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GOP’s House conservatives plan new manifesto


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House Conservatives to Offer Ideas for G.O.P. Message


I would have to ask if there are any House Conservatives? When the Republicans come out with this in an election year after living a lie for the past six years they should be called what they are, liars and hypocrites.

The article should have been titled House Conservatives Republicans elected as Conservatives to Offer Ideas for G.O.P. Message

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I agree with you TM. The GOP has put themselves in this mess, and an election year uprising will be looked at as a bail out. And I tend to think that way myself.

A new party is about to emerge in America. I just wish it would happen sooner than later.

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Here is some interesting information in regards to control of Congress from the DailyKos of all places (I know I know, but the information is statistical - I've removed all commentary):

The list below ranks this year's top Senate races where Democrats have chances to pick up seats:

1.) Virginia (R-open): Rasmussen, 5/8:

Gilmore ® 37

Warner (D) 55

2.) New Mexico (R-open): Rasmussen, 5/14:

Pearce ® 37

Udall (D) 55

Wilson ® 36

Udall (D) 57

3.) New Hampshire (R-Sununu): Rasmussen, 4/30:

Sununu ® 43

Shaheen (D) 51

4.) Alaska (R-Stevens): Research 2000, 4/12-14:

Stevens ® 43

Begich (D) 48

5.) Colorado (R-Open): Rasmussen, 4/16:

Schaffer ® 43

Udall (D) 45

6.) North Carolina (R-Dole): Rasmussen 5/8:

Dole ® 47

Hagan (D) 48

7.) Texas (R-Cornyn): Research 2000 5/5-7:

Cornyn ® 48

Noriega (D) 44

8.) Oregon (R-Smith): Rasmussen 5/7:

Smith ® 45

Merkley (D) 42

Smith ® 47

Novick (D) 41

9.) Minnesota (R-Coleman): Star Tribune, 5/12-15:

Coleman ® 51

Franken (D) 44

10.) Mississippi (R-Wicker): Research 2000 12/10-12/7:

Wicker ® 47

Musgrove (D) 39

11.) Maine (R-Collins): Rasmussen 5/14:

Collins ® 52

Allen (D) 42

12.) Kentucky (R-McConnell): Research 2000 5/7-9:

McConnell ® 48

Lunsford (D) 36

McConnell ® 47

Fischer (D) 35

13.) Lousiana (D-Landrieu): Southern Media & Opinion Research 3/26-4/9:

Landrieu (D) 50

Kennedy ® 38

14.) Kansas (R-Roberts): Rasmussen 5/3:

Roberts ® 52

Slattery (D) 40

15.) Nebraska (R-Open): Southern Media & Opinion Research 5/15:

Johanns ® 55

Kleeb (D) 40


Here's some context: Look at what Rasmussen said at roughly this point in time two years ago about the races in 2006:


Actual: Klobuchar 58, Kennedy 38

Ras, 4/27: Klobuchar 45, Kennedy 43


Actual: McCaskill 50, Talent 47

Ras, 5/8: Talent 43, McCaskill 40


Actual: Tester 49, Burns 48

Ras, 5/11: Tester 48, Burns 44


Actual: Casey 59, Santorum 41

Ras, 4/20: Casey 51, Santorum 38

Rhode Island:

Actual: Whitehouse 53, Chafee 47

Ras, 4/26: Chafee 44, Whitehouse 41


Actual: Webb 50, Allen 49

Ras, 4/4: Allen 50, Webb 30


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I see this as it is.

I will say that Rick Santorum will be a blow to P.A. in the long run. He's better than what he's been given credit (or lack thereof).

The legislature and the people who run for office should not be aligned with who's in the White House. The Press makes sure that happens in most cases, but it's not a fair view of the candidate running for THEIR congressional block. People are automatically married to the president, and that shows how shallow the political process is. Just because the president pushes an agenda doesn't mean that person totally agrees with the said agenda.

Example of how shallow the political system is along with the press: The ear marks and their changing of the minds.

Many times a bill goes through the house and then the senate with it's original intent. There are times, however, when a bill starts out with an intent, get's filled with ear marks, and by the time it hits the floor, it has went from one thing to another. When a member of congress decides to vote against it due to those changes, he or she is condemned to their yeah or nay vote without the express of reason and justification. It happens all the time, and it's very sad to see the press kill a person over their vote without due process.

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