying to protect us and enforce our laws. I know, it`s an old-fashioned idea that Texans used to understand.


Now, somehow or another, if you`re still not convinced that our leaders are playing us all for fools, then buckle up, brother, because this will make blood shoot out of your eyes. I told you a couple of weeks ago, our soldiers` lives are for sale in Washington. Today, real story, finally found out the price. What does it cost? What do our soldiers cost? What are they worth to us?

Here it is, $9.9 billion. That`s the amount of, quote, "non-military spending" -- translation, pork -- included in the House emergency war appropriations bill. This is a bill that sets an August 31, 2008, deadline for withdrawing the troops from Iraq. Wow, a date that is coincidentally just ten weeks away before the presidential election. Who would have seen that coming?

I want to explain to you why this is such a big deal, and I think the best way to do that is to put you in a position of a politician who`s actually trying to do the right thing.

Let`s say you`re in Washington. Pretend for just a second you`re Republican Congressman Marilyn Musgrave, OK? You`re 100 percent against setting a deadline for withdrawing the troops. Hillary Clinton was against it, you know, two years ago. You`re still against it.

Last week, the emergency spending bill is released, and you notice that it happens to include $3.7 billion in agricultural assistance for ranchers. Well, that`s aid your Colorado farmers have been begging you for. You haven`t been able to get it done. So your choice, your ranchers or the soldiers. You can`t have both. What do you do, Congressman?

Now, let`s say you`re Republican Congressman Charles Boustany. This guy`s been against the troop withdrawal. You`re against it. Got it? Remember? You`ve been lobbying for money to help your Louisiana rice farmers hold the saltwater back from destroying their crops, and for years you`ve been asking, and everybody in Congress says no. Then, last week, out of the blue, $15 million just suddenly falls right into your lap, but only if you vote for the war spending bill. Rice farmers or our soldiers? Can`t have both. What do you do?

Literally dozens of politicians who are caught in this trap, Sam Farr from California being offered $25 million for his hard-hit spinach growers. Bobby Jindal from Louisiana, you can have that $2.9 billion for desperately needed Hurricane Katrina repairs. Georgia Democrats, cash in on that $75 million worth of peanut storage, if they`ll turn against their own conscience.

And just in case, some lawmakers are inadvertently left out of the free-cash-for-votes extravaganza, Nancy Pelosi has done an extra little thing. She`s covered her bases by including the minimum wage hike. So part of this bill is about minimum wage.

So guess what, Democrats? A vote against losing this war is now a vote against low-wage workers, not exactly popular if you`re looking for re-election in a couple of years.

A few weeks ago, during a press conference, President Bush said, quote, "Money trumps peace sometimes." I want you to think about that, because as we sit here on the verge of trading American lives of our soldiers for spinach and peanuts and rice, those words will never ring more true. Money is about to trump peace.

According to Tex, if you quote someone you agree with more than a couple of times, you view this person as a God. I guess I have gone overboard now with quoting Glenn Beck once again. I guess in Tex's little brain, this would make Beck bigger than God to me.

If Tex's notion is true, what does that say about Tex with the sources he cites? :rolleyes:

I cite no one source as much as you do Beck. You hang on his every word. That's okay-- it's your right Why so defensive?

If questioning you about your silly attacks is defensive, then so be it.

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All right. Welcome to "The Real Story."

Tonight, I`ve got two stories that will take away the last ounce of respect you have left for our leaders in Washington. I know, not a lot in there, but let`s whittle it away some more.

Let`s start with illegal immigration. Everybody in Washington is talking about these U.S. attorneys that were fired. But the real story is, we should be looking harder at who wasn`t fired, and my list begins and ends with a guy named Johnny Sutton. Remember that name. He`s the U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas. He`s a long-time friend of President George W. Bush. And what`s not in his bio is this is the cretin that has been locking up the very people who are trying to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

You already know the story about the border agents, Compean and Ramos, two guys who are now serving ridiculously long sentences for allegedly shooting an illegal drug smuggler in the butt as he led them on a chase. It was Johnny Sutton who mercilessly prosecuted these agents, even in the face of conflicting testimony and evidence.

