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MSNBC: McCain to meet with three VP candidates this weekend

Tiger Al

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The fact that you Democrats are trying to hoot me down confirms that.

I'm not hooting you down. I'm just pointing out the many reasons he can't be sold to the republicans. I think that the question in the back of the mind of everyone who votes for McCain, whether they admit it or not, will be, "He's old. What if the vice president suddenly becomes the president?" I don't think too many republicans, and certainly not the party's religious base, would be too keen on the thought of a President Lieberman.

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

I think that is what appeals to me and why I mentioned him.

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Polls show he wouldn't get elected there today.

Polls showed that when he ran and won against the far left dude who was hand picked by Sorros, kos & moveon, didn't they?

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

Well, any Republican who gives the finger early and often to GWB is all right by me.

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Is Graham married?


I wonder why ?

I don't know and really don't care. Well, why don't you tell us why you think?

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

Well, any Republican who gives the finger early and often to GWB is all right by me.

He doesn't. He was a member of the "Gang of 14" that wanted to preserve the opportunity to filibuster, but he's by no means a moderate.

And I know what some are saying about him on here -- he does come across as feminine.

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

Well, any Republican who gives the finger early and often to GWB is all right by me.

He doesn't. He was a member of the "Gang of 14" that wanted to preserve the opportunity to filibuster, but he's by no means a moderate.

And I know what some are saying about him on here -- he does come across as feminine.

I knew where he was going with that, I just wanted him to fess up and say it. If it's true, I have no issues with what a person does in their private life. Doesn't mean I have to like it or agree with, but he is an adult and that is his decision. Kinda like "Hate the sin not the sinner", right?

Meh, he has been very critical of Bush at times. He spoke out against the way the Bush Admin in the treatment of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere among a few other things. But to say that he isn't critical of Bush just b/c the "gang of 14" isn't entirely accurate. I thought the "gang of 14" was against the filibuster and wanted to be able to stop one with majority vote? Either way, I still think he is a good politician.

His voting record shows him to vote conservative about 90% of the time, so there is no doubt that he isn't a conservative. I stated that he seems moderate to some b/c he has spoke out against towing the party line and the Bush Administration. Now he has stepped over the line and worked with democrats on a few bills, that is a plus for him. I think he is probably a good guy, first member of his family to go to college and I think his parents died when he was young and had to raise his sister while he was in school. No small feat to accomplish.

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

Well, any Republican who gives the finger early and often to GWB is all right by me.

He doesn't. He was a member of the "Gang of 14" that wanted to preserve the opportunity to filibuster, but he's by no means a moderate.

And I know what some are saying about him on here -- he does come across as feminine.

I knew where he was going with that, I just wanted him to fess up and say it. If it's true, I have no issues with what a person does in their private life. Doesn't mean I have to like it or agree with, but he is an adult and that is his decision. Kinda like "Hate the sin not the sinner", right?

Meh, he has been very critical of Bush at times. He spoke out against the way the Bush Admin in the treatment of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere among a few other things. But to say that he isn't critical of Bush just b/c the "gang of 14" isn't entirely accurate. I thought the "gang of 14" was against the filibuster and wanted to be able to stop one with majority vote? Either way, I still think he is a good politician.

His voting record shows him to vote conservative about 90% of the time, so there is no doubt that he isn't a conservative. I stated that he seems moderate to some b/c he has spoke out against towing the party line and the Bush Administration. Now he has stepped over the line and worked with democrats on a few bills, that is a plus for him. I think he is probably a good guy, first member of his family to go to college and I think his parents died when he was young and had to raise his sister while he was in school. No small feat to accomplish.

Would Hagee and Parsley have a problem with it.McCains spiritual advisors. I haven't suggested anything. I was simply wondering whay a 52 year old man is not married.

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Polls show he wouldn't get elected there today.

Polls showed that when he ran and won against the far left dude who was hand picked by Sorros, kos & moveon, didn't they?

Actually, they didn't.

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

Well, any Republican who gives the finger early and often to GWB is all right by me.

He doesn't. He was a member of the "Gang of 14" that wanted to preserve the opportunity to filibuster, but he's by no means a moderate.

And I know what some are saying about him on here -- he does come across as feminine.

I knew where he was going with that, I just wanted him to fess up and say it. If it's true, I have no issues with what a person does in their private life. Doesn't mean I have to like it or agree with, but he is an adult and that is his decision. Kinda like "Hate the sin not the sinner", right?

Meh, he has been very critical of Bush at times. He spoke out against the way the Bush Admin in the treatment of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere among a few other things. But to say that he isn't critical of Bush just b/c the "gang of 14" isn't entirely accurate. I thought the "gang of 14" was against the filibuster and wanted to be able to stop one with majority vote? Either way, I still think he is a good politician.

