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Posts posted by alabastertiger

  1. Wow, I don't think I have ever seen 2 coaches get let go after playing each other.   Maybe Jimbo and ATM didn't beat State bad enough or something like that.   My mark my words prediction was that Jimbo would be fired after we beat him, but that would have been one heck of a mark my word, Jimbo will be fired after beating state badly.

  2. 16 hours ago, passthebiscuits said:

    But the broadcast Saturday said Auburn was in the bottom 3 for drops…meaning we hadn’t had many at all. Did anyone else catch this?

    I would also say that we probably lead the SEC in fewest pass attemps so that might have something to do with it too.   

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  3. 18 hours ago, ClarkGriswold said:

    Yeah, we should have kept throwing! Just like Curly Hallman did…

    “After LSU jumped out to a 23-9 lead going into the fourth quarter, Auburn had five fourth quarter interceptions - three were returned for touchdowns - as the Tigers extended their winning streak to 15 games with a 30–26 win. Auburn made one first down in the second half, yet scored 27 points in the comeback.”


    I was at that game.   We were pitiful on offense that day.   1 first down in the second half, and the rest were not even close.   I remember we went 3 and out with less than 2 minutes on the clock and I told my friend "Well that's the ball game.   Hallman isn't stupid enough to throw the ball again".   Boy was I wrong.   Hallman really was stupid.   I think they fired him the next day.  

  4. 18 hours ago, ClarkGriswold said:

    Yeah, we should have kept throwing! Just like Curly Hallman did…

    “After LSU jumped out to a 23-9 lead going into the fourth quarter, Auburn had five fourth quarter interceptions - three were returned for touchdowns - as the Tigers extended their winning streak to 15 games with a 30–26 win. Auburn made one first down in the second half, yet scored 27 points in the comeback.”


    I was at that game.   We were pitiful on offense that day.   1 first down in the second half, and the rest were not even close.   I remember we went 3 and out with less than 2 minutes on the clock and I told my friend "Well that's the ball game.   Hallman isn't stupid enough to throw the ball again".   Boy was I wrong.   Hallman really was stupid.   I think they fired him the next day.  

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  5. 11 hours ago, AURex said:


    Before the season began, I had my expectations for the first year with CHF and his staff and the totally rebuilt team consisting of a huge number of transfers. My prediction was --

    UMass - W
    Cal - W
    Samford - W
    A&M - L
    UGA - L
    LSU - L
    Ole Miss - L
    Miss St -- W
    Vandy - W
    Arkansas - W
    NM State - W
    Bama - L

    So my prediction was (and remains) a 7-5 season. To me, not bad for a total rebuild after Potato Famine. I know for many here on AUF, this is not good enough, but hey, we all have our own expectations, right?

    Have I been happy watching Auburn lose? No. Have I been disappointed in the play of many of the portal guys? Yes? Would I have liked better performance and more wins? Of Course!

    But in terms of our W-L record, we are exactly where I expected we would be. It has been a rough few weeks and I've cried and squirmed just like everyone else here.

    But the sky is not falling. I believe that Auburn will finish 7-5 in the first year of the CHF era. A bowl game is coming.

    And the future -- well, yes, more rebuilding. But I am patient. Many here at AUF are not. I'm willing to give CHF his opportunity.



    How can you say that!!!   Have you seen my picks in the touchdown Auburn bowl lately!   Imagine yellow ink :)

  6. 3 hours ago, drɘxɘl said:

    Fair points.  I agree with your example also, but to add, you can likely punt within a range, call it 25-40 yards, and be comfortable in your control of height/distance.  However, if you needed to punt it 20 yards, you likely overshoot it consistently.  So the extra 5 increases your likelihood of pinning it deep.  When the punters practice this, they all have a natural distance they work from.  The one part that always baffles me is why defenses accept the penalty.  

    and why not save yourself 20 seconds and just "accidentally" have a false start?

    • Like 1
  7. Bottom line, offense played like crap.   Could not have been much worse, but we still came out with a W.   Defense made a big step forward.   Let's take this week and work on our passing game against Samford.   We know we can run the ball on them and they know it too.    Let's work some kinks out of the passing game because things get real after Samford.

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  8. 8 hours ago, e808 said:

    Yes, he threw all of three passes . PT didn’t play any better he had two turnovers and should have had a third . Over threw a 6’4 Hooks and on the game winning drive Fairweather made a helluva catch. Still don’t know how he made. For him to be the most experienced between the two there isn’t much that separate the two. Both make bad decisions 

    I agree that it was a bad pass.   It was high, but it went thru Hooks's hands.   Not over his hands, through his hands.   If you ask Hooks today I bet he will tell you he should have caught that ball.   Again, not saying it was a good pass, but it should have been caught.

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    • Facepalm 1
  9. 5 hours ago, TeamZero77 said:

    He got hurt last week and their backup came in and they didn't seem to miss a beat. 

    I think we'll be ok regardless. We are definitely more talented than they are and I think if it's still a close game after 3 quarters, we will start wearing them down because we play so many players along our lines. We didn't show everything in our playbook against UMass. I think Freeze let's Coach Montgomery open it up against Cal. Even if we struggle in the passing game, Cal has no answers for all of our RB's, plus Robby Ashford. That really wears a defense down when you have a long drive down field and then when we get into the redzone, BAM, you get a dose of Robby running over you. Once we get into SEC play, those defenses will adjust to what we do and we'll have to adjust as well. But for the Cal game, I think we will simply run all over them. 

    I only worry about jet lag and a 9:30 pm cst kickoff but Freeze seems to have a good plan for that as well. 

    Well the next game I coach will be my first, but I'm willing to bet all of Golf's PBRs that Cal sells out to stop our running game and makes us throw the ball to beat them.   I know I would with all my coaching experience :)

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