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Posts posted by GoAU

  1. I don’t think it’s that complicated.   The God I mention is absolutely, as you say, “all powerful” or else He wouldn’t be God.  Having power doesn’t me He exercises that power at all times.  That is where free will comes into play - people are given the latitude to make their own choices.  I don’t really like the analogy of “pets” but I think in some aspects it has its merits.  Why do (some) people enjoy having a dog?   Some dogs chew things up, go to the bathroom in the house, run away, etc?   Why not just get a stuffed animal instead?   Because a real dog can show affection, provide companionship, show affection, etc.  that doesn’t happen with the stuffed animal because it doesn’t have free will - it can’t make the choice or decision.  Life here is essentially a temporary stop along the way, just a decision point for who makes the cut for the next stop.  

  2. On 10/18/2023 at 9:56 PM, AUDub said:

    Let me emphasize “rarely.” She’s not above the occasional stupid remark but she’s a far cry from the rest of the squad. 

    Kind of like being the tallest midget though, right?

    • Haha 1
  3. 9 hours ago, AUDub said:

    AOC has far better political instincts than I thought she would when she entered Congress. The “win the internet” millennial bent can get annoying but she rarely has to put her foot in her mouth like, for instance, Tlaib or Omar. 

    Need I remind you of the stellar job she did securing all of those jobs from her district in the new Amazon facility?  How about when she said unemployment was low because everyone has 2 jobs?  I’ll admit she does seem to resonate with some of the young crowd, but I can provide a lot more examples of her making stupid comments.  

  4. On 10/17/2023 at 12:44 AM, AURex said:

    He's right. The best and brightest are no going to DC. I'm not sure how any human with half a brain could argue with that. I mean, just look at crazoids and shiiiiitheads like Tuberville, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Gomert, Graham, Santos, etc -- and on the other side of the aisle Menendez.

    The best and the brightest are not going to DC. But fact is, the best and the brightest HAVE NEVER gone to DC. In the early days of our great republic, our presidents and congressmen were highly educated and totally tied into their national and state politics. Now, most of the DC politicians are total halfwits just spouting crap for ignorant people to applaud and contribute money for.


    On the other side of the aisle - Menendez??  Really, he’s the lone Democrat you offer up?   AOC is dumb as a box of rocks, as are Talib, Omar, Bush - heck, the entire “squad”.  Don’t forget Schiff - but it’s hard to say whether he’s actually dumb, or just a pathological liar.  

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  5. 20 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

    I never said it was a bad thing.

    I said it has been used over and over again to justify atrocities.

    It reveals the spirit of Jesus.  It is not a book of rules used for power and control. 

    But yes, like a hammer, it can be good or, bad depending upon how it is used.  I would caution those who use it as a weapon.

    Completely agree with your post, and my apologies for misunderstanding your point on the Bible. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

    Totally disagree.  The bible has been used to justify atrocity after atrocity.  It is often the tool of man, serving those who seek the world, serving power, serving our worst instincts.

    The only hope for humanity is the love of Jesus.  In that,,, there is no confusion.

    The bible is not the cornerstone of Christianity.  The love of Jesus is.

    Making God a book written by men is a mistake.  Diminishing Jesus with the bible is unfortunately fundamental to organized "christianity".

    You can lose Jesus in christianity, in the bible.  Jesus in your heart is a much, much more important.  Jesus in our hearts is everything.

    I completely agree that the love of Jesus is absolutely critical, atonement and his sacrifice for us IS the cornerstone.   But to disregard the Bible is a huge mistake.  Just because something is used by evil people does not diminish its importance in what it is intended for.  A hammer in the hands of an evil man can be an instrument of evil, in the hands of a skilled craftsman it can provide a home - this doesn’t make a hammer a bad thing.  

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  7. 3 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

    Funny, I worry more about the ones who do not hear god's voice.

    God in book form seems more destructive than god in spirit, particularly if you truly hold to a god of love and peace.

    Not sure I agree with that.  There are many more versus in the Bible that reference love than hate or war.  But at the same time, the Bible is pretty clear on what is right and wrong, and contrary to today’s culture, it doesn’t hesitate to rebuke what is wrong.  

    The Bible is the anchor.  If the love of Jesus was only passed from generation to generation through the eyes of man, it would absolutely become skewed by man.  The Bible is the anchor point to stop man from skewing the Word even further. 

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  8. 12 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    Or else, what?

    There are numerous options available, but out of all of them standing idly by while US citizens are abducted is just about last on the list.  Only followed by paying ransom, which this administration has shown willingness to do.  

    • Facepalm 1
  9. 9 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    He has done that and the Sec of State and Sec of Defense have both demanded the same repeatedly.

    Thanks - I guess I missed it.  Saw his comments from meeting with the 14 families, but didn’t see anything regarding this.  

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    There's nowhere for the million people to evacuate to or go.  Hopefully Israel doesn't use their evacuation order as an excuse to start indiscriminately killing civilians. 

    As war often is, this is a situation where nobody is going to 'win'.

    Actually that’s not entirely true. There are some area of Gaza that aren’t purely urban and Israel provided instructions to safe areas to the south.  The “brave fighters” of Hamas (yeah, the same ones that attacked civilians in Israel) are the main impediment preventing civilians from leaving.  

  11. Apparently Israel now warned civilians to evacuate Gaza City and to move south of the river.   Apparently Hamas is not allowing the people to leave - don’t want to lose their human shields.   Absolute cowards - attacking Israeli civilians in cold blood, hiding behind their own women and children.   It’s no surprise the Hamas fighters cover their faces…..

    • Like 4
  12. 10 hours ago, Viper said:

    Easily the best game I’ve ever been to. Still have my ticket stubs. 

    I was at that game as well.  Graduated AU the summer before, but was stationed at Ft Benning and came up with 5 of my Army buddies to show them Auburn.  The best part was one of my friends was an LSU guy.  He gave me crap for the first 3 quarters.  I enjoyed the 4th - and the rest of the evening. ;)   

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  13. On 10/3/2023 at 11:07 PM, AU9377 said:

    The debt is incredibly important.  However, the time to address the spending issue is during budget negotiations.  Threatening to not pay bills that are already due is not the path to responsible spending.

    A true budget hasn’t been passed since 2006.  Congress should have “lock ins” if they cannot pass a balanced budget, on time, as required.  

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