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AU9377 last won the day on July 18

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  1. Every one of those clips is someone being interviewed on Fox. There is one CNN reporter calling her that. I simply don't remember her being called that. You have to be able to hear the slant Fox puts on this and EVERYTHING. Supposedly everyone lies but FOX, the network that has shelled out a billion and counting for actually lying. Fox operates like a right wing funded propaganda machine, because that is what they are.
  2. I knew this was coming. One day she is too harsh of a Prosecutor and the next day she is accused of setting murderers free. Classic. It is pretty obvious that she had no control over this group's future actions. As someone that has done criminal defense work in the past, part of the reason our system is viewed as a 2 tier system is that people charged with a crime that have money go home on bail and those without sit in jail, sometimes for years awaiting trial or for their charges to be dismissed.
  3. This is my curiosity about Vance. He graduated law school in 2013, supposedly dirt poor and having attended school on a scholarship. Three years later, he is named a principal in an "investment firm." His book was not published until 2016 and the movie was picked up several years later. He worked one year after law school as a law clerk. Where the heck did the money come from?
  4. Didn't realize that he even worked for Fox now.
  5. Yet the race is basically a draw at his point. I was very clear that she wouldn't be my first choice, but I also understand having to deal with the situation as it has presented itself.
  6. There has certainly been nothing said threatening Israel on our part. We have negotiators meeting with everyone almost daily. The Sec of State has been very hands on, as has the head of the CIA. There have been protests on the streets of Israel by citizens demanding that a cease fire deal be reached to bring the hostages that are alive back home. Hamas is the bad actor here and nobody is claiming otherwise. At the same time, there have now been close to 40,000 Palestinians killed in an area that is basically a 50 mile strip of land. At some point, the remaining hostages have to be the most important element of what is left to fight over.
  7. You assume that they are not.
  8. You are absolutely free to believe that someone being gay is a great sin. You simply are not allowed to use the hand of the government to impose religious views that restrict someone's ability to enjoy the freedoms that every other man and woman enjoys. Doing so would make us a theocracy.
  9. I never watch MSNBC and I am not someone who uses Facebook or Youtube to discuss political views. I do watch CNN if there is some big news story that I want current information or a live feed to view and sometimes the NBC/ABC nightly news. I read Politico and am very much an Independent. I never heard her called a border czar until I happened to see a few minutes of Hannity at a friend's house.
  10. You all pretended to be outraged that they went with someone that was presumed to be on the ticket in the first place. Imagine the faux rage if it had been a governor.
  11. You are convinced that applies to the current conflict? That is one place where we differ. That comes from the book of Samuel. If we read the books of the Old Testament and followed them strictly, Israeli troops would also be allowed to take virgins from Gaza home to rape and enjoy.
  12. I prob should have said that there is nothing within Christianity that supports that level of destruction.
  13. Another example https://www.11alive.com/article/news/health/congressional-hearing-insurance-reform-mattie-mckoy/85-dc56d856-ee27-4b27-a4b0-6e95b11507b4
  14. It is no more of a lie than labeling Democrats as Communists or Marxist or even Socialists. Words have meanings.
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