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Tuberville Fires Back


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Tubs just went off at his presser, i'll try to find a link to the press conference but it's still going on so it might be a while. But it was awesome to listen to.

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Completely agree. He sounded good, said some good things and did the best you could imagine to put all rumors to rest. I am still not sure if he is the man to take us to the next level on a semi-consistent basis, but I love the man and he is an Auburn man.

Edit: It also seems that he thinks Caudle has a better shot then Trotter. He said he was very impressed with Caudle and there was a chance that Caudle or Trotter could get in. But he just mentioned Trotter and said a sentence or two about Neil.

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Went off about what?

Probably the same as he did in Conf. Call this morning.


Said he was NOT ending his contract…

Said he was NOT going to be AD next year…

Said he was NOT going anywhere and he would…

Be the Head Coach at Auburn University next year.

One of the funniest things he said was to STOP listening to the idiots on the Radio!

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LOL! Finebaum is mad because he had not heard about the Tubs having a stroke rumor. He is letting Tubs have it on his stupid show right now. He played the tape of CTT saying he was staying at Ole Piss 10 years ago (pine box stuff), and then the today's presser tape, asking fans if they hear any similarities. He said he has a radio show that broadcats to every corner of the state and he covers AU and UA extensively, and that he had heard nothing about a stroke.

BTW, did anybody hear the CTT having a stroke rumor? That's news to me.

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The last caller was priceless. He told Finebaum he was coming down there to deliver a ass whooping, and Finebaum dared him to come on down there any time.



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The last caller was priceless. He told Finebaum he was coming down there to deliver a ass whooping, and Finebaum dared him to come on down there any time.



not shocking i guess, just shows how much credibilty his show has and what a joke it is.

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That was a hilarious call. Those two women calling in letting him have it were great too. Dang, 'ol PF has really stirred up the pot today and gotten some AU fans pissed big time.

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Never fails, Looks as if a few more so called Auburn fans had their IQ lowered

today. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

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Good for CTT!

I am not happy about what has happened this year, but I also did not have high expectations. I though the fact that some media outlets were predicting us to win the division was as stretch. We were going to be breaking in a new QB with a new OC and offensive formation. Our same O-line was inconsistent last year also. However, I was not expecting the offense to be as bad as it has been.

We are in a rebuilding year folks. We don't need to run off the coach that has led the program to one of the best records in college football during the previous 5 years. I expect next year, regardless of who we hire as OC, to be a little better and the year after that to be much better. If that does not happen, then I would start questioning CTT's direction with the program. Yet, it is hard to argue with the results he has had leading up to this year, on and off the field with the players. However, we need to be prepared for a 7-5 or 6-6 season this year and then support the team just as hard next year.

Anybody catch the fact that he mentioned that our players are not getting arrested and the NCAA will not be here within the immediate future? Sound like he was talking about some other school to you? :lol:

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Alright so after reading this topic I listened to this guy for the first time ever today. Is it just me or are all of his callers complete idiots? The few calls I've heard so far were just people calling to pump him up, and to be honest I could barely understand what these people were saying. Not being an Alabama native, I understand it is difficult at times for me to understand their heavy accents, but I think they were all still idiots.

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The "South's Leading Opinion-Maker"!! :rolleyes:

Exactly, what is that supposed to mean? Idiots listen to him and then think like him?

When these people trace their family tree, it doesn't branch!! :lol:

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You guys will believe anything Tubs says and won't believe anything any other coach says. I'm not saying Tuberville did or did not have to say something, but I guess he has to appease the media.

When Saban says he is here to stay, you guys call him a liar. When Tuberville says he is here to stay and won't get fired or will leave, you believe. It is because you choose to believe he will stay and you choose to believe Saban will leave.

I think it is also funny that Tuberville says he has been here 10 years and will stay 10 more, yet it has been fairly obvious that he and his staff have planned on retiring at the age of 60 for quite some time now.

