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Everything posted by TigerOne

  1. New running backs coach at uat
  2. So far he hasn’t shown us anything on the field. Freeze is a salesman, Coach haven’t seen it yet. He needs to not get too comfortable at Auburn. In other words, rent don’t buy. strange how we hardly heard a peep out of Caddy this season
  3. Home? What the hell does that mean? it will be whoever Saban has ordained worthy. Prime would not be a bad choice and create a whole nother level of praise for racist uat
  4. Cult idol worship is a dangerous thing. when will the state holiday be and how many days?
  5. It won’t be that difficult in today’s environment. uat would be the on top in the media if they hire Prime. They would kill it in recruiting just like now
  6. Don’t think so, in this new age of football a coach there can be very competitive. Maybe not the same level but with their resources and people ingrained throughout the ncaa it won’t be as difficult. The assistants will be key as we see at Auburn every year.
  7. Now 6 months of mourning, legislators pushing for state holiday, official parades and countless tv appearances and documentaries . then again maybe he will quietly leave the state to his home in Florida
  8. Because they know they can win it. we saw it tonight, didn’t panic, coaches did great coaching and were determined to win. it’s not gonna get any easier, strap in and hang on.
  9. Didn’t say they were necessarily fun but it helps the team. A loss to this team would have been awful especially since we are the better team
  10. These kind of wins are better than blowouts
  11. It was good though, this will probably be the norm. Arkansas was a freak
  12. Yeah that jump in the poll is not good at this time
  13. This will probably be very tough game. Auburn is now a prize win for opponents since the big jump in rankings. Hopefully the team pays no attention to that.
  14. Of course not. Now that cheating is no longer cheating. Michigan won on the field. Washington was never in the game. College football is now free agency and semi pro ball. congrats Michigan for beating uat but you suck.
  15. Just be thankful it’s not an sec team in this game. Except Auburn of course.
  16. They are imitating Auburn. Definitely confused and not in the game mentally. They do have the athletes to close the gap but this next td might knock ‘em out.
  17. One of the many flaws of nil. It’s like being held for ransom. Either pay up or I’m gone. Every year donors who are conned into paying will get constant phone calls to pay up again or else.
  18. School loyalty, commitment and dedication are a thing of the past. Freeze is right, the me disease is destroying college football. It’s all about how can get rich quick and maybe the nfl. If you are selfish and don’t want to be at Auburn please leave now and quit wasting our resources and that includes the coaches.
  19. I think boosters called Freeze and told him to get his con job together and fast.
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