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Everything posted by johnnyAU

  1. I think many of us have gone beyond frustration straight on to anger. Not that it matters. Nothing we can really do about it anyway. Just sit back and think about what could have been.
  2. I think I saw an Auburn team that has been relying on its defense for 5 games, and the one game they struggle a bit, the offense can do nothing to help. I think I saw the defense getting a little tired of carrying the load with no end in sight.
  3. Malzahn effectively chummed the waters for every other team on the schedule last night. Can we stop the complacency that is likely to be overtaking that locker room and put up a decent fight the rest of the way out? We'll just have to see. Every team smells blood and now has multiple game films on exactly what to do to stop this anemic offense. Malzahn has lost 4 of his last 8 games now (and I believe Auburn was the higher ranked team in each of those losses) and trending downward?
  4. Tell Stidham he can roll to his right occasionally. ; )
  5. I have low expectations for the MSU game. This thing could end up a single digit slug fest with two good front 7's controlling the game and 2 anemic offenses trying to out snooze each other. What do you guys think, like 6-3?
  6. Coach, any reason Ashley isn't getting any playing time at all?
  7. Devwah Whaley might have needed some smelling salts after that hit from Dean.
  8. Good Lord I hate the swinging gate. Just line up and kick the freaking ball!
  9. Has Ashley gotten any PT yet? With the way the OL is playing, I can't imagine why he isn't getting in on a few series/game just to get him some experience.
  10. Thank goodness for D and ST. IMO, this isn't far enough away from Malzahn's offense. It needs to evolve. It has been stagnant for a few years now, and the D's are teeing off. They know the cues, the blocking schemes, the routes, the tendencies, etc... Gus is just too stubborn to change. Kentucky would have beaten us by 2-3 scores last night.
  11. Whitlow has been a very pleasant surprise, as has Shivers. Love their grit and energy out there.
  12. Would like to see more Shivers and some Asa Martin, Hill, Jackson, and some of the other youngsters get into the mix this coming game.
  13. Well, that's mostly because we have a HS offense that hasn't evolved (in the right direction) in 10 years. It's pathetic.
  14. I already suspected most of this by watching the games...but for some reason I'm even angrier after having read it. ; )
  15. You have to admit it was a beautiful throw, right on the money as was the one to Davis.
  16. Get Iggy involved in the return game. We need a spark, and Roberts isn't getting it done.
  17. Iggy looks fast twitch and ready to make an impact to me. It's a shame he isn't getting more touches either at WR or in the return game.
  18. I am less concerned with Stidham than I am with the OL play. Jarrett will be fine. I'm a little worried about our elite WR's not getting separation on the GSU secondary, from what I could see from the TV camera perspective, which of course doesn't show everything.
  19. Yep, the ole run it up the middle after a first down for no yardage or a loss. That and the predictable reliance on running on 1st down rather than passing. Drives me insane, and I'm pretty sure Venables has a bead on it.
  20. One thing that really irritated me was just after Martin's longest run of the night, we decide to hurry up and run him again right up the middle for no gain. Infuriating.
  21. What was our first down play selection % (Run vs Pass)?
  22. The different thing I look for in the Sugar Huddle is NOT using it anymore.
  23. Based on opinion only, and not considering important info like stats... Fullwood, Brooks, Cadillac, Davis
  24. Watching that SW reel of the Arky game reminds me of a few things: 1) I have never seen so many dropped balls in one game 2) Louis had such a knack for grabbing the tough catches but stone handing the easy ones. 3) I loved watching Pettway truck that DB on the swing pass. We should have had that one.
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