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Everything posted by TigerOne

  1. Yeah the one that knows it’s tough to win on the road
  2. Luck it wasn’t call intentional or technical
  3. What was Broome doing playing football with that block?
  4. Well it’s tough to win on the road do it’s ok and acceptable
  5. It’s like the coach’s tell the team this so mentally they are ok with it
  6. That is Auburn’s crutch and go to excuse like it’s a good thing.
  7. Did the season end last Wednesday? Looks like the team decided to take today off
  8. Blue blood is a stupid outdated term that should be retired and forgotten
  9. He was doing what saban told him to do. Saban never had any issues doing this.
  10. It looked like the rest of their team basically quit with 10 minutes to go.
  11. Our lights work , although I think this was just a snippet of the conversation. He did say it was extremely loud.
  12. Blue blood is an outdated stupid term used by the media. how about how have some of the best teams done this week?
  13. Don’t think that’s who Bruce is. he’ll do his talking on the court
  14. Definitely A season changing type of game. This could be the point Auburn becomes that special team
  15. Coaches definitely coached at halftime. Bruce and staff did an AUsome job and the players responded and executed big time.
  16. War Eagle, greatest second half of the season
  17. Exactly, that excuse now a crutch and mentally it’s ok to lose on the road. Bruce starting to sound like Freeze
  18. We have to keep using that excuse so no.
  19. Exactly, let’s hope this eliminates the archaic ncaa. Every school that gets any charges or letter should immediately sue them. It doesn’t solve the hostage/ ransom program that the nil is which is destroying college football.
  20. War Eagle, now do something with it going forward.
  21. Coaches change when they get big contract extensions
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