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A quick look at the 2008 Pig Book


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Citizens Against Government Waste has released its annual listing of how politicians are wasting our tax dollars on ridiculous pet projects. And to think its these same people who somehow found the time to take their hands out of our pockets to condemn the oil industry which at least makes their profits fairly and legitimately

McCain 0 $0.0

Obama 53 $97.4


Arizona Sen. John McCain, the expected Republican presidential nominee, did not request any earmarks this year. He issued a statement instead lauding CAGW for issuing the book.

I must say, I'm impressed. Good for him.

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From what I heard on the radio, this was the biggest year ever for earmarks. Which is saying a lot. And while 3 GOPs topped the list, it should be noted that the Dems are in control of House/Senate, and we were told all this stuff would change.

Well, it did change.

For the worse. :thumbsdown:

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