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A little knowledge of history might help


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I know Jonah's a moron, but don't they have editors at the NRO? Or do they only look for ways to enhance the propagandizing effect of the drivel?

There were more than 35,000 pictures of FDR taken. Two show him in a wheelchair. Why? Because the press almost unanimously agreed that — despite the huge news value — depicting FDR as a cripple would be bad for the war effort. The few dissenting photographers from that consensus were routinely blocked or deliberately jostled by the senior photographers so as to shield FDR from embarrassment and the public from its "right to know."


FDR became President in 1933...Pearl Harbor was in December of 1941. "The war effort" was hardly the reason the press didn't show those pictures, just as it wasn't the reason they didn't report on JFK's infidelities years later--JFK made Clinton look like a choirboy-- hookers running around the pool, inspiring future hip hop videos.

Dean Wormer's advice could apply to Jonah as well:

Fat...and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
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Pretty boneheaded indeed.

What I do believe that there was more of a culture of civility in many ways.

I think the press tended to distinguish the sensational from the newsworthy.

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I might be mistaken, but didn't FDR's condition get progressively worse over the years ? Was he even IN a wheel chair back in the mid 30's ? Either way, it seems that the Press had some respect for the office of President, and how images could impact the country.

Seems Jonah has it spot on.

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I might be mistaken, but didn't FDR's condition get progressively worse over the years ? Was he even IN a wheel chair back in the mid 30's ? Either way, it seems that the Press had some respect for the office of President, and how images could impact the country.

Seems Jonah has it spot on.

You're obviously confused as to the definition of "spot on."

BTW, he was paralzyed in 1921.

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I might be mistaken, but didn't FDR's condition get progressively worse over the years ? Was he even IN a wheel chair back in the mid 30's ? Either way, it seems that the Press had some respect for the office of President, and how images could impact the country.

Seems Jonah has it spot on.

You're obviously confused as to the definition of "spot on."

BTW, he was paralzyed in 1921.

Nothing you posted in any way contradicts Jonah's view from being 'spot on'. Also, it's true that FDR's health got progressively worse.

From Wikipedia:

In August 1921, while the Roosevelts were vacationing at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Roosevelt contracted an illness, at the time believed to be polio, which resulted in Roosevelt's total and permanent paralysis from the waist down. For the rest of his life, Roosevelt refused to accept that he was permanently paralyzed. He tried a wide range of therapies, including hydrotherapy, and, in 1926, he purchased a resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he founded a hydrotherapy center for the treatment of polio patients which still operates as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation......Roosevelt was able to convince many people that he was in fact getting better, which he believed was essential if he was to run for public office again. Fitting his hips and legs with iron braces, he laboriously taught himself to walk a short distance by swiveling his torso while supporting himself with a cane. In private, he used a wheelchair, but he was careful never to be seen in it in public. He usually appeared in public standing upright, supported on one side by an aide or one of his sons.

A fact that Jonah made abundently clear, and that the press at the time showed a level of respect which has long since left the business.

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I might be mistaken, but didn't FDR's condition get progressively worse over the years ? Was he even IN a wheel chair back in the mid 30's ? Either way, it seems that the Press had some respect for the office of President, and how images could impact the country.

Seems Jonah has it spot on.

You're obviously confused as to the definition of "spot on."

BTW, he was paralzyed in 1921.

Nothing you posted in any way contradicts Jonah's view from being 'spot on'. Also, it's true that FDR's health got progressively worse.

From Wikipedia:

In August 1921, while the Roosevelts were vacationing at Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Roosevelt contracted an illness, at the time believed to be polio, which resulted in Roosevelt's total and permanent paralysis from the waist down. For the rest of his life, Roosevelt refused to accept that he was permanently paralyzed. He tried a wide range of therapies, including hydrotherapy, and, in 1926, he purchased a resort at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he founded a hydrotherapy center for the treatment of polio patients which still operates as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation......Roosevelt was able to convince many people that he was in fact getting better, which he believed was essential if he was to run for public office again. Fitting his hips and legs with iron braces, he laboriously taught himself to walk a short distance by swiveling his torso while supporting himself with a cane. In private, he used a wheelchair, but he was careful never to be seen in it in public. He usually appeared in public standing upright, supported on one side by an aide or one of his sons.

A fact that Jonah made abundently clear, and that the press at the time showed a level of respect which has long since left the business.

You're amazingly obtuse. First, you don't get much worse than being permanently paralzyed from the waist down, and what you post doesn't say that he got progessively worse.

Jonah said this:

Two show him in a wheelchair. Why? Because the press almost unanimously agreed that — despite the huge news value — depicting FDR as a cripple would be bad for the war effort.

FDR was already elected (1932) and re-elected twice(1936 and 1940) before WWII. So Jonah was far from spot-on with the reason he gave for them not publishing such photos.

In regard to your reading for dummies comment on another thread, if you had any sense of self-awareness you'd be very embarassed now.

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You're amazingly obtuse. First, you don't get much worse than being permanently paralzyed from the waist down, and what you post doesn't say that he got progessively worse.

Jonah said this:

Two show him in a wheelchair. Why? Because the press almost unanimously agreed that — despite the huge news value — depicting FDR as a cripple would be bad for the war effort.

FDR was already elected (1932) and re-elected twice(1936 and 1940) before WWII. So Jonah was far from spot-on with the reason he gave for them not publishing such photos.

In regard to your reading for dummies comment on another thread, if you had any sense of self-awareness you'd be very embarassed now.

His health got worse over the years, and that's a fact. Read how he looked at the Yalta meeting. Talk about being obtuse. And regardless of what you think, the Press DID indeed cover for FDR and rarely showed him in his wheel chair. Why do you think FDR and the Press rarely even showed hi condition? It was clearly to convey that things were better with him than they were. Jonah was indeed spot on, regardless of how ignorant you wish to remain.

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