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RunInRed last won the day on July 19

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About RunInRed

  • Birthday October 23

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  1. Hugh Freeze - Opens with several thank you to people. - Acknowledges the 2nd straight season tix sell out. - Acknowledges the Auburn Club in Dallas. "Players sense a chemistry amongst the staff." - Considers the roster upgraded. - He speaks on having to listen a little more to coaches and players, high accountability for all as well. Talks about critical nature of the five straight home games. - Expects and asks for the fans to be locked on. Speaks about trust with Durkin, Kelly, and the D staff. - Estimates 70/30 split on focus for him in regards to offense vs other aspects. Freeze expresses excitement with Freeze Four - Talks about the extra time Thorne has had with Cam and Bryce. Question on Percy Lewis and Connor Lew - Considers Connor Lew and NFL center. - Talks about how fun it is to be around Lewis. Shares interests with him. - Tate Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Dillon Wade also discussed. Admits he is not the greatest portal recruiter and trying to adjust - Likes to recruit and develop high school players. Thorne is proven at the power 5 level. - His new pieces at WR are helping a lot. - Thorne is showing more confidence in year two. - The backups will continue to compete. Believes in the power of developing relationships with recruits whole family. - Speaks on "back porch" conversations. - Auburn is the one last true universities with a strong faith tie. First word for Damari Alston is leader. - Notes his off the field involvement and on the field efforts. - Damari likes to be a vocal leader. - Also acknowledges Brian Battie. Addresses his feelings about Jordan-Hare regards to other SEC Media Days comments about it. - Wants to deliver a product to the fans that's worthy. Hopes the run game is going to be the strength of the team. - Provides clock control, likes RB and OL room. - Will lead to explosive pass plays. Addresses the burnout factor in coaching now. - Tries best to get coaches out of the office when possible. - Wanting structure to come along in regards to recruiting. Says Kent Austin is one of the best fundamental QB coaches. - Notes the job he did with Malik Willis and credits Austin more than himself. Enjoys going to play great programs at great atmospheres. - Tells the players to enjoy it. - "Those are memories... opportunities" Talks about the caliber of Auburn and "I get to coach here." - Auburn one of the few to play for a championship over the last several years. Rivaldo is a difficult matchup, flying under the radar. Luke Deal is captain of the team guy. Brandom Frazier is a mixture of all of it. - Will keep bringing the younger TEs along. https://x.com/E2C_Network/thread/1813999659599499444
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