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Posts posted by AuCivilEng1

  1. 3 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    And if you thought I disputed one word of that, you were simply mistaken.

    I want a raised minimum wage, M4A, free college for 2 years and free trade school. Lets start there.

    I support all the things that the LGB Community has gotten over the years. Did you know that the strongest marriages statistically are MM?

    I want Free Speech for all. The very idea that one person in America could even publicly state that they supported " The Ministry of Truth" just shows us how far we have failed.

    I don't want America from 10-20-30-40-50 years ago. I would like to see something like Gene Roddenberry's vision for us going forward. At the same time, I clearly see, as do many LGB people that some in the Trans Community have gone completely off their rockers. 

    So I take it you’re a Bernie guy, right? Or at least something close to that. 

    Why do you think Bernie has run as a Democrat twice now? Seems like he’d run with the Republicans if they were the working man’s party. Also, seems like he would choose the party that he thought brought him the most voters aligned with his ideals. 

    Don’t mistake me saying the Democrats are the more aligned party. They’re still not close to where you or I want them to be. But they are closer than the Republicans. Always have been, always will be. 

    What I see is a screwed up voter base situation. The Democrats are more aligned with the working class and poor on policy, but they also embrace “woke” ideals and social equality far more than the GOP. So poor and working class people vote GOP, even though it’s against their best interests economically. 

    Bernie and AOC would do the most policy wise for the working man, but they just can’t bring themselves to vote for north eastern liberals, because they aren’t racist.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    I want to point out that the real people that own the DNC care nothing for Porter.

    I think we all know that both parties are owned by big money and special interests. I don’t think anyone would ever question that. The problem is the special interests that own the Republicans are gun lobbies and theocratic/autocracy sympathizers . The republicans are rolling back rights and causing material harm to people as a source of policy. Overturning Roe harmed poor/uneducated people worse than anything anyone has done in 100 years. 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    I dont have a clue what Democrat you are following but I assure they do not support anything that you just listed unless it makes one of their donors extremely wealthy.

    You can’t find a democrat who supports a higher minimum wage or unions? Really?

    • Like 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Historically, liberalism existed to defend and elevate the less educated and  blue collar. What is today … Maga.

    Does it though? Does Donald Trump do anything to help the struggling blue collar and less educated? Or did he specifically target them as a voting base, because they’re the easiest target? 

    The modern day Democratic Party for the most part is relatively moderate on economic policy, when you compare them to left leaning parties around the world. But they’re still the working class party. In fact, they represent just about everyone that isn’t filthy rich. 

    The dems still champion social security, paid family leave, affordable healthcare, higher wages, tech jobs, clean energy & unions far far more than republicans. And the Bernie wing is basically trying to be a socialist labor party. 

    I hope people don’t forget just how little the Republican House has done in the last two years. Biggest do nothing congress in history. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, AUGnome said:

    I didn't hear that at all... I heard he made a logical non emotional decision that happened to agree with what his father thought too...

    Yea I walked back my original comment. I don’t think it sounds as bad when you hear all the surrounding context. 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Sizzle said:

    He never said he didn’t want to go to Auburn, he just asked for his fathers opinion and his dad wrote down on a piece of paper that said “Auburn” and Cam went with that decision 

    That’s fair. I admittedly reacted before I fully understood what your original take meant. My mistake. 

    I went back and listened to the context surrounding the thing with his dad choosing.  Begrudgingly, because Shannon Sharpe bugs me. All I can think is that it makes it sound like his father chose Auburn and that decision was due to outside influences. I honestly still don’t understand the value in admitting that. Maybe I’m missing some deeper reasoning here. 

  7. 5 hours ago, cbo said:

    That's what you got from this interview?

    Cam brought a national championship to Auburn. He came back and graduated while he was in the NFL. He's allowed to tell his story, which says nothing bad about Auburn.


    He’s definitely allowed to tell his story. But I don’t understand the value in telling the world, you didn’t even want to go to Auburn. Seems like the kind of thing that could be omitted in the story. 

