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McCain says nation founded on Christian principles


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WinCrimson is showing us all what it's like to be a BAMMER, no matter what the race, sport, or political tie.


Yes, you can send them to school and give them as much education as possible, but you cannot remove the backwoods bammer mentality.

We all know win would throw his back out if he attempted to lift McCain's jocks so we can just snicker at the ridiculously rude comments of a young, naive bammer who thinks he knows it all.

I'm "backwoods?" You've obviously never met me.

Also, I don't think I know it all. Far from it. Thanks for the assumption, though. You're really on a roll.

Your mentality is somewhat backwoods. We know, as you have previously mentioned, that your family has money so it wasn't a literal reference. The whole I don't like a politician so I'm going to call him a curse word on a public forum is what I'm referring to. Very bammerish, very backwoodsy.

Afa the know it all thing you have to understand that all we have to go by is what you post here. So when a wet behind the ears freshman or sophomore or whatever you are, calls a former POW who spent years in pure hell and survived a pu$$y because he doesn't like what he says politically, he appears to be a little know it all brat. You can say you're not a know it all, but who would say they were? All we can go by is what you say here.

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WinCrimson is showing us all what it's like to be a BAMMER, no matter what the race, sport, or political tie.


Yes, you can send them to school and give them as much education as possible, but you cannot remove the backwoods bammer mentality.

We all know win would throw his back out if he attempted to lift McCain's jocks so we can just snicker at the ridiculously rude comments of a young, naive bammer who thinks he knows it all.

I'm "backwoods?" You've obviously never met me.

Also, I don't think I know it all. Far from it. Thanks for the assumption, though. You're really on a roll.

Your mentality is somewhat backwoods. We know, as you have previously mentioned, that your family has money so it wasn't a literal reference. The whole I don't like a politician so I'm going to call him a curse word on a public forum is what I'm referring to. Very bammerish, very backwoodsy.

Afa the know it all thing you have to understand that all we have to go by is what you post here. So when a wet behind the ears freshman or sophomore or whatever you are, calls a former POW who spent years in pure hell and survived a pu$$y because he doesn't like what he says politically, he appears to be a little know it all brat. You can say you're not a know it all, but who would say they were? All we can go by is what you say here.

Why would I ever say that my family has money? I would never make such a snobbish comment. That's not me at all and I regret that you think I've ever said anything of the sort. You have me confused.

What I call a total stranger on an internet message board is no big deal. For what it's worth, I've had more than one friend of mine tell me that they wish Barack Obama is assassinated. And they have a vague idea at best on where I stand politically. Of course, the "N" word gets thrown around like I would ask you to pass the salt.

McCain, politically, is exactly what dubbed him. Post-Vietnam, the guy has shown both the backbone and brain of a slug. In my opinion, he's senile, slimy, and unfit to be President. I'm not forcing you to believe the same, though. He no longer has a conscience and doesn't even appear to care.

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Of course, the "N" word gets thrown around like I would ask you to pass the salt.

You need to choose your friends better then. I've never referred or even heard him referred to using that word.

McCain, politically, is exactly what dubbed him. Post-Vietnam, the guy has shown both the backbone and brain of a slug. In my opinion, he's senile, slimy, and unfit to be President. I'm not forcing you to believe the same, though. He no longer has a conscience and doesn't even appear to care.

Your lack of respect for those much wiser than you is astounding. You sound like a spoiled teenager.

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Did I say Christians? No. Thanks for playing, though.

Well unfortunately that is what I was talking about. Remember? You were responding to my original statement of there would be a greater outlash from the other side if McCain said that we were not founded on Christian principles.

The other side thus meaning Christians since they were on the non-lashing out side, so if it were the other side it would equal Christians. Pay more attention to what you are responding to before you act like an a$$.

Here is the original statement:

I wonder what would happen if McCain had said the country was not founded on Christian principles. I imagine that the out lash would be as equal if not worse except from the other side.
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Did I say Christians? No. Thanks for playing, though.

