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Posts posted by GoAU

  1. 2 hours ago, cbo said:

    It's funny how some can't fathom this. It's not team sports to all of us. 

    Except for some odd reason the prosecutions just never seem to happen on the other side, huh?

    Hillary's charges were more serious and there was more evidence, but not pursued 

    Biden's charges were also more serious, yet he was found too mentally incompetent to be charged, but somehow still has enough mental facilities to be president

    Hunter's charges were attempted to be covered up with a ridiculous plea deal, that was stopped at the last minute by a judge that wasn't on the Dem train.  We'll see how his trial goes

    Haven't seen "gold bar Bob" get indicted yet, but not holding my breath

    Funny, eh?  And I'm not even mentioning all the evidence of the Biden's pay to play schemes that just sits there - but in a way I'm glad he hasn't been indicted there yet, as it'll give something fresh for the new AG under Trumps next term to start with.....

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    • Facepalm 2
  2. 4 hours ago, AUDub said:

    Falsifying financial records to cover up payments to Stormy Daniels at the heart of it. 

    So is stringing together a couple of very low level misdemeanor charges, after the statute of limitations expires.  Including one of those being a federal charge attempting to be prosecuted in a state court, that federal agencies declined to prosecute.  Essentially a giant heaping pile of manure. 

    3 hours ago, Didba said:

    As a lawyer, this response is hilarious. 

    Equally hilarious was the judges completely unheard of juror instructions.  As a lawyer, truthfully, have you ever heard of a judge saying that the jury didn’t even all have to agree on the precursor “crime” to convict on the secondary crime?   There are several areas that the judge has left his conduct ripe for appeal.  

    2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

    I keep hearing this concern and to me, it doesn't make sense.  Even the POTUS should be held accountable if they break the law.  If you don't want to get charged with crimes, don't commit them.  That will eliminate 99.9% of the concerns.

    Sure - and how about the crimes by Hillary (illegal handling of classified documents and destroying evidence) or Hurr openly admitting the only reason he chose not to charge Biden in handling of classified documents was his age and failing cognitive abilities (but yet somehow he can still be president??)  - both of these are of SIGNIFICANT higher orders of magnitude than this kangaroo court had.  

    2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

    What made it a felony here is the intent behind it - to influence a presidential election.  Now, like I said the legal theory the DA used to tie these already illegal payments to the election so it became a felony is the part I think (in my non-lawyer opinion) is on shakier ground.  

    It is a very dangerous precedent that has just been set, and I’m afraid there is not putting the genie back in the bottle. Select states with favorable political leanings will declare open season on politicians like it’s nobody’s business soon.  Start the clock ticking on how long it is before some AG in a state like TX prosecutes Biden for something like being an accessory to a crime for his lack of enforcement of the border.  

    2 hours ago, cbo said:

    To make it simple, you're not allowed to falsify business documents and it's more serious if you do so to influence an election. 

    Let’s be honest, the “influence and election” argument is a heck of a stretch.  I understand the literal term, but the context is a real stretch, that can (and will be) used frequently in the future to target candidates on both sides.  

    I’m stunned at how many democrats don’t see concern about “lawfare” being used against political opponents.  For those who try to claim Trump was authoritarian - this is a classic example of an authoritarian president.  

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  3. 22 hours ago, WarTiger said:

    You also don't need to pass a background check in Florida if you buy a gun from an individual.   The only time you need to pass a background check is if you buy from a firearm dealer (FFL)



    True, but it is still illegal to buy or possess a firearm as a convicted felon.  In this case, the shooter was breaking (yet another) law just being in possession of a firearm.  

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  4. On 3/21/2024 at 4:13 PM, I_M4_AU said:

    The NY Post just put up an article concerning 100s of immigrants charging the razor wire at the El Paso border.  If you look at the video posted it looks like they believe they have a right to be here.

    EL PASO, Texas — A group of over 100 migrants attempting to enter the US illegally rushed a border wall Thursday, breaking through razor wire and knocking over guards in the process.

    The Post witnessed around 600 migrants massed at the international border, whom Texas National Guard troops were attempting to push back in small groups.

