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Left Wing San Fransiscomaniacs try to push out Blue Angels!

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The San Fransisco Left Wingers are now trying to push out the Blue Angels fro "Fleet Week" due to the noise and air pollution caused by the F-18's they're flying. They also point to the safety issues of aircraft that "could" crash into populated areas.

I think it's that particular cities mission to be looked upon as the most COOCKOO ever.

How insulting is this to veterans? There IS one veteran group, "Veterans For Peace" that have taken the position that the demonstration team should be permanently grounded due to the fact that they give a false impression of what military life is like.

When does this crap end man? How could this even be looked upon seriously enough, ANYWHERE, to where it makes national news.


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No one who's ever been to an B.A. show would seriously complain about 'noise and air pollution'. It's a beyond all rationale charge.

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I've said it before. The DOD should go ahead and move completely out of the Bay area. The Federal Govt should then inform Nancy Pelosi & company that hence forth there will be absolutely no federal $$$$$ spent in or around San Francisco & Oakland. None, zero, zip. TIS when was it that the Navy was pushed out of Treasure Island? The Coast Guard was pushed out of Oakland. There used to be a large Army base there somewhere, it's gone now as well I believe.

BTW - If this were announced, they should also be told that the land would not be turned over to the local govts. but would be sold to the highest bidder of just held by the DOD.

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It was in the mid-90s. I wish we had left San Franpinko the good old fashioned way; with the piers exploding as the ships sailed towards the horizon.

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Yes they did. Had to do with the "don't ask, don't tell" homosexuality policy the military has, if I remember correctly. They wanted to force the DoD to allow practicing homosexuals to serve openly.

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