Well unfortunately that is what I was talking about. Remember? You were responding to my original statement of there would be a greater outlash from the other side if McCain said that we were not founded on Christian principles.

The other side thus meaning Christians since they were on the non-lashing out side, so if it were the other side it would equal Christians. Pay more attention to what you are responding to before you act like an a$$.

Here is the original statement:

I wonder what would happen if McCain had said the country was not founded on Christian principles. I imagine that the out lash would be as equal if not worse except from the other side.

If you meant Christians, then say Christians. It is (I hope) a small minority of people that act like this, and therefore the "other side" is a large majority of America that has some sense of common decency. You must have a good imagination considering the lack of a track record for Christians using every 4 letter word under the sun to belittle someone.

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WinCrimson is showing us all what it's like to be a BAMMER, no matter what the race, sport, or political tie.


Yes, you can send them to school and give them as much education as possible, but you cannot remove the backwoods bammer mentality.

We all know win would throw his back out if he attempted to lift McCain's jocks so we can just snicker at the ridiculously rude comments of a young, naive bammer who thinks he knows it all.

I'm "backwoods?" You've obviously never met me.

Also, I don't think I know it all. Far from it. Thanks for the assumption, though. You're really on a roll.

Your mentality is somewhat backwoods. We know, as you have previously mentioned, that your family has money so it wasn't a literal reference. The whole I don't like a politician so I'm going to call him a curse word on a public forum is what I'm referring to. Very bammerish, very backwoodsy.

Afa the know it all thing you have to understand that all we have to go by is what you post here. So when a wet behind the ears freshman or sophomore or whatever you are, calls a former POW who spent years in pure hell and survived a pu$$y because he doesn't like what he says politically, he appears to be a little know it all brat. You can say you're not a know it all, but who would say they were? All we can go by is what you say here.

Why would I ever say that my family has money? I would never make such a snobbish comment. That's not me at all and I regret that you think I've ever said anything of the sort. You have me confused.

What I call a total stranger on an internet message board is no big deal. For what it's worth, I've had more than one friend of mine tell me that they wish Barack Obama is assassinated. And they have a vague idea at best on where I stand politically. Of course, the "N" word gets thrown around like I would ask you to pass the salt.

McCain, politically, is exactly what dubbed him. Post-Vietnam, the guy has shown both the backbone and brain of a slug. In my opinion, he's senile, slimy, and unfit to be President. I'm not forcing you to believe the same, though. He no longer has a conscience and doesn't even appear to care.

You have made comments before that indicate that your family has money. True, you never said those exact words and I wasn't trying to add a negative twist afa what I was saying there. I was just explaining my comment and that I was aware you weren't backwoods poor or anything like that.

Afa your friends calling obama the n word and wishing he was assassinated, hmmmm, I'll just chalk up you and your friends comments to the youth factor and such.

Afa what you think about McCain, I couldn't care less. Go out and live 20 more years of life then tell me what you think. It's easy to be a hopeless liberal when you are young. Many outgrow it. Some never do.

You are backing an ivy leagued politician who is so smooth he has snowed you over like an idiot. He's the change guy? Yeah, right. He is such a politician it reeks. He is smooth though. He knows all he has to do is weave his spell of "change" and it will work with a lot of people. Forget his track record, those under his spell don't care. We will see what happens in the coming months. I am confident McCain will win. If you had a few more years under your belt you would know this is so far from over.

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WinCrimson is showing us all what it's like to be a BAMMER, no matter what the race, sport, or political tie.


Yes, you can send them to school and give them as much education as possible, but you cannot remove the backwoods bammer mentality.

We all know win would throw his back out if he attempted to lift McCain's jocks so we can just snicker at the ridiculously rude comments of a young, naive bammer who thinks he knows it all.

I'm "backwoods?" You've obviously never met me.

Also, I don't think I know it all. Far from it. Thanks for the assumption, though. You're really on a roll.

