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Everything posted by wareagleguy

  1. Someone better check on Golf, he may have started hitting it hard after the Landry Int!
  2. We left our Enforcer James "Don't give me no stinkin participation trophy" Harrison on the field at the end for everybody's back!
  3. 6 seconds and let's get out of here
  4. Surprise surprise number 55
  5. Running game has been a surprise, but Ben and gang have to make some plays
  6. Come on Steelers, got to win this one!
  7. Definitely, I always like our chances against Cincy, especially in the playoffs. Plus, Big Ben rarely loses in Ohio.
  8. We're close! Please, playoffs, please!
  9. I'm with you . . . fire Jay Jacobs . . . oh, wait!!!!
  10. Must win and Jets must lose . . . can't believe it's come to this.
  11. Me too. I have avoided posting so I wouldn't go off on a long, meandering tangent!
  12. True to all the above, I think the Pats will down the Jets, unless they throttle it down
  13. Yep, curse the Chiefs and Jets too, because, why not? !
  14. Yep, the sad part though, at least right now, is as well as we're playing right now we are still on the outside looking in. We need the Chiefs and Jets to go on a skid.
  15. Big win and Brady Jr., I mean AJ, may have to step in!
  16. True, the Steelers are the epitome of stability. Just look at their ownership history and their HC history, that tells the story.
  17. Good win. Now we are on to Cincinnati!
  18. Looked Aubie-ish! I'm sure it will be discussed in meetings!
  19. Nasty SOB on the field, for sure.
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