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Posts posted by 4AUsince62

  1. Cam Newton is still the man. Don't you know the turds sitting at home were cursing like mad with every cheer he led? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. :lmao:/> :punk:/>

    The basketball team needed that win and it was beautiful timing. :bow:/>

    and is it possible that Mr. Newton led another second half comeback against the turds?!?!?!?heheheheeh

    The bammers and I were just talking about that and that he came back to finish his degree. I told them he's not the first Heisman winner at Auburn to do that.

    "What are you trying to say 62?"

    "Different caliber of player, more than just a Business Decision."

    "How much mileage are you going to try to get out of that 62?"

    "When the wheels fall off I'll let you know the odometer reading." :big:

    Good morning inmates, hope everyone is doing well today.

  2. Thanks Bird, Norm, and Tiger.

    Visitation is tonight, and funeral is tomorrow. This funeral thing never gets easier, and they seem to just keep coming.

    Nope, never easy. Will be thinking about you guys.
  3. You kind folks please send up a prayer for our family. We lost our uncle, my mom's brother this morning. He had lung problems for the past several years, and had gone into surgery on Thursday to have a spot removed. They took his upper lobe on the right side, and by all accounts it was a routine surgery that went well. He just never recovered from it and got worse as the days passed.

    It is a very tough time for our family. If you remember, my mom lost her other brother this time last her. Don was her last brother, and I don't know how her and my aunts will hold up, after losing two brothers and a mother in the span of a year.

    Tough times, indeed. Just please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers, especially my mom. I worry about her.

    Will do Drac, sorry to hear this for you guys,
  4. Hey guys!!! Just finished a round of chemo. Doc says everything is headed in the right direction. Thanks for all your prayers. WDE!!! Pops

    Great to hear Pops. Thoughts and prayers my friend. WDE to you.
  5. And before A4E comes in and points out that the sun came up, I'd like to be the first to say it isn't shining and it's cloudy. Stupid Irish. My only consolation is knowing that AU was the last team to win a NC AND go undefeated. I hate bammers.

    Hate is normally such a strong word; in this case it’s a little watered down.

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