Your mentality is somewhat backwoods. We know, as you have previously mentioned, that your family has money so it wasn't a literal reference. The whole I don't like a politician so I'm going to call him a curse word on a public forum is what I'm referring to. Very bammerish, very backwoodsy.

Afa the know it all thing you have to understand that all we have to go by is what you post here. So when a wet behind the ears freshman or sophomore or whatever you are, calls a former POW who spent years in pure hell and survived a pu$$y because he doesn't like what he says politically, he appears to be a little know it all brat. You can say you're not a know it all, but who would say they were? All we can go by is what you say here.

Why would I ever say that my family has money? I would never make such a snobbish comment. That's not me at all and I regret that you think I've ever said anything of the sort. You have me confused.

What I call a total stranger on an internet message board is no big deal. For what it's worth, I've had more than one friend of mine tell me that they wish Barack Obama is assassinated. And they have a vague idea at best on where I stand politically. Of course, the "N" word gets thrown around like I would ask you to pass the salt.

McCain, politically, is exactly what dubbed him. Post-Vietnam, the guy has shown both the backbone and brain of a slug. In my opinion, he's senile, slimy, and unfit to be President. I'm not forcing you to believe the same, though. He no longer has a conscience and doesn't even appear to care.

You have made comments before that indicate that your family has money. True, you never said those exact words and I wasn't trying to add a negative twist afa what I was saying there. I was just explaining my comment and that I was aware you weren't backwoods poor or anything like that.

Afa your friends calling obama the n word and wishing he was assassinated, hmmmm, I'll just chalk up you and your friends comments to the youth factor and such.

Afa what you think about McCain, I couldn't care less. Go out and live 20 more years of life then tell me what you think. It's easy to be a hopeless liberal when you are young. Many outgrow it. Some never do.

You are backing an ivy leagued politician who is so smooth he has snowed you over like an idiot. He's the change guy? Yeah, right. He is such a politician it reeks. He is smooth though. He knows all he has to do is weave his spell of "change" and it will work with a lot of people. Forget his track record, those under his spell don't care. We will see what happens in the coming months. I am confident McCain will win. If you had a few more years under your belt you would know this is so far from over.

No. I've never said anything of the sort. Never will, either.

It's not just my friends saying vicious things about Obama. I've heard an ELECTED OFFICIAL in Alabama label him as the "anti-Christ."

And I wouldn't take me to task on how much I know about politics and elections. I can promise you don't want to show up to that gun fight with your dull pocket knife. There are many things I'm sure you are more knowledgeable about, but that just isn't one.

Of course Obama is a politician. Has anyone disputed that? However, I do agree with him on the issues and the thought of a continuation of Bush's failed policies scares me to death. Then again, if you had opened your eyes during your much accomplished lifetime, you would be able to recognize reality when it's staring you in the face. Obama could and likely will score 300+ electoral votes.

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Obama may score 330+, but if he leads with an agenda of higher taxes and huge cuts to the military, then you can see a loss of 300+ in 2012.

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Obama may score 330+, but if he leads with an agenda of higher taxes and huge cuts to the military, then you can see a loss of 300+ in 2012.

I can't dispute you there.

Good thing that isn't his agenda.

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No. I've never said anything of the sort. Never will, either.

Really. Is this your twin brother posting here?


Post #51

I don't know you, but I'll speak for myself here. I don't deserve a single thing I own. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have been handed nearly everything I own. Just because I was born with an advantage doesn't mean that I'm more capable of achieving big goals. Flipping burgers at McDonalds doesn't make you lazy... All things aren't black and white and issues are much, much deeper than you would like to think. If you're brought up in a home where your only parent didn't care about your school work and was on/selling drugs, there's a good chance that you're not going to get to where we are and that's not their fault. Once again, it all goes back to environment.

I know for a fact that if I came from the background that many of my friends did, I wouldn't be where I am today -- sporting a 3.9 GPA, driving a new car, and living in a house that most adults can't afford. I'm not bragging b/c I often feel bad about it... But just put your blessings in perspective and realize that not everyone has been afforded the same opportunities as have.