Then, we have Sheriff`s Deputy Gilmer Hernandez. In 2005, this guy fired at the tires of a Chevy Suburban packed with illegal aliens, and this Suburban was actually trying to run him over after fleeing from a traffic stop. Now, as he shot at the tires, a piece of one bullet superficially wounded one of the hiding illegal aliens in the back, and Hernandez was convicted of violating this woman`s civil rights.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney -- what a surprise -- Johnny Sutton prosecuted Hernandez and recommended an unbelievable six years in prison. He was sentenced yesterday, year and one day. Of course, none of the illegal aliens were ever charged with anything.

What is it saying when we allow our U.S. attorney to prosecute and lock up three different men who were trying to do their jobs? Are you trying to send some sort of message, Mr. Sutton? If so, congratulations. Message delivered.

Everyone now knows that the western district of Texas, a district that just happens to include the Bush Crawford ranch, cares more about the civil rights of illegal aliens than the rights of people who are just trying to protect us and enforce our laws. I know, it`s an old-fashioned idea that Texans used to understand.


Now, somehow or another, if you`re still not convinced that our leaders are playing us all for fools, then buckle up, brother, because this will make blood shoot out of your eyes. I told you a couple of weeks ago, our soldiers` lives are for sale in Washington. Today, real story, finally found out the price. What does it cost? What do our soldiers cost? What are they worth to us?

Here it is, $9.9 billion. That`s the amount of, quote, "non-military spending" -- translation, pork -- included in the House emergency war appropriations bill. This is a bill that sets an August 31, 2008, deadline for withdrawing the troops from Iraq. Wow, a date that is coincidentally just ten weeks away before the presidential election. Who would have seen that coming?

I want to explain to you why this is such a big deal, and I think the best way to do that is to put you in a position of a politician who`s actually trying to do the right thing.

Let`s say you`re in Washington. Pretend for just a second you`re Republican Congressman Marilyn Musgrave, OK? You`re 100 percent against setting a deadline for withdrawing the troops. Hillary Clinton was against it, you know, two years ago. You`re still against it.

Last week, the emergency spending bill is released, and you notice that it happens to include $3.7 billion in agricultural assistance for ranchers. Well, that`s aid your Colorado farmers have been begging you for. You haven`t been able to get it done. So your choice, your ranchers or the soldiers. You can`t have both. What do you do, Congressman?

Now, let`s say you`re Republican Congressman Charles Boustany. This guy`s been against the troop withdrawal. You`re against it. Got it? Remember? You`ve been lobbying for money to help your Louisiana rice farmers hold the saltwater back from destroying their crops, and for years you`ve been asking, and everybody in Congress says no. Then, last week, out of the blue, $15 million just suddenly falls right into your lap, but only if you vote for the war spending bill. Rice farmers or our soldiers? Can`t have both. What do you do?

Literally dozens of politicians who are caught in this trap, Sam Farr from California being offered $25 million for his hard-hit spinach growers. Bobby Jindal from Louisiana, you can have that $2.9 billion for desperately needed Hurricane Katrina repairs. Georgia Democrats, cash in on that $75 million worth of peanut storage, if they`ll turn against their own conscience.

And just in case, some lawmakers are inadvertently left out of the free-cash-for-votes extravaganza, Nancy Pelosi has done an extra little thing. She`s covered her bases by including the minimum wage hike. So part of this bill is about minimum wage.

So guess what, Democrats? A vote against losing this war is now a vote against low-wage workers, not exactly popular if you`re looking for re-election in a couple of years.

A few weeks ago, during a press conference, President Bush said, quote, "Money trumps peace sometimes." I want you to think about that, because as we sit here on the verge of trading American lives of our soldiers for spinach and peanuts and rice, those words will never ring more true. Money is about to trump peace.

According to Tex, if you quote someone you agree with more than a couple of times, you view this person as a God. I guess I have gone overboard now with quoting Glenn Beck once again. I guess in Tex's little brain, this would make Beck bigger than God to me.

If Tex's notion is true, what does that say about Tex with the sources he cites? :rolleyes:

I cite no one source as much as you do Beck. You hang on his every word. That's okay-- it's your right Why so defensive?

If questioning you about your silly attacks is defensive, then so be it.

You love and admire Beck. That's okay. We aren't disagreeing on that are we?

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Love is a bit strong but I do admire Beck. He makes many a good point that you can't refute. Good enough for me! ;)

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Everybody in Washington is talking about these U.S. attorneys that were fired. But the real story is, we should be looking harder at who wasn`t fired, and my list begins and ends with a guy named Johnny Sutton. Remember that name. He`s the U.S. attorney for the western district of Texas. He`s a long-time friend of President George W. Bush. And what`s not in his bio is this is the cretin that has been locking up the very people who are trying to secure our borders and enforce our laws.

