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Posts posted by johnnyAU

  1. 10 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    I know how much Trump means to you.  Why not address the material rather than the source?

    Because he can't refute anything Dr. Happer has to say, and he knows it.

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  2. LOL. No the arguments against AGW haven't been  "debunked". That's not the case no matter how much you believe it and scream it to the top of your alarmist lungs. So pathetic. 

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  3. For those who have never done it, get out and try it next year. It's a good time for a good cause. I think it's gone on now for around 12 or 13 years. I've personally done it at least 6 times, and brought my family to do it at least 2 of those years. It's a good way to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, relive old memories, exercise, have a little fun and give back to communities in need. You also get to witness arguably the best ambassador for a state or university we'll see in our lifetimes.  


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  4. On 3/23/2024 at 2:29 PM, homersapien said:

    I'd choose Biden's puppeteers over Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  ;)

    Well, of course you would. I'd expect nothing different from you. I'd choose the exact opposite. Anything is better than the circus in charge at the moment. We're walking the tightrope, and we're losing time at a break-neck pace.

    I'd MUCH rather have 2 very different options to choose from, but this is how far we've fallen. Three consecutive elections with ridiculous choices and no signs of improving. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    I have  BS and an MS from Auburn University, have published papers in scientific journals and hold 8 patents.  What is your science background?

    BSME from Auburn University, PE, 30+ years in industry, partner in 2 companies, 1 science, 1 engineering, designed/installed instruments (and referenced by several scientific papers) at multiple universities/companies in US.  And no, my name isn't "Johnny". 

    What is your discipline?

  6. Over-posting garbage is rhetoric of cultists. Spouting the same unscientific gibberish over and over isn't proof of anything, even if your belief in it is paramount. 

    There isn't and never has been "consensus" on the magnitude of human influence on climate change because it is an unquantifiable measure. You have no legitimate science that backs up any direct correlation between emissions and climatic change. The mere existence of any attempt of trying to claim it without such proof is absolutely an indication of their own personal ignorance of the matter. 

    To have any opinion, even though vetted through Nobel Prize winning scientists who happen to be leaders in the field of radiative physics, that is contrary to the overarching narrative brands you as a "denier" shows you exactly the mentality you are dealing with. Blind in scientific ignorance and ideology.  Homer regurgitates but doesn't understand an iota of what he absorbs. It is the level of willing submission that we are faced with these days. Political science over real, quantifiable science...by any means necessary. 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    What's to prevent us from trying anything if virtually ever scientists in the field is participating willingly to foist the "hoax" of AGW?

    What authority can promote or prevent counterproductive or harmful "solutions" if there is no valid science to support them?  Donald Trump?

    This is what you believe.

    Damn man.  Even scientifically ignorant people understand the importance of science. You don't.  You live in a fantasy world.

    If anyone here is any more ideologically blind than you, I've not seen nor met them. The "studies" you have placed here are absolute garbage and they have been from the beginning from Cook and Orestes. The first was a paper by Oreskes claiming 75% of 1,000 or so papers she had reviewed agreed with the "consensus" favored by the IPCC. Klaus-Martin Schulte reviewed the paper and found that only 45% endorsed the "consensus". 

    Then along came Cook who published his "97% consensus" BS. They "reviewed" 11,944 papers related to climate change. Their finding was "97.1% endorses the scientific consensus on climate change." In reality, 7,930 of those papers took no stance on the subject at all. Upon further review, it was found that Cook and his assistants marked only 64 papers of the 11,944 they had said they read as explicitly stating that recent warming was mostly man made. 

    11,944 abstracts "reviewed"

    7,930 gave no opinion

    3,896 agree man causes "some" warming

    64 agree man causes "most" of the warming

    41 stated man caused "most" warming since 1950

    0 were marked as endorsing man-made catastrophe

    So, around 33% agreed man causes "some" warming. Big deal, so do I. The disagreement is on how much and how severe. Less than 1% agree that man has caused "most" of the warming and nobody agreed we were in a "climate crisis". 

    But, since that big ole "97%" number spouted off by Gore and later Obama resonated so much with apparently brain-dead sheep like you, well, they'll keep funding more of this garbage propaganda...because it apparently works. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    C'mon Johnny.  Why don't you answer?

    You act like one of those clueless MAGAs being interviewed by Jordan Klepper at the Trump rallies, that gradually start to realize how crazy they sound.



    I've already answered. There is no legitimate scientific consensus on AGW or that we are in any sort of "climate crisis". 

