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GoAU last won the day on June 25 2022

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About GoAU

  • Birthday 05/13/1971

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    Chattanooga, TN
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  1. I think that not having a big step forward on offense this year would make recruiting more difficult, and therefore hope to see him (much) more involved.
  2. The only downside is you potentially have someone working against you in your own event. I guess they keep a close eye out for that, but I’d hate to see a kid that’s a lean to another school recruiting against us at Big Cat.
  3. Ah yes, give the government more power and they’ll fix it. Reagan said it best - more .gov won’t fix the problem, more .gov IS the problem. The government is what created this problem to begin with. Yes, between Harris being an ethnic minority and a woman she should be immune from all criticism, right? To criticize her makes you racist, sexist, or both? What if she’s just an idiot because that’s who she is?
  4. Are you saying if people prefer someone over someone else based only on the color of their skin it isn’t racist? Does that work both ways for you? Really - criticizing her individually has nothing whatsoever to do with her race. I criticized Biden constantly as well - are you implying I also am racist against white people?
  5. Yes, that’s pretty much what I’m saying. If you’re not aware of her background in politics in California, I can provide you a few notes.
  6. Yeah - the whole concept of just treating everyone equally is just so foreign.
  7. Yes, he worked on it (with constant opposition from the dems) for 4 years, compared to 3.5 from Biden / Harris. Unless you think there is some major shift about to happen the records aren’t even close. Biden / Harris essentially rolled out the welcome mat for millions of illegal immigrants. You (sadly and incorrectly) claim she didn’t have any “power” but I’m sure you will remember she was Biden’s “border czar” - remember, after a few months in the roll she even got close to going to a border. Much like most of the rest of her career, she had titles and responsibilities - but no actual outputs or achievements. Yes. Assume she will get more black votes because she identifies as black seems to be stereotyping a lot of people as just assuming they vote based on the color of her skin. Also, saying she has “diversity on her side” also seems to omit white males based only on their race / sex - the definition of racism.
  8. “People that know him said he was fine”??? Really, you believe THAT??? You must be really gullible. I wouldn’t be too sure on that. Not suprised ethics would allude you either. Sounds racist… Convicted of rape - really? You just make stuff up, eh? He sure did a better job than any other recent president. The current clown in office took actual steps to WEAKEN the border. Significant improvement in very short order should be no problem at all.
  9. You must be joking, right?!?!? Maybe some day she’ll explain “What can be, unburdened by what has been” means??
  10. The world salad machine wouldn’t do well in a debate with anyone. Heck, she can’t string together 3 cohesive sentences by herself.
  11. Oh, I disagree - a lot of people have been saying he’s unfit to run. It’s even becoming obvious to the die hard libs. Anything else is just denial. Yes, her prowess as both a Border Czar and chief of AI development show she is a force to be reckoned with. LOL
  12. It may be Biden - he’s claimed to be her VP a few times already….
  13. His ego and his need / desire to protect his son and his family name against the onslaught of corruption charges that are likely heading his way. Only when he saw his own party was going to throw him to the wolves did he decide to step down. Actually, I shouldn’t have said “decide”, as he really didn’t have a choice. Trump will wipe the floor with the cackling hyena. Her word salad will not save her. Hell, Tulsi mopped the floor with her, this will be even worse.
  14. You keep clinging to garbage in a desperate hope that it backs your narrative and yet it doesn’t. Sorry, but the left and people like you are the ones that refuse to acknowledge the truth. You and Schiff are still waiting for the Steele dossier to be proven, right? You remain intentionally ignorant.
  15. Since you are unwilling or unable to break away from the narrative you cling so deeply to. I assume you’ll at least agree that FactCheck.org is far from a right leaning source… https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/ Maybe you can quit squawking about this now?
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