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Posts posted by lost

  1. 1 minute ago, Barnacle said:

    Penn State has plenty of Blue Chip talent. In fact, the percentage of Blue Chip players is the same as ours. I think it's a mistake for Auburn fans to believe that we're just going to line up across from them and beat them based on talent alone. 

    I agree they have talent and the two teams are similar.  But I don’t think their RB talent is comparable-physically.   And I believe we are a faster defensive team than them.  Jmo 

  2. When you have slipped down the ladder, you get stepped on. This is what we are experiencing.  
    Penn State fans are feeling good about their team. Recruiting is going very good, high expectations are sticking their heads back up( the buckeyes lost man!!!  Lol !) and AU ain’t AU of old. 

    It is time to remind the B10 why the SEC is always at the top and why they scream conspiracy and them $$ESPN cheaters


    War Eagle

  3. We beat Penn State because we are the most physical team. It all goes back to Joes. Speed and power is where AU has the advantage. They have nobody to match up offensively with the 3 backs AU will throw at them Sat. 
    I am so impressed with J Hunter. I Do not just believe he is as just as strong as Tank, I think he is more elusive and definitely faster. Sean Jackson is another hoss like Pettaway.  Even without  Shivers, the human bowlin ball AU can pound away and win with power and speed on both sides of the ball

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  4. This is my biggest concern for Sat nite. Qb play is ( for me ) a bigger question at this point than OL play. 
    Compared to the last 2 years the O L looks totally different. Even against our cupcakes our running game was being stuffed for loses and little to no gain putting us in 3rd and long situations. This years there has been holes and the opposing DL has been pushed backwards

    But Bo has fumbled, been still inaccurate at times. His 4th down booboo at the goal line showed once again his lack of concentration when frustration sets in. Now he has at times (as last year ) been on the money with his throws and it seems his footwork is much better and he may be more comfortable in the pocket.

    But will Bo be affected once again like the Florida game? Can he settle himself mentally and trust his teammates?  Does he trust his coaches now and does his team and coaches trust him?

    At times Bo has lived up to his athletic prowess and proved capable to be a top notch sec qb .  At times he looks lost .  Hopefully this year he becomes the Bo Nix we believe He can be and that maturation begins in earnest Saturday Night.





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  5. Maybe this has been brought up somewhere but i missed it.  It has to do with the Defense.  Is anybody else concerned bout the lack of turnovers being generated?  We had two or 3 chances at interceptions just dropped!, and has anyone jarred a fumble loose?  Why was not our defense parked in their backfield--- cept when they burned us with  a screen?

  6. We are not built to line up like we were in 2013 and  enforce our will.   It just isn't there. We have to have an efficient running game and it has to include the QB, the unaccounted player.  So the read option and the power sweeps and a short passing game is necessary.  But you have to run the middle to keep the defense honest.  If both QB's are efficient as Nick was in reading the DE and knowing when to keep it or give it away it will drive this offense.  Kent State had us totally confused defensively  a lot with their little "dressing" so don't count out the Gus 'trickery"


  7. Enjoyed the info...  I tried not to get too excited over the offense or too disappointed about the defense because of the team we were playing.  I was excited to see the decision making of both QB's.   Gatewood(except for one play) made the best read on the read option.   Bo could have easily had a 100 yards himself running the ball if Malzhan desired.

    The question is, and has been... Can we stretch the field with our passing game.  Hopefully with Schwartz getting healthier that will open up,  hurry back  Seth!!

  8. I was very pleased with the efforts and the result.  Washington is a complete team on both sides of the ball.  They pushed us.  Gus was his usual self with the play calling  made things interesting ( going for 2 on the 1st touchdown-- he called it being aggressive!!  --).  I saw some things that intrigued me.  The routes over the middle---  (we could have done that the whole game), Cox as a receiver out of the backfield and TIGHT ENDS!!!  Defensively we dominated, just the usual suspect things of defensive backs not looking back for the ball, and over persuit of the QB ans allowing rb to the outside of the formations at times...  AUsome win!!  

    • Like 1
  9. I thought you could see the nervousness of Stidham in his unwillingness to let go of the football.  I was displeased with the amount of pressure G Southern was able to get and the lack of progress in the middle of the line again.  It was the same problem with little push up front on many of the runs. The offense looked out of sync the whole game, regardless for the reason.  I thought the Stidham to Hastings pass in the corner of the endzone was what shows his special ability as a passer and this is what HE WILL DO if he gets time and gets comfortable.


    My biggest worry was not the game but the way we started the season with the suspensions of people who should know better AGAIN.  I was hoping we could not see the drama and a committed club this year.  Maybe the problems happened earlier and were just now enforced?  and we will come together and make a run.  This has been the problem i believe of this team.  Too many undisciplined players and not enough commitment.

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  10. On 6/26/2017 at 1:02 PM, AUld fAUx@ said:

    Shoals, huh?

    No. In VA. A section on the upper James. Pretty place (though completely inactive) that I got to visit once (camping) before Dad and his brother sold it. 

    Just thought, enough generations back that family scattering might have occurred.


    ETA - The surrender was presented at the Isbell-Bocock House in town.

    I knew a bunch of Isbell's in Alabama, most were good musicians.  One of my best friends from church college was Mike Isbell, wife was Robin

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  11. Met this guy while in the Badlands.  We were pretty well at each scenic site together.  He had an green Alien man he was using to take pics with which got my attention.  We exchanged names and talked a good bit.  He is from Nashville, has a syndicated radio show...He produced this song about his trip to Devils Towers....



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  12. I am 57, and i have been a fan since 1966.  But unfortunately my 1st  college game was at the enemy in 1974 vs florida state,  I almost got a win for the Noles...  :-)  But i guess Punt bama Punt is when i really remember getting full into the games as far as understanding the game well.   War Eagle and i have love reading the stories. 

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