    The situation grew tense as groups were separated out, and video shows the migrants crying out for help and rushing to the border gate. A group of men with hoodies, gloves and winter jackets pull the fencing away as a group of five guards stand in a defensive formation to fill the gap.




    I’m sure these poor people will comply with laws better now that they’re in the country…..

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, AUApostle said:

    It’s not impeachable b/c neither the GOP or Dems want to impeach him, and the White Hats are still letting the commies put the nooses over their necks.  It’s all going to change soon.

    All for show - don’t let it upset you.

    10-35 million illegal aliens (depending on which estimates you look at) is something everyone should be concerned with.  Whether it’s the burden on border and law enforcement, the financial burden on everyone for supporting them, the impact they would illegally have on elections (for states that don’t have voter ID or for the children of the illegal immigrants that are born here, or the drug and human trafficking that surrounds the border, and the crime that some of these migrants bring - the list of problems is never ending…..

    The real “threat to democracy” is currently residing in the White House, but it shouldn’t be much longer.  

    • Facepalm 2
  6. 16 hours ago, eaglenest said:

    You may as well find you another school to root for. let me help you out South Carolina, Utah, Notre Dame, Wisconsin that should (just do it)  lol..

    Just because I prefer Under Armor?   I’ve got enough Under Armour Auburn gear to last a long while even if we do switch to Nike.  

  7. Fifty - other than a love for Auburn sports, we haven’t seemed to find too much common ground, but I’ve enjoyed (most of) our discussions ;) .  But I want you to know that I’m praying for you and your medical caregivers.   Here’s to a full and fast recovery.    

    War Damn Eagle!  

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  8. On 2/8/2024 at 3:16 PM, CoffeeTiger said:


    Except nobody is ever going to actually physically invade America. If another superpower seriously decided that America needs taking out we're getting nuked or attached with chemical weapons, not having our shores invaded by a physical army. 

    Americas 32 billion-trillion privately owned guns wont be any good against what other countries actually end up attacking America with.

    Agree - there isn’t any nation, or combination of nations with the force projection ability to invade the US.  

    Unfortunately all it would take is a massive cyber attack on our infrastructure or an EMP and about a week or two afterwards most of the country would look like NOLA following the hurricane, except it won’t be localized and assistance from neighboring states won’t be there to help.  

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  9. There’s a natural tendency to be curious,  but if whatever happened happened outside of an “official capacity”, wasn’t criminal, and didn’t put the university in any jeopardy then I need to resist the curiosity, respect the privacy of these guys, accept it for what it is, and hope for the best for them.  I would imagine they’re going through some tough times and whether they did anything to “deserve it” or not, I will still pray for them and their families.  

    • Thanks 4
  10. On 1/6/2024 at 11:27 AM, Win4AU said:

    Gotta believe Kieonte is looking for more money.  

    I gotta wonder how sustainable all this transfer and NIL stuff is?  There’s really no benefit to the big money donors to continually dump millions into the program year after year.  No tax breaks.  No ROI.  At this point the players just need to be able to go to the NFL out of high school if they can.  Rich people didn’t get rich throwing money away which is basically what the NIL is. 

    Gotta admit, I’m not a huge NIL fan, but it is what it is at this point.  Just wondering if / how long until you see NIL with multi year contracts / obligations?   

    • Like 2
  11. On 12/29/2023 at 10:53 AM, AU9377 said:

    Without some kind of employment contract/agreement, employees in the South have very few rights and can be fired with no real recourse.  Unions benefit people, both members and non members, by collective bargaining.  There are circumstances and horror stories of unions acting in ways that seem like extortion.  However, that is the exception and not the norm.  There are tens of thousands of people that have worked in low paying jobs their entire lives, only to be abandoned by corporations worth billions when their jobs were moved to Mexico or China.  They are often left with no pension and no healthcare other than what the government can provide.  These people have no voice unless it is a collective voice.

    And why would a company fire someone they have invested money in training for no reason?  There is no logic to that, but it sure sounds good as a talking point.  What unions excel at is in preventing people from either being rewarded based on merit, or held accountable for performance issues.  They drive costs into products by trying to force unrealistic headcount and wages which in the long term forces plants to downsize and/or move offshore and easing prices to the consumer.  

    But hey - whatever floats your boat…..

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