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Bonds....Chris Bonds Commits to Tide


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He gets injured easier than Brodie Croyle HAHAHA bad pickup bammers!

It's a sad day in the Tiger Nation if this is the best response we can come up with.

Very nice pick up with a very impressive offer list. Whether you choose to admit it or not, Saban is a recruiting machine.

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At the beginning i thought it would be nice to make what CNS makes in terms of money but after i read that rival article about his daily schedule, the guys works almost insanely allot... I'll never be that rich.. i just can't understand how they do it..

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the beginning i thought it would be nice to make what CNS makes in terms of money but after i read that rival article about his daily schedule, the guys works almost insanely allot... I'll never be that rich.. i just can't understand how they do it..

I missed it do you still have a link?

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