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All partisanship aside, look at who's the most qualified for President.


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Why is the Democratic party even running? They simply don't have the horses for this race, if we're to take each candidate's qualifications. Hillary and Osbama are both first time Senators. Neither has any substantial legislation to hang their hat on. Hillary pretended she was co-President for 8 yrs, and what does she have to show for it ? A failed attempt at Socialized medicine for the nation. Bravo. <_<

John Edwards ? This one time Senator couldn't get re-elected if all of N.Carolina was inhabited with MEEL workers, just like his diddy was. He never was part of the power structure while Senator.

Bill Richardson's about the only candidate with any REAL gravitas, but the media has chosen their top 2 candidates... Hill or Obama.

Compare that list of wanna bees to what the GOP has running.

Mitt Romney was GOP gov in Liberal Mass. He saved a scandal riddled Winter Olympics, which turned out to be the most well run and profitable in history.

Rudi Giuliani went from being a brilliant prosecutor to turning around the nation's largest city.

If Fred Thompson makes his bid official, he'll only bring far more credability to the GOP.

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Overall, the most qualified candidate is Biden.

"Qualified" Democrats: Biden & Clinton

"Qualified" Republicans: McCain, Fred Thompson, Giuliani

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I'll give you Biden, but Clinton? How is she remotely qualified, other than having been married to Bill ?

Why don't you include Romney in w/ the GOP qualified ? Seems he's done more in Gov't and in the private sector than the OTHER Clinton before HE was elected.

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How in the Christmas can you possibly list Giuliani as a qualified candidate? This jerk wouldn't even be known by the world at large if it hadn't been for 9-11! He is a fearmonger and his personal life invites a media feeding frenzy should be become the republican nominee! Dream on!

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To me the most qualified candidate, politics aside is either Richardson or McCain. The least qualified would be Obama.

If we're talking sheer charisma, then I would say Obama, with the least charisma going to Clinton. When 50% of the population say they won't vote for you no matter what, then you are about as popular as the angel of death.

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How in the Christmas can you possibly list Giuliani as a qualified candidate? This jerk wouldn't even be known by the world at large if it hadn't been for 9-11! He is a fearmonger and his personal life invites a media feeding frenzy should be become the republican nominee! Dream on!

He did alert New Yorkers to the danger of frozen yogurt labeled as "non-fat" when, in fact, it had fat in it.

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Leave it to the highly partisan Raptor to say "all partisanship aside" and then make a post as highly partisan as any ever made on this forum. If anyone needs any more evidence to how BLINDLY partisan he is, here it is.

The truth is, assessing one's qualifications for the Presidency is highly subjective, no matter how fair one thinks they are being. I don't think many Presidents have been truly ready on Day One. Clinton wasn't, Bush wasn't.

Fred Thompson served 8 years in the Senate. By 2008, Hillary will have served 8 years in the Senate-- she's in her second term, BTW. She also had the benefit of being integrally involved for 8 years in another presidency. Judge all that as you will, obectively, it is hard to make the case that Thompson is more qualified.

Rudy ran a city. A big city, still a city. Mayors deal with potholes, traffic, jaywalking and street crime. I'm not saying he's not qualified, but how qualified he is is debatable.

Mitt Romney has served in elective office for 4 years. One term as governor. Is he qualified? Maybe. Clearly more qualified than Dodd or Biden, or even Edwards, Hillary or Obama? Debatable.

Edwards served 6 years in elective office-- same as Bush before he became President.

Obama served about 7 years, I believe, in the state legislature and 2 years so far in Congress. That makes a little bit more experienced than Abe Lincoln before he became President.

Some people thought Ross Perot was qualified because he hadn't held elective office. I thought he was a nut.

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"Qualified" is such a debatable label. I'd like to see Edwards become President, but if I were debating with a Biden or McCain supporter, I'd have to concede that argument.

I do think Hillary Clinton is qualified. Do I want to see her win? No. But I can't say that she's not qualified. How many years has she been involved with politics? Since she was a Goldwater girl? Same thing with Newt Gingrich? I can't stomach the possibility of him becoming President, but I think he's highly qualified for the job. Is George W. Bush qualified? Now, yes. Do I like that he's in office? That's Jerry Clower-esque hilarity there.

