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Everything posted by 33gles

  1. Good to see the creepy ass-bear commercials are still a thing....
  2. If the O doesn't sustain a drive, the D will get more and more susceptible to the run as they wear down. Standard.
  3. Or pistol, or literally anything other than shotgun please.
  4. Lining up under center isn't against the rules, you morons. Why are our coaches all idiots?
  5. Hey look, shotgun snap adding MILES to the qb sneak. I HATE IT.
  6. I know it's better than seeing 4th and short plays that throw it backwards 7 yards before even attempting to go forward.
  7. 4th down short? Line up UNDER CENTER FFS! It's a power push, sneak, or give. It's not rocket science. Just play football.
  8. We've got no receivers other than a TE for our already shaky QBs.
  9. Man, we desperately need some star WR hands.
  10. This. Double cover him or blitz. No inbetween.
  11. Ok D, you got your breather. Now CRUSH THEIR DREAMS!
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