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Posts posted by auburn41

  1. These history lessons are nice but the fact remains that a white woman dressed in a gorilla mask attacked a black man running for Gov of CA and the press largely didn't report on it because the black man was a Republican.  We still don't even know the woman's name.   If a white conservative did the same to Stacy Abrams (or any other politician of color) the media would still be talking about it as a lead story and would have released the attacker's name, what job they had and already interview acquaintances.  This is nothing but typical media hypocrisy.  The same hypocrisy that happen on this board everyday!

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  2. Hey #2, here is your chance to be obtuse again and act like you don't understand my point like last time!  What would the press response have been like if this was a person on the "right" throwing an egg at Stacy Abrams or Maxine Waters or someone similar???



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  3. 8 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    And now he’s covid positive.

    Well, he has been vaccinated and is showing no symptoms.  This is from the NYTimes.  You can google it if you want to read the rest of it yourself.....


    Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday and is receiving an antibody treatment, though he has no symptoms, the governor’s office announced.

    An ardent opponent of mask and vaccine mandates, Mr. Abbott, a Republican, has taken his opposition to such requirements all the way to the State Supreme Court. Mr. Abbott, who is fully vaccinated, will now be isolated in the Governor’s Mansion while receiving monoclonal antibody treatment, which can help patients who are at risk of getting very sick.

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  4. 23 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    Interesting tidbit, one of the top leaders of the Taliban and Afghanistan's potential next ruler is Mullah Baradar, who the US and Pakistan captured in 2010, but was released back to the Taliban via a request from the Trump administration in 2018.  


    Here's a nice little tidbit for you.........remember Bowe Bergdahl


  5. 5 hours ago, abw0004 said:

    Martha's Vineyard is 311 feet above sea level (at its highest point).  Comparing that to Miami that is only 4 feet above sea level it is a much better investment.  Because of this, Miami's beachfront properties have been dropping in value since 2013.

    Here is a pic of BHO's house.  It is right on the coast and is not 311 feet above sea level!


  6. 7 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    These folks were vaccinated and only knew they were infected due to being tested, but sure, draw your moronic false equivalencies.

    Welcome to the party #3 (a.k.a. All Hat, No Cattle).😂

    No false equivalences.  You know Republicans would be raked over the coals and made fun of by the media for months over this.  They frickin' met with the #2 and #3 people in line for the Presidency.  And I don't know for sure, but I think someone is lying to you about vaccines.  About 10% of the maskless Dems have 'rona.  That is an order of magnitude higher percentage than we are being told about people with vaccines getting the virus.  


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  7. 16 minutes ago, AUDub said:

    Dumbass: "Moron! What I actually meant was blah blah blah something something liberals are bad!"

    Wow, you got me.  I'll type slowly so you can understand me this time.......One or a few articles is nothing compared to the coverage when the media could jump on Republicans.









    I could keep posting links (like 100s more) but I think I made my point, right Dumbass?

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  8. 26 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    If you followed the "main stream media" maybe you wouldn't be 3 days behind in getting the real news.


    You know what I mean you moron.  If this had been Republicans there would be a constant stream of asshats like you all over media (both television and print) talking about it ad nauseam .  And I specifically waited for several days before I posted about it.  I wanted to see if you were gonna hold true to form and not utter a peep about how terrible it was.  If they were R's you would have posted 357 op eds about it already!  I guess I was right again.  

    A few stories sprinkled in about it gives you the opportunity to say, "see the media is not biased, they covered it."  Such BS! 

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  9. 41 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    Before I die I want someone in Russia to leak those tapes of Trump giving a golden shower to Russian prostitutes. 

    Um, that is not what was "supposedly" on the tape.


    First thing’s first: What exactly is supposed to be on this “pee tape”?
    The video in question reportedly shows Trump in the presidential suite at Moscow’s posh Ritz-Carlton Hotel, watching two prostitutes pee on a bed the Obamas supposedly slept in. The incident allegedly took place in 2013, when Trump was visiting Moscow to attend the Miss Universe pageant.

    From another source:  https://www.vox.com/2018/4/15/17233994/comey-interview-trump-pee-tape-russia

    The release of former FBI Director James Comey’s new book and memos he wrote last yearhas plunged the United States of America into yet another round of speculation about whether the Russian government taped Donald Trump watching prostitutes urinate on a hotel bed in Moscow in 2013.

  10. 35 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    What makes you assume I had a non-reaction to any of the cases you bring up?

    Um, I not assuming anything.  Just point me to your typical screed posts about how bad the Dems I mentioned behaved and how shameful it is for people to support them, the way you do whenever you post things about people with R's next to their names.  Like the article you posted on this topic below about  "Child Porn."  I assume you put it here because the guy has an R next to his name.  I'm sure only R's are guilty of these type transgressions.  Thank you for proving my point.  The SOB can rot in jail for all I care.  The difference between you and me is, my outrage with people's behavior is not reserved for people I disagree with politically.  

    You are making up lies about me.  Tell me what lies I am making up about you????

    Again, I will concede their are idiots in the Democratic party (I am not a member as of yet ;)). I have no problem with acknowledging and or criticizing them and I have done so.  Show me where you have done that.

    Do you really want to get into a 'crazy person fight' considering the line-up you have in the Republican Party?  Really? 

    Like I have said, that's a fool's errand and I am no fool, at least about most things.  Your mileage may be - and probably is - different.  As I said before the name calling and smart ass quips get very old and you're not as funny or cute as you think! 






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  11. 20 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    Calling up individuals for their behavior as a way to characterize large groups of people - in this case Democrats or progressives - is a fool's errand.

    I am not characterizing large groups of people based on individuals behavior.  I am calling out YOUR non reaction to the examples I've pointed out. 

    20 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    As far as giving "passes" because a given individual belongs to a given political party, I don't do that.  I base my reaction to individual on their specific case not the "tribe" they associate with.  

    Clearly, as pointed out above you most certainly do give "passes" based on political party.  Joe Biden, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ralph Northam are just a few examples recently where you were completely silent on this forum about their racist behavior.  If any of them had been "R's" you would have posted more of your "blah, blah, blah racist Republican's" as per usual. 

    In the case of political parties, I pay more attention to what a party supports generally in the way of policies and values. 

    This statement above is just flat out BS.  Own your actions!!  

    Finally I find it particularly amusing and ironic that you are trying to demonize Democrats based on the behavior of certain individuals when the Republican party has now become the party of Trump.

    Again, I'm not "demonizing Democrats." that is your tactic in reverse.  I am demonizing individuals for their behavior and you for your hypocrisy!

    So continue your fool's errand.  You are well qualified to do so.

    Wow, more names....I guess it takes one to know one!!!  Bite Me!!! 😂



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  12. 1 minute ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    I've never though of myself as a radical, progressive, socialist, but If trying to stop a pandemic, and working towards economic recovery and security = progressive, woke, socialism then I guess you can sign me up for more. 

    If that was all he was doing, I might agree with you.  You are not very informed about the Biden policies huh?

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  13. 8 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    Yeah, I will give someone a pass for something they did in college if they have corrected themselves, especially if the alternative is supporting Trump.  I'll plead guilty to that.

    Again, only a fool would characterize the modern day Democratic party as racist, especially compared to the opposing party.  That's right up there with QAnon theories.


    Of course I got no answer out of you about Ralph Northam.  How about Sheldon Whitehouse and his "All White" beach club.  Why aren't you up in arms about that?  And to say I am calling all of the Dem party racist is your typical BS.  I'm saying the racists in the Dem party get a pass from people like you because they are Dems.  

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