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Posts posted by SRBautigerfan

  1. 3 minutes ago, DAG said:

    Thanks for posting these. I want to hear all sides.

    Interesting for sure.  I can definitely see where any player that gets processed for whatever reason, attitude, work ethic etc. is going to go out salty and have some animosity toward the coach responsible so the Lee Hunter jab isn't really unexpected.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, gctiger said:

    IMO Freeze would normally be a pretty good choice, but I'm really questioning how that might be accepted from a PR perspective in regard to some of the current rumors.  I'm on the fence with him.  No way would I support Dan Mullen!  He was enormously unsuccessful at Florida and didn't recruit worth a flip!

    I say Auburn becomes Second Chance U. and extend the olive branch and take a chance just like we did with CBP.  I'm not sure its possible for AU's rep to look any worse than it has since forever so why not just go with it and pick someone that would get the fans and recruits excited to come and play here.

  3. I hate to hear that.  There's always two sides to every story but the evidence seems to be mounting against Harsin being able to survive this over the next fews days.  You just can't treat people like that.  I really do hate it for those players, coaches, his family and everyone involved.  It's got to be humiliating to them all.  

  4. 20 minutes ago, AU-24 said:

    You can’t possibly believe this was all made up by “The Powers That Be” as you called them.

     I mean come on! You can’t possibly believe that?!

    I was wondering what the Harsin Apologists excuse (I know ur not one of them) was going to be, I guess now we know.

    So I assume you have proof this rumor is all 100 % true and not fabricated?

  5. 10 hours ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    If Landen King leaves, I honestly don’t think I have any hope for the receiving corp

    Like regardless of how guys thought about Bobo or the WR coach or whoever blame should be handed to, we did a horrible job of maximizing the talented young guys then. Idk why I should have hope we’d do it this time around 

    As of now we have 8 total WRs.  We’ll have to hope the true freshman are ready to go on day one and pray we don’t have a single injury the entire season.  That’s cutting it close.

    • Like 1
  6. 42 minutes ago, Beaker said:

    I wonder if he camped with us or how we got onto this guy...probably an interesting story.  East St Louis - he could be one heck of a nasty OL.   Wouldn't that be great to land him?

    That’s a big man.  Definitely a priority position so that’s a yes for me.

  7. 27 minutes ago, wcware said:

    Our fanbase has become toxic. It started with Gus, moved to Bo, and now it’s on Harsin. I don’t know if it’s just the world we live in now or what. I admit, I overreacted to things I didn’t like about Gus. I rode with Bo until the end. I am sad he is not at Auburn, but I would not have been able to withstand what he was going through on campus on the daily. Now on to Harsin, if Bo doesn’t get hurt, we win 9 games and we aren’t having many of these discussions. Auburn football will be fine but the Auburn family, or the Auburn fanbase, we have a long way to go. You are either in this group or that group and this group doesn’t like that group. We are officially a middle school because that’s how we act. If you don’t think a fanbase effects the program then you are wrong. The contract extension of Gus is when I think most of it started. We have been divided since then. I know I will get facepalmed and roasted for this and thats fine. I have been part of the problem. I agree, things look sketchy at Auburn right now. I have been a season ticket holder since 1985 and I have seen sketchy before. I never remember the fanbase like it is now, during the other “sketchy” times. Anyway, roast away. War Eagle guys!


    I think “some” of it is the result of poor timing on Green’s/PTB part.  Auburn decides to replace CGM with an essentially unknown outsider HC during a pandemic when the NIL and the transfer portal is just getting launched.  And said HC’s plan is to tear it all down to build it back into a new culture.  Fantastic timing folks.  Give yourselves a hand for the keystone cops planning.  With that said CBH hasn’t helped himself with his hiring, firing and decision making either.  

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, CR said:

    Im probably not the guy to make you feel any better but Matthews said at AUs first junior day only 2 of the states top 20 prospects attended in a year when the state is loaded with talent.

    I thought I read somewhere that our Junior Day was scheduled on the same day as bama's.  If so probably not a wise idea.  Regardless, if only two showed up it's certainly foretelling where the Harsin program is headed fast.  I just hope someone somewhere is already working on a short list for the the obvious.

  9. 7 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    Part I - Harsin blocked trying to hire Zack Hill, whom currently resigned and under investigation by the NCAA

    Part II - Austin Davis appears to be on the outs.  Absent this weekend.  Starting to break on most pay sites that he's not coming back.  No one seems to know why.

    Part III - Welcome Coach Kiesau??

    It’s official.  Harsin’s football program is an unmitigated disaster and it’s heady straight for the iceberg.  My man has lost control and yet he’s out tossing around chick fillet sandwich’s to students before bb games.  Smh…

    • Like 2
  10. 27 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    HS offensive recruiting isn't that bad outside OL.  We signed WR/TE/RB.  OL HS has been a disaster.  I'd say the Portal for all of the offense has been a disaster.  We desperately needed multiple OL, got none.  Needed a top WR, missed out on every one we targeted.  Missed out on our top QB options.

    I gotta wonder if this is the affect from pissing off the PTB, poor recruiting by the staff or is this “part of the plan”???

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