And, I gave Rudy the benefit of the doubt considering that NYC is bigger than some states and his involvement in 9-11.

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"Qualified" is such a debatable label. I'd like to see Edwards become President, but if I were debating with a Biden or McCain supporter, I'd have to concede that argument.

I do think Hillary Clinton is qualified. Do I want to see her win? No. But I can't say that she's not qualified. How many years has she been involved with politics? Since she was a Goldwater girl? Same thing with Newt Gingrich? I can't stomach the possibility of him becoming President, but I think he's highly qualified for the job. Is George W. Bush qualified? Now, yes. Do I like that he's in office? That's Jerry Clower-esque hilarity there.

And, I gave Rudy the benefit of the doubt considering that NYC is bigger than some states and his involvement in 9-11.

I have to think you believe Edwards is "qualified" or you wouldn't vote for him. Whether he has as much elective office experience as one might think a candidate should ideally have may be another matter.

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I do think he's qualified. Years spent in public office isn't the only measuring stick.

I should clarify - I meant "most qualified." I think really everybody in it is qualified. Obama is the only one with a question mark. I realize that he was in the IL state senate for the US Senate, but for the most part, he's popular because of one great speech.

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I do think he's qualified. Years spent in public office isn't the only measuring stick.

I should clarify - I meant "most qualified." I think really everybody in it is qualified. Obama is the only one with a question mark. I realize that he was in the IL state senate for the US Senate, but for the most part, he's popular because of one great speech.

I think he's popular because he seems very comfortable with himself. He has had a number of charismatic appearances at rallies where he has been drawing record crowds. We'll see how he develops.

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I've seen it firsthand. I got into the Obama workshop that he actually attended in Selma. He is very charismatic and appears confident in his message. I'll give him that.

If he could wake up on one issue, I would consider voting for him in November.

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I've seen it firsthand. I got into the Obama workshop that he actually attended in Selma. He is very charismatic and appears confident in his message. I'll give him that.

If he could wake up on one issue, I would consider voting for him in November.

C'mon, don't be so coy...

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The day people start voting to cap their salaries, I'll be more than glad to follow them.

Until then, I'll look out for Win.

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The day people start voting to cap their salaries, I'll be more than glad to follow them.

Until then, I'll look out for Win.

So, does this mean he supports a form of tort reform you disagree with?

PS: you may want to be a bit more direct with a jury. B)

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A form? That's singular. Try all forms.

At any rate, he voted for the "Class Action Fairness Act" that was in reality, anything but what its title describes. He said that he was against letting cases be tried in areas that had high numbers of "sympathetic potential jurors." Has he not thought about the possibility of receiving an unsympathetic Bush appointed federal judge? Gee.

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Leave it to the highly partisan Raptor to say "all partisanship aside" and then make a post as highly partisan as any ever made on this forum. If anyone needs any more evidence to how BLINDLY partisan he is, here it is.

The truth is, assessing one's qualifications for the Presidency is highly subjective, no matter how fair one thinks they are being.

There's nothing I can post which TT can't distort and take completely out of context. There was nothing partisan about my post, only TT is so brainwashed and dim witted to comprehend that just because it comes from me doesn't make it partisan.

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Leave it to the highly partisan Raptor to say "all partisanship aside" and then make a post as highly partisan as any ever made on this forum. If anyone needs any more evidence to how BLINDLY partisan he is, here it is.

The truth is, assessing one's qualifications for the Presidency is highly subjective, no matter how fair one thinks they are being.

There's nothing I can post which TT can't distort and take completely out of context. There was nothing partisan about my post, only TT is so brainwashed and dim witted to comprehend that just because it comes from me doesn't make it partisan.

Raptor: "All partisanship aside, ...why is the Democratic party even running?"

Yep. no bias there. :rolleyes::ucrazy:

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The day people start voting to cap their salaries, I'll be more than glad to follow them.

Until then, I'll look out for Win.

Wait a minute. Are you really advocating a maximum wage? Do I understand you correctly?

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