    • Facepalm 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, e808 said:

    I don’t think it’s mostly about the money. A key point is he wants to see how Auburn performs.  This thought won’t be exclusive to him. I believe this season will be critical in which direction the program is going. If Auburn does well I believe it would be easy to flip him IMO

    I don’t blame anyone. I’d be the same way. After watching that disgrace in 2023 I’d tell High to show me or kick rocks. 

    • Like 3
  9. Just now, AUDub said:

    Dustin’s ability to get Goldust over alone makes him a legend. Not everyone could pull they off. 

    It took some tinkering but when he leaned into being more comedic and less creepy it hit in a big way.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Sizzle said:

    Damn we should be thankful for Cam’s dad. Cam said he didn’t even pick Auburn, his dad did and Cam just went with his decision. Also us having 22 upcoming seniors was a big decision for him picking Auburn 

    Such an awesome thing to come out and say about a school who you were worshipped at that literally erected a statue of you. Why even say that even if it was true. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, AUDub said:

    One of those things that shouldn’t work but did. 

    I don’t even think WWE thought Booker and Golddust would work, and Dustin happened to hit his hilariousness prime in that exact moment life. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, GwillMac6 said:



    He was already to cool and had to much face love in my eyes to come back as an a**hole. My version of The Rock went toe to toe with Austin, Hogan, HHH, Jericho, Undertaker. He teamed with Foley. He was a hero. You can’t just turn into a generic Hollywood a**hole after all that. Didn’t work. The entrance theme was awesome though.

  13. 1 hour ago, GwillMac6 said:

    Seriously bro!?!? Pre Hollywood rock!?!? What are we even doing here????? Hollywood rock is the greatest character in wrasslin history!!!! 😡😤🤬😠👿

    Pre Hollywood Rock was my idol. We he came back with the belt buckle, shaved head, etc, it just wasn’t the same to me.

    Peak Rock…


    • Angry 1
  14. 11 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

    Since you never asked @AuCivilEng1 here is my top 12 all time favorite wrestlers!!! L F G bruhhhh!!! 😂😂

    1. Planets Champion DBry
    2. Hollywood Rock 
    3. CM Punk 
    4. Charlotte 
    5. LA Knight
    6. Macho Man
    7. 90’s HBK
    8. Hollywood Hogan
    9. Beat up John Cena heel era AJ Styles
    10. Dr of Thuganomics Word Life Jerrrrrrn Ceeeeeena

    11. AJ Lee

    12. Alexa Bliss 

    1. Pre Hollywood Rock

    2. Attitude Era SCSA

    3. Hollywood Hogan

    4. Booker T

    5. HHH

    6. Kurt Angle

    7. Seth Rollins

    8. Ministry Undertaker

    9. Bray Wyatt

    10. LA Knight

    11. Jay Lethal

    12.  Tribal Chief Roman

    13. Kofi Kingston 


    After this list I lose a lot of interest.

    • Angry 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, GwillMac6 said:

    Absolutely! Him and Rock are 2 of my favorite actors. Never miss a movie of theirs!

    Rock needs to step out of his comfort zone for me to take him seriously as an actor. It’s easy to play the bad ass hero in every movie when you’re a naturally handsome 6-5 265 muscle machine. Lol. All he has to do is exist. 

  16. Just now, GwillMac6 said:

    Yes see this was the actual DR of thuganomics days! His royal rumble return in 08 he was already PG super ceeeena and I despised that cena.

    Idk how you didn’t love this!? Sorry bro but I was all in and hooked! it was a lot of fun!

    I remember thinking when I saw this “this is as close as Vince McMahon will ever get to pushing a black guy as the face of the company”. 😂😂

    • Haha 2
  17. @GwillMac6The one thing I will give John Cena is that somehow, someway, he is one of the most effortlessly talented comedic actors I think I’ve ever seen. It truly shocks me how insanely perfect his comedic acting and timing turned out to be. I thoroughly enjoy and respect him as a person way more now that he’s gone to Hollywood.

    • Haha 1
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