His voting record shows him to vote conservative about 90% of the time, so there is no doubt that he isn't a conservative. I stated that he seems moderate to some b/c he has spoke out against towing the party line and the Bush Administration. Now he has stepped over the line and worked with democrats on a few bills, that is a plus for him. I think he is probably a good guy, first member of his family to go to college and I think his parents died when he was young and had to raise his sister while he was in school. No small feat to accomplish.

Would Hagee and Parsley have a problem with it.McCains spiritual advisors. I haven't suggested anything. I was simply wondering whay a 52 year old man is not married.

Well, considering that McCain has rejected their endorsement, I don't really think that would matter what they think. I never said that you had suggested anything, but I do know where you were going with your questioning. I know several in their 40's and 50's that aren't married. Does that automatically make then homosexual since they aren't married. I would say not, there are a lot of reasons that people don't get married. Do you have an issue with him if he is?

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Lindsey Graham would be a cabinet position possibly if McCain were to be elected, but I'm not sure he'd go for the VP. He knows the party needs the Sen. seat in Congress more than that. I expect it to be a current or former gov.

As a native of S.C. and two time voter for Graham, I can tell you that he's stepped on GWB a few times over the years. He is a bit of a maverick himself, but not so much as McCain. There are more than a few people back home who have mixed emotions about Graham of late, but he'd be a popular choice still (for Carolinians).

Well, any Republican who gives the finger early and often to GWB is all right by me.

He doesn't. He was a member of the "Gang of 14" that wanted to preserve the opportunity to filibuster, but he's by no means a moderate.

And I know what some are saying about him on here -- he does come across as feminine.

I knew where he was going with that, I just wanted him to fess up and say it. If it's true, I have no issues with what a person does in their private life. Doesn't mean I have to like it or agree with, but he is an adult and that is his decision. Kinda like "Hate the sin not the sinner", right?

Meh, he has been very critical of Bush at times. He spoke out against the way the Bush Admin in the treatment of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere among a few other things. But to say that he isn't critical of Bush just b/c the "gang of 14" isn't entirely accurate. I thought the "gang of 14" was against the filibuster and wanted to be able to stop one with majority vote? Either way, I still think he is a good politician.

His voting record shows him to vote conservative about 90% of the time, so there is no doubt that he isn't a conservative. I stated that he seems moderate to some b/c he has spoke out against towing the party line and the Bush Administration. Now he has stepped over the line and worked with democrats on a few bills, that is a plus for him. I think he is probably a good guy, first member of his family to go to college and I think his parents died when he was young and had to raise his sister while he was in school. No small feat to accomplish.

Would Hagee and Parsley have a problem with it.McCains spiritual advisors. I haven't suggested anything. I was simply wondering whay a 52 year old man is not married.

Well, considering that McCain has rejected their endorsement, I don't really think that would matter what they think. I never said that you had suggested anything, but I do know where you were going with your questioning. I know several in their 40's and 50's that aren't married. Does that automatically make then homosexual since they aren't married. I would say not, there are a lot of reasons that people don't get married. Do you have an issue with him if he is?

If he was gay, could he get married?

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If he was gay, could he get married?

What is the law in SC? I believe that the law in South Carolina states that marriage is between one man and one woman. In that case I would think that he would have to move. If he were to do that then I guess he can if he wants to, once again, he is an adult and what people do in there own homes is there business, not mine. Doesn't mean that I have to like it or think that it is morally right, but if the law says that he can, then he can.

You still haven't answered my question. If he is do you have an issue with it? If you do, fine say it. If you don't then why keep asking about him? I have stated my position about him two or three times already.

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Well this has become very odd. This thread has become gayjacked!

Yeah, we went from McCain's VP choices to talking about Lindsey Graham and if he is gay or not. Only at AUNation!

I just want arnold to say something of substance and answer my question instead of asking a question every time. He wanted to jump into the conversation so I expect him to answer if asked and not a one liner. I have stated several times that even though I don't condone the lifestyle and I don't agree with it, I have no right to tell someone how to live their life.

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Well this has become very odd. This thread has become gayjacked!

Yeah, we went from McCain's VP choices to talking about Lindsey Graham and if he is gay or not. Only at AUNation!

I just want arnold to say something of substance and answer my question instead of asking a question every time. He wanted to jump into the conversation so I expect him to answer if asked and not a one liner. I have stated several times that even though I don't condone the lifestyle and I don't agree with it, I have no right to tell someone how to live their life.

Have no problem with gays. Have an uncle and friend who are guy.My point in a round about way is this.If he is gay,(my money is on he is) the party that he is a member of, one of their hot button items, that they roll out around election time is bills against gay marriage. They get everyone worked up," if you vote for a Democrat they are going to let gays get married, oh my god." So he could be our vice president, but if he and his partner wanted to get married, his own party would have a cow.

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