You already know the story about the border agents, Compean and Ramos, two guys who are now serving ridiculously long sentences for allegedly shooting an illegal drug smuggler in the butt as he led them on a chase. It was Johnny Sutton who mercilessly prosecuted these agents, even in the face of conflicting testimony and evidence.

Then, we have Sheriff`s Deputy Gilmer Hernandez. In 2005, this guy fired at the tires of a Chevy Suburban packed with illegal aliens, and this Suburban was actually trying to run him over after fleeing from a traffic stop. Now, as he shot at the tires, a piece of one bullet superficially wounded one of the hiding illegal aliens in the back, and Hernandez was convicted of violating this woman`s civil rights.

The government, led by U.S. Attorney -- what a surprise -- Johnny Sutton prosecuted Hernandez and recommended an unbelievable six years in prison. He was sentenced yesterday, year and one day. Of course, none of the illegal aliens were ever charged with anything.

What is it saying when we allow our U.S. attorney to prosecute and lock up three different men who were trying to do their jobs? Are you trying to send some sort of message, Mr. Sutton? If so, congratulations. Message delivered.

Everyone now knows that the western district of Texas, a district that just happens to include the Bush Crawford ranch, cares more about the civil rights of illegal aliens than the rights of people who are just trying to protect us and enforce our laws. I know, it`s an old-fashioned idea that Texans used to understand.

I don't know what is going on with this border issue but it is hacking me off. This is not the first example of the US Gov. attacking it's own guards for doing their job. :angry:

Now, somehow or another, if you`re still not convinced that our leaders are playing us all for fools, then buckle up, brother, because this will make blood shoot out of your eyes. I told you a couple of weeks ago, our soldiers` lives are for sale in Washington. Today, real story, finally found out the price. What does it cost? What do our soldiers cost? What are they worth to us?

Here it is, $9.9 billion. That`s the amount of, quote, "non-military spending" -- translation, pork -- included in the House emergency war appropriations bill. This is a bill that sets an August 31, 2008, deadline for withdrawing the troops from Iraq. Wow, a date that is coincidentally just ten weeks away before the presidential election. Who would have seen that coming?

I want to explain to you why this is such a big deal, and I think the best way to do that is to put you in a position of a politician who`s actually trying to do the right thing.

Let`s say you`re in Washington. Pretend for just a second you`re Republican Congressman Marilyn Musgrave, OK? You`re 100 percent against setting a deadline for withdrawing the troops. Hillary Clinton was against it, you know, two years ago. You`re still against it.

Last week, the emergency spending bill is released, and you notice that it happens to include $3.7 billion in agricultural assistance for ranchers. Well, that`s aid your Colorado farmers have been begging you for. You haven`t been able to get it done. So your choice, your ranchers or the soldiers. You can`t have both. What do you do, Congressman?

Now, let`s say you`re Republican Congressman Charles Boustany. This guy`s been against the troop withdrawal. You`re against it. Got it? Remember? You`ve been lobbying for money to help your Louisiana rice farmers hold the saltwater back from destroying their crops, and for years you`ve been asking, and everybody in Congress says no. Then, last week, out of the blue, $15 million just suddenly falls right into your lap, but only if you vote for the war spending bill. Rice farmers or our soldiers? Can`t have both. What do you do?

Literally dozens of politicians who are caught in this trap, Sam Farr from California being offered $25 million for his hard-hit spinach growers. Bobby Jindal from Louisiana, you can have that $2.9 billion for desperately needed Hurricane Katrina repairs. Georgia Democrats, cash in on that $75 million worth of peanut storage, if they`ll turn against their own conscience.

And just in case, some lawmakers are inadvertently left out of the free-cash-for-votes extravaganza, Nancy Pelosi has done an extra little thing. She`s covered her bases by including the minimum wage hike. So part of this bill is about minimum wage.

So guess what, Democrats? A vote against losing this war is now a vote against low-wage workers, not exactly popular if you`re looking for re-election in a couple of years.

A few weeks ago, during a press conference, President Bush said, quote, "Money trumps peace sometimes." I want you to think about that, because as we sit here on the verge of trading American lives of our soldiers for spinach and peanuts and rice, those words will never ring more true. Money is about to trump peace.

Is there anyone that is surprised by this? Is this OK with anyone on here?

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