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Posts posted by AUDynasty

  1. 58 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:



    And the suspect is a guy that likes guns. liked having them...liked shooting them...and apparently got to a point that he wanted to shoot other people with them. 



    This is now the 67th mass shooting in the US in 2023 alone. 45 days have passed in this year. We're averaging one and a half shooting per day. 

  2. Yeah, I didn't watch the SOTU, but there was a significant part of the address that needs to be brought up. That moment where Biden said that the GOP was coming for Social Security and Medicare, and he was met with jeers and boos from the GOP. Then Biden said that now there's a clear consensus that we will not gut the Social Security and Medicare, so he expects the GOP to keep their word was masterful. 

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  3. The fact that no one responded to this thread is pretty much an indictment of where we're at a country. These people don't care about gun tragedies. I want to say that I believe they'll finally care if it affects them, but I'm not so sure anymore. What would it take for them to finally care? I truly don't know. Perhaps a gun shooting that claims the life of a prominent GOP congressperson's kids? 

    I'm disheartened by this poll by CNN44% of Republicans said that mass shootings are something we have to accept as part of a free society. (A majority of Republicans – 56% – said mass shootings are something we can prevent and stop if we really tried.

    • Sad 1
  4. 12 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    As far as I know there is not a God gene. I will pray that God will soften your heart and allow His message to filter through to you. 

    I will pray that God will soften your heart and allow you to be less judgmental towards gay people sharing genuine love for each other with or without marrying. Spend less time embracing the Bible and embrace the way of Jesus more. God bless.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Who do you think comes up with the curriculum in schools?  Biden, by EO, decreed we should teach gender theory under the guise of anti-bullying of the LGBTQ;aoksjf  Coalition.  Anti-bullying can be taught by other means than teaching gender theory.  The government has essentially made up a curriculum that only affects > 1% of the population and is teaching it to 100% of the students in K-3.  Does this make sense to anybody?

    The Education Departments of these schools are not talking about banning most books.  They have a responsibility to all parents to put books in the school libraries for references to class work that are taught in schools.  Sex education is taught in schools and the subject of same sex relationships are discussed.  If a student wants to explore more on the subject and do research the school library should be a source, but not a how to guide including illustrations, IMO.  If you want that, you can go to the public library or buy books on the subject on you own time.  There are a lot of porn sites that offer illustrations on the how to of same sex relationships.  It really shouldn’t be taxpayer funded.

    As to the AP course on African American History, DeSantis, rightfully so, has the final say as to what is being taught in Florida’s public schools, he is the governor.  From what I understand, he doesn’t agree with teaching CRT, the 1619 project and/or black queer theory in public schools in his state.  The College Boards came up with the curriculum and usually gets an automatic pass, but the course teaches a theory of history that is not history, it’s theory (perception).

    Do you have a source for this? Genuinely asking.

  6. This reminds me of a NPR article I read last summer: LINK HERE.

    Speaking of the Southern Baptist Convention, the SBC released a list of members who have committed sexual abuse against the children. Their statement was this. If you were to read the list of the abuses, it's actually over 200+ pages long. And keep in mind that this is from Southern Baptist Convention only. What if we dug deeper to include other religious institutions? It's going to be heartbreakingly disgusting how these people used the cloak of religion to commit these depraved acts.

    Stubblefield is just echoing what other Republicans all over the country are saying but there's zero proof that drag shows cause sexual crimes. Churches do. And that's a fact.


  7. 2 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

    Ban books, not assault weapons.

    School libraries are killing our children.

    We are smart people.  We protect our children.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Imagine conservatives being so afraid and scared by books that they're banning them over assault weapons. 39 mass shootings in 24 days in 2023 alone, and we're having this conversation about why books should be banned. Scary times for the common sense. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    That pushback from Trump is expected and pure Trump.  Anything against him is just wrong.  DeSantis has not even thrown his hat in the ring and Trump is already worried.  No way Trump can keep the enthusiasm up from now to the primaries.  There will be other challengers and, hopefully, it will diminish his popularity.  One can only hope.

    We don't agree much but I agree with you on Trump being like this. However, I still think Trump is a formidable candidate as much as I dislike him because of his base. Out of all potential challengers, only DeSantis and maybe Tim Scott -- that I think has a shot against Trump, but I still think Trump comes out of this as the GOP's chosen one. Unless the FBI gets him charged.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    In a poll regarding potential Republican nominees for president in 2024, the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, led Donald Trump by a whopping 23 points


    Former President Donald Trump unloaded Thursday on polling showing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis beating him in a head-to-head matchup for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

    "Great polling has just come out on me versus various others, including [President Joe] Biden, but I still have to put up with the same old 'stuff' from The Wall Street Journal, which has lost an incalculable amount of influence over the years, and Fox News, whose polls on me have been seriously WRONG from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower" to announce his first run, Trump said on his Truth Social platform. 

