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Posts posted by WarEagle10

  1. :-\ :-\ :-\ good lord get over it we lost the war.

    As for George I have been a fan since Topping and Webb were their owners so George just wanted to get the Yankees back were we belong. Don't get me wrong I'm not the biggest Georg fan in the world but once he figured out how to ready run the club it was some of the best years for us Yankee fans.

    We didn't lose, we just took a T.O.. The south will rise again!!!!

  2. I can't stand the Stankees for one reason....George bleephole Steinbrenner. Besides PED's, he is the worst thing to ever happen to the game of baseball IMO. Can't understand how any red blooded, southern, gentlemen could pull for them also. I mean they have yankees in their name. Good grief. :dunno:

  3. Bobby R. was very religious... never took a drink in his entire life. Well to say the least he did not run around with Mick and Whitey that's for sure.

    Mantle tells a story that he, Whitey, and Billy Martin had been out all night drinking. The next day he was still drunk when the game started his first up at bat he stuck out w/o hitting the ball. Problem was he saw 3 balls being thrown toward him. Next time up he picked the middle ball and hit a home run.. Oh Mick loved his liquor but was the best switch hitting hitter of all time especially with power.

    Yeah, I was just a very young pup when Mickey was ending his career. He is one guy I would have LOVED to see play. Willie Mays is another. Willie was always my dad's favorite player. I have seen shows about Mickey. He loved the night life and the ladies. He also, arguably, had as much natural talent as any who has ever played the game. It's a shame his knees were so bad and robbed him of some years. Still, I would shoot you to have his major league career.

  4. Bobby Richardson debuted on August 5, 1955. He racked up 1,432 hits in his career, with a lifetime batting average of .266, 34 home runs and 390 RBIs. He won five Gold Gloves at second base, while forming a top double play combination with shortstop and roommate Tony Kubek. With the light-hitting but superb-fielding Yankee third baseman Clete Boyer, Richardson and Kubek gave the Yankees arguably the best defensive infield in baseball. His most famous defensive play came at the end of the 1962 World Series, mentioned below, when Richardson made a clutch catch of a Willie McCovey line drive that prevented Willie Mays and Matty Alou from scoring the runs that would have beaten the Yankees and given the Series to the San Francisco Giants.

    Richardson's 12-year career, all with my Yanks,statistics also include 643 runs scored and 73 stolen bases. He also had 196 doubles and 37 triples.

    You do realize I'm just trying to get this to 100 pages with your help before the season starts.

    Did not know that. My dad tells a story about how some kid he grew up with, in Adamsville, Al., was on a fast track to being the next Yankee SS. He got beaned, never was the same, and Tony Kubek took over SS duties for the evil empire. I grew up with a kid who the Yanks tabbed as their opening day starter, the following season, in their media guide. That season he tore his labrum and never was the same. Sucks how things work out sometimes.

    P.S. word on the street is that the ump's fixed the '62 series for the evildoers.

  5. well I knew you would love it........ Hell you probability like Lou Gerrig and Bobby Richardson but still hate my Yanks. You do realize Bobby Cox played for the Yanks as well

    Bobby is, and always will be, a Brave!!!!! Lou Gehrig was before my time. Never heard of Bobby Richardson. Is he the guy that supplies the Stank's with all of the PED's?

  6. Well all position players have arrived. Jeter will be ready for opening ankle looking good....

    WE10 check out the site below I think you'll love it.......


    I like Jete's. I don't blame him one bit for being a Stankee. Glad he is healthy enough for spring training. That was a nasty ankle injury. I hope he has a great season for the worst team in the history of baseball. Go!!!!.......any other team but the Stank's!!!!!

  7. less then a month till spring training. I'll go for a few spring games in Tampa and also see the Braves at Disney. As for A. Rod his over the hill time to move on....Guy skrew himself for any HOF consideration

    I've never been a A. Rod fan unless of course he hits a game winning HR in 7th game of World Series.........

    Get ready to PIN this thread soon..............

    Gooooooooooooooo Yankeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss

    Luccckkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I forgot you lived where it is just a hop, skip, and jump to the spring training sites you have around you. Some guys have all of the luck.

    Will Jete's be ready come spring training?

  8. The Yankees suck! (just a reminder. I know how your memory is when you don't take your ginko bologna)

    Toronto may be a new favorite team of mine. They are going crazy this off-season.

    It kind of looks like my Rays are throwing in the towel. That hurts a tad.

  9. :-\ very weak attempt again WE10. yes the great Mo signed for 10 mil. but we lose the ??? Russell Martin oh heaven forbid................

    That was as strong as monkey glue! That Russell Martin is sneaky good. Don't sleep on him. (saw him play his JUCO ball. He played 3rd then. Jose Bautista played at the same JUCO also)

  10. Yeah Golf. I talked to my Dad, who is pushing 80, he said this is the worst Auburn team he has ever seen. (Barfield years included) It's just not a fun time for us Auburn folk at the moment. (I hope you saw where I said I was just teasing with you in the "game thread")

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