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Illegal immigration creating slums in America


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All they see is extra votes. We have illegals turning our neighborhoods into 3rd world countries. It used to be that it was assumed that a family would occupy a residence until the children were old enough to get out on their own. But usually you didn't find 3, 4, 5 families in one house. I thought most cities had ordinances against this.

"I don't mind an Hispanic neighborhood," said Gault, 73. "But they've turned a three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath home into a nine-room boarding house."
We'd be concerned about civil liberties and racial profiling," said Jon Liss, executive director of Tenants and Workers United, a Northern Virginia nonprofit organization that organizes low-income families around economic and social justice issues. "In general, this kind of stuff is targeting immigrants who have bought their homes and who are in pursuit of the American dream."

It's OK to buy a home for your family. But I'm not sure family means all 40 of them who are even remotely kin to you.

Read the whole article. For you libs out there who feel sending them back is too harsh, how would you like this living next door to you?

Modern extended ethnic family...my ass

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They've cut the fence to the country club swimming pool. Repair it and they cut it again the next night in a different place. Pretty much any night of the week you can drive up to the CC and watch 50 or more Hispanics scramble out of the pool and run for cover. Many are naked.

My idea of posting a guard and shooting them was voted down. Narrowly.

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They've cut the fence to the country club swimming pool. Repair it and they cut it again the next night in a different place. Pretty much any night of the week you can drive up to the CC and watch 50 or more Hispanics scramble out of the pool and run for cover. Many are naked.

My idea of posting a guard and shooting them was voted down. Narrowly.

You wouldn't want to offend them by taking away their right to the rich man's pool. I mean, why does only the rich man get to have a pool. Hillary says we should all share. Looks like the rich man is just not sharing enough.

Just put a charge on the fence.

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My idea of posting a guard and shooting them was voted down. Narrowly.

Not only that, but our own border patrol agents get sent to jail by that traitor Johnny Sutton for doing their job, shooting an illegal alien smuggling drugs into the country. I don't give a rat's hairy a** if those two did cover up the shooting or not. The guy they shot is an illegal, and was in the process of committing two felonies by 1) being here illegally and 2) smuggling drugs into the country. Therefore, he has no rights. If the Mexican government has a problem with it, then tough s**t!! He's their problem, not ours. The only people who want to concede rights to this guy are the Bush Justice Department. Oh well, I guess that we're still going on the "offense" in the war on terror.

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Claymores. God's gift to property protection. Nasty little surprise. Cures what ailes you whether it be the CC pool or the border.

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I wouldn't care so much about the pool if they'd treat it with some respect. Instead, there are bottles and trash strewn around in the mornings. Crap spilled with ants all over it. Not to mention the cost of the damage to the fence.

If you use jumper cables and a car battery and hook that to the chain link, what's the potential damage there? I'm sure that if the illegals sued for getting shocked they'd win. But there's the alternate concern that if one of the drunk sonsabitches drowns, we'll get sued anyway.

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Claymores. God's gift to property protection. Nasty little surprise. Cures what ailes you whether it be the CC pool or the border.

That would never work. The first time a javelina or a deer or stray longhorn steer was killed the environmental whackos would be protesting and filing suit to stop the indiscriminate killing of animals and pristine wilderness areas.

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Linda Chavez says that this whole issue is a 'manufactured' one, and that those of us who are upset at the laws being broken and the border being ignored by millions of illegals are simply racists, and that we just don't like them because of the color of their skin. <_<

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Hey, it's the price you pay for cheap labor and hispanic votes...... I haven't seen anyone in this corrupt country reject either one and I don't believe they will anytime soon....... Perhaps we should just show those elected officials who continue to deny REAL immigration reform the door!!! What think ye?

By the way, if you're going to grant amnesty to illegals breaking the law of this countrty (which is really what this is) then why the Hell not grant amnesty to all of those who break our laws?) Oh yes folks, the proposed bill IS amesty by any other name!

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