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You guys will believe anything Tubs says and won't believe anything any other coach says. I'm not saying Tuberville did or did not have to say something, but I guess he has to appease the media.

When Saban says he is here to stay, you guys call him a liar. When Tuberville says he is here to stay and won't get fired or will leave, you believe. It is because you choose to believe he will stay and you choose to believe Saban will leave.

I think it is also funny that Tuberville says he has been here 10 years and will stay 10 more, yet it has been fairly obvious that he and his staff have planned on retiring at the age of 60 for quite some time now.

YOU HAVE NO DAMN CLUE WHAT CTT and STAFF ARE PLANNING!!! Look at the facts of their careers!! CTT had been here for 10 years now. Uat has been a merry go round of coaches for the past 10 years, then they hire a coach who hasn't stayed anywhere for what more than 4 years. He doesn't have to appease the media, but only dispel the rumors from morons like you!

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let's have a bet. If Tuberville stays at Auburn for 6+ more seasons, you win. Else, I win. I bet you a win.

And you have a clue what they are planning? I guess if you believe everything they say, Saban is still at Miami and Tubs is still at Ole Miss.

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Holy "Pot Meet Kettle"!!! I've gotten grief about Saban saying he wouldn't take the Alabama job and he was staying in Miami. Did everyone just here Tuberville's press conference before leaving Ole Miss? I don't ever want to here an Auburn fan talk about Saban being a liar again! That was some grade A lying through his teeth.

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let's have a bet. If Tuberville stays at Auburn for 6+ more seasons, you win. Else, I win. I bet you a win.

And you have a clue what they are planning? I guess if you believe everything they say, Saban is still at Miami and Tubs is still at Ole Miss.

I'm not saying I know how long he is going to stay. I do know that Tommy and Suzanne LOVE Auburn, b/c I went to church with them when I lived there. I do not believe is going to be voluntarily leaving after this year. I do think he wants to coach at AU for as long as possible. He may be here 6 years maybe 10? For you to say "it is fairly obvious that they have been planning retirement" is completely ridiculous!!

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I am assuming he will be here another year and if that doesn't work out his choice won't be involved in his departure.

Most head coaches have a hard time moving up job ladders when their seasons are on the crapper end of the scale.

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Is it just me or is there other people who have a problem with some of the things CTT says...........

" this is a rebuilding year...."

"if you have a few good years and then one bad one, so be it"

"I dont know if we will win any of our remaining games..."

do these comments bother you???

It seems to me he is giving himself and the staff a crutch to lean on if things go bad.... by saying this is a "rebuilding" year

this team is LOADED with talent.... it is criminal what has happened this year......

I would like for CTT to say.....

"we can win every game on our remaining schedule, and that is our goal...."

"this season is not over, we still have 5 games and our goal is to end up 9-3...."


If i were a senior on this team i wouldnt like CTT saying this is a "rebuilding" year......

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Holy "Pot Meet Kettle"!!! I've gotten grief about Saban saying he wouldn't take the Alabama job and he was staying in Miami. Did everyone just here Tuberville's press conference before leaving Ole Miss? I don't ever want to here an Auburn fan talk about Saban being a liar again! That was some grade A lying through his teeth.

Sorry, we don't take orders from uat trolls. Unfortunately for you, you don't make the rules here about what can be discussed or what we can or do think of the prick with ears you call a coach. If you don't want to hear how saban is a liar again, then my best advice to you is to stay away from auburn and lsu boards and probably most every sec board out there except spuat. Believe me, you won't be missed here.

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What's really going to be funny is when Saban bolts after 3 years and the Bammers are left moaning and groaning again! That will stop their coming over here and stirring up crap.

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WarTiger, I don't stay here because I think I'd be missed, I stay here to add an ounce of realism to this board. And for that I couldn't care two dumps worth whether you would miss me or ever read one of my posts again.

Ignore it if you want, Saban did NOTHING while leaving miami that Coach Tuberville didn't do leaving Ole Miss.

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