    There is only consensus on whether or not humans have any affect on the climate. And on the latter I agree. We certainly have provided urban heat islands, deforested too much of the land, and certainly have not been as friendly to the environment or humanity as we should have. However, we have made significant technological strides on many fronts.  We are safer from the environment and the climate than we have ever been. We'll continue to thrive as long as we don't do things as monumentally ignorant as continue to spray metallic aerosols in an attempt to reflect sunlight, shut down large farms to push lab grown meat and bugs, and prevent the use of affordable, reliable and available energy sources under the guise that it will have any significant impact on the climate.

  9. 3 minutes ago, homersapien said:
    "If the permafrost thaws too much, greenhouse gas emissions could escape and drive temperatures even higher. Beneath Svalbard's permafrost, millions of cubic meters of methane are trapped — and scientists have now learned that it can migrate beneath the cold seal of the permafrost and escape.Dec 12, 2023"
    You don't know how to research a topic do you?

    You failed to answer the question. What will the ensuing atmospheric concentration of methane be after said release? How much higher will temperatures be due to this trace gas? The statements you quoted above are typical for cult followers to take as fact. "If", "could", etc...

    Quantify the effect. "Millions of cubic meters" is a useless metric when compared to the size of the atmosphere. You might as well provide its weight. It matters as little. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    Had you actually read my post, you would know that it was about vast quantities of methane that are sequestered in the permafrost of Siberia, which will - of course - be released as the global climate warms.  :-\

    I know about the permafrost. Since neither you, nor any of your references have proven the amount of direct warming by the trace gas, pray tell exactly what will the concentration of methane atmosphere be after the release? It will still be a trace gas, and have an insignificant effect.

  11. 7 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    You gave that a thumbs down Johnny.  Does that mean you agree with the premise of the question?  logically If you believe the AGW is a hoax is it not logically necessary to think scientists are not totally involved?

    Are you experiencing true cognitive dissonance or is this the first time you've thought about it?

    There is no real scientific consensus that either humans, CO2 or methane emissions are driving the Earth's climate or that any current warming is catastrophic.

  12. 7 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

    “Fake expert” and spreader of “misinformation” according to skeptical science.

    Skeptical Science is the premiere source right? LOL Because they say so, and so does the political arm of the UN.  😉 Don't listen to those Nobel Prize winners tho.

    "Skeptical Science is considered an authoritative resource by the climate scientist community for rebutting climate misinformation, and is often listed by media sources alongside authoritative sources such as NASA and the IPCC."


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  13. 13 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Universities and scientists, The list ever grows of who we can’t trust. Especially if they’re brilliant - they must have an evil plan.  

    That would explain the current maga political gene pool. Only can trust the really really dumb people.


    Of course, you could listen outside of your echo chamber. Here are just a few with different takes on the subject:

    John Clauser, PhD Physicist, Nobel Prize, Wolf Prize

    William Happer, Professor Emeritus at Princeton, Davis-Germer Prize, Pioneer in field of optically polarized atoms and hyperpolarized gases

    Ivar Giaver, PhD Physicist, Nobel Prize, Oliver E. Buckley Prize

    Dyson Freeman, Physicist and Mathematician, Templeton Prize, Enrico Fermi Award, Matteucci Medal

    Richard Lindzen, PhD, Professor of Meterology, MIT, Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, AMS Charney Award

    Steven Koonin, PhD Theoretical Physics, 

    Judith Curry, PhD, Geophysical Sciences, Former Professor Emeritus and Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech

    Of course there are many more. Start there. They sound really dumb. 🙄

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  14. 12 hours ago, homersapien said:

    "Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere. Even though CO2 has a longer-lasting effect, methane sets the pace for warming in the near term."




    LOL at referencing 2 government funded agencies. Methane is considered "more powerful" than CO2 on a per molecule basis. The problem is that there simply isn't enough of it in the atmosphere to do anything significant and its absorption bands are narrow and it is short lived. The total amount of methane may have doubled in a couple of hundred years, but then again it was a trace gas to begin with, and remains a trace gas today. Doubling nothing is still almost nothing. 

    Here is the real reason methane is being demonized along with CO2. 

     "For example, a key source of methane emissions in China is coal production, whereas Russia emits most of its methane from natural gas and oil systems. The largest sources of methane emissions from human activities in the United States are oil and gas systems, livestock enteric fermentation, and landfills."


    Yeah, attacking oil, gas coal and farms under the guise of climate change. The ultimate road to energy and food poverty. If these agencies really cared about the survival of humanity, they'd spend more of the money on mitigation efforts and providing developing nations with affordable, reliable and available energy sources. 

    Having said that, I see nothing inherently wrong with capturing and harnessing methane and CO2 for use. However, claiming it will have an immediate effect on warming or the climate is not only folly, it's akin to tilting at windmills. 

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