Now maybe you can understand why most of what you say here is quickly dismissed by rational thinking adults.

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Win makes the perfect liberal. Has so much he feels guilty about it so he wants to take from everyone else and give to the poor so he won't feel as guilty.

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None of that says my family is "rich."

And if my family has anything, they got it every bit of it through hard work. My grandfather was a carpenter who sold cows so that my mom could attend college -- the first in her family to do so. On the other side, my grandfather went to school on the GI Bill from his service in WWII, convinced a professor to allow him to sleep on a sofa in a building here on campus, and then worked two jobs to put himself through law school.

I say all of that under the idea that just because the Lord has blessed me with material things, doesn't mean that I'm entitled to anything and doesn't excuse me from working for everything I have.

So, yeah, I do have a nice house and car. That's nothing to be ashamed of as I'm my family's top priority. In return, I stay away from the things that could get me off track. I've been afforded many undue blessings that I realize are pipe dreams to some. Yet, I grasp the idea that those often unworthy blessings make me in no way better than any person and, if anything, I'll be judged a little harsher on judgment day.

You're free to hold whatever opinion of me you, but I do want you to know that the one that I'm thinking you're currently holding on to couldn't be more inaccurate.

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You must have a good imagination considering the lack of a track record for Christians using every 4 letter word under the sun to belittle someone.

You must have not grown up in a Christian school if you think Christians are just as vengeful, violent, and use just as many four letter words as non-Christians. Maybe not you pastor, but yes I have heard Christians(at church) say some pretty vile things about people.

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Who said rich? That is such a relative term it can be twisted to the extreme. I said your family had money and they do. You said, "Why would I ever say that my family has money? I would never make such a snobbish comment. That's not me at all and I regret that you think I've ever said anything of the sort. You have me confused." You went so far as to highlight the word never.

I replied that you had said words to that exact effect but maybe not those exact words. You said, "No,I've never said anything of the sort. Never will either."

I provided the exact quote where you did. You came back out of left field with "None of that says my family is "rich"".

Let me tell you something Win. Something rational thinkers can pick up on in a heartbeat (Cause it's not real tough to do). When a family is providing their son with a new car and a house to live in while they are footing his college bill, they have some cake to say the least. You can argue whether you are "rich" or not with someone else. I applaud your families hard work to achieve their wealth and hold no grudges about it.

If you were a more mature debater you would have conceded that after I posted where you said exactly what you vehemently denied for several posts. Instead, you went off and thought about it for a while and came back with some rationalization trying to explain something to someone about blah blah blah.

I don't think I know you at all. It is impossible to get to know someone off of forum posts alone. I do know some things about you. One is that you have been acting like a snot nosed punk lately with the way you have been posting in this forum. That is why I have been boxing your ears a little. Obviously, it hasn't done much good.

It's all good though. Keep popping off like you have been lately and your opinion will carry about as much weight around here as BF's. We will wait for you to mature and I will begin to use the manual ignore until you do. It took BG forever. I'm thinking it may take you longer. In all fairness though beege was a junior when I came here.

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You must have not grown up in a Christian school if you think Christians are just as vengeful, violent, and use just as many four letter words as non-Christians. Maybe not you pastor, but yes I have heard Christians(at church) say some pretty vile things about people.

Actually, I spent about half my time in public schools, and half in private. You're generalizing all Christians based on immature kids. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with them and church in the past. You should try shopping out churches, not all are like that.

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You must have not grown up in a Christian school if you think Christians are just as vengeful, violent, and use just as many four letter words as non-Christians. Maybe not you pastor, but yes I have heard Christians(at church) say some pretty vile things about people.

Actually, I spent about half my time in public schools, and half in private. You're generalizing all Christians based on immature kids. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with them and church in the past. You should try shopping out churches, not all are like that.

Yeah they're not all like Obama's church either Obama's former church.

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