    DeSantis led Trump 52% to 38% in the Wall Street Journal survey, which was released Wednesday. Fox News reported on the Wall Street Journal poll and a USA Today/Suffolk University poll that showed DeSantis up 56% to 33% over Trump in a one-on-one test.


    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis soundly defeats former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical, one-on-one Republican presidential primary contest, according to a new poll out Wednesday.

    DeSantis bests Trump 52% to 38% among likely GOP primary voters, the poll by The Wall Street Journal found.


    These polls show DeSantis with a large lead over Trump and these were taken before the *big announcement*.  I’m sorry to tell you, but Trump is circling  the drain.  I know Dems want Trump to run against, it just seems the Dems will not get their wish.


    Thanks for compiling the lists. I appreciate that, honestly. By all accounts, it sounds like DeSantis SHOULD be leading comfortably. However, I think Trump still has a grip over the base. I could very well be completely wrong, but I don't know. There were talks and polls of a red wave during the midterms and that tanked. 

    Also, when you have Trump saying stuff like this: In his post, Trump showed a poll that he said was conducted by polling firm McLaughlin & Associates, which previously worked with Trump’s 2020 campaign, showing him at 58 percent compared to DeSantis at 36 percent when respondents were asked whom they would choose in a 2024 GOP presidential primary. 

    “This is the McLaughlin & Associates POLL that just came out and which got it right in 2016 & 2020,” Trump said, further adding “unlike The WSJ, NBC Fake News, ABC Fake News, Fake Polling FOX NEWS, the dying and very sickly USA Today, and most others in the LameStream Media.”

    “In other words, it is REAL POLLING. As you can see, we are leading by a lot, despite the never ending Communist (Democrat) WEAPONIZED ATTACKS on me and the GREAT PATRIOTS OF MAGA. More to come!!!”



    You could be right at the end, but when Trump makes statements like this, he's definitely going to play up the "fake news" and "drain the swamp" narrative when DeSantis inevitably announces and the GOP senate / representatives line up behind DeSantis. 

    • Like 2
  10. 54 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:



    Trump's "major announcement" of an NFT collection featuring himself was widely derided. But all 45,000 pieces sold in 12 hours.

    These pundits in the tweets above always fail (or intentionally tries to disregard) to see that Trump is still the number one in a lot of their base. DeStantis may be gaining, but Trump still dominates.

    • Like 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

    I won’t deny the authenticity and absolute correctness of the Bible.

    You most certainly have. I will take God over ancient language scholars any day. Your denial of the truth of the Bible allows you to rationalize any lifestyle or behavior imaginable. There is judgement and standards in life. God will administer it and Jesus will intercede for those who accept Him as the Messiah and Savior.  It is not for me or anyone else to judge another person.  Discussing issues and debating is not judgement. If a person feels judged by a debate, it is because their innate guilt is being exposed. 

    Too funny. This coming from you? :laugh:

    I'm thankful that we're finally becoming more accepting. And the best part? It's going to get better as we grow and evolve as a society where we recognize that everyone has equal rights as an individual. Our future generations are going to lead the way where everyone finally can be themselves fully, and I cannot wait.

    • Like 4
  12. 9 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

    That is not true for me.  I will not support him personally until, I see that he is not the same person he has been throughout his life.  His time at Liberty means nothing because,,, Liberty itself is an institution infected by a lack of character and integrity.  Until he exhibits some real character, I will continue to believe that he will ultimately lead to failure.

    Exactly. Winning does not absolve you of your past transgressions. Only owning your mistakes and making genuine changes through growth and accepting responsibility is a true commitment to character. It’s disheartening to see how some folks on this board is saying winning cures all.

  13. This cements that Auburn cares about chasing a hot commodity who they think will deliver wins than women's safety and well-being. Embarrassing. Even with emails urging the administration to consider looking elsewhere they still had the audacity to hire Freeze.

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  14. Guys, Kiffin is hell of a hire. Yes, he didn’t win last two games but against Arkansas, Ole Miss put up 700+ yards. And then against Miss State, yes the offense was awful in the second half but I chalk that up to distraction. Kiffin’s the most seasoned and experienced of any Coach out there, and this is coming from someone who wants Deion. Kiffin is absolutely a fantastic hire who will elevate our program to higher levels. He’s worth it.

    • Like 3
  15. Damn, that sucks. I always hate reading health bills online, because they're so depressing and it's not fair to people especially in their emotional anguish to be saddled with extreme financial bills to add to their troubles. It's just immoral. I hope you and your family find a way to get what you need in order.

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