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  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/alito-caught-tape-whining-corruption-134935034.html?
  2. I see some truth coming out. lord help us.............. https://www.yahoo.com/news/democracy-overrated-maga-125053450.html?
  3. Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more Donald Trump is increasingly demented — but he’s always been a ******* idiot Donny doesn’t know s*** about s*** Jeff Tiedrich Jun 13 READ IN APP convicted felon Little Donny ****face’s brain is leaking out of his ears. this is painfully obvious to anyone who is not a delusional MAGA cultist. we’ve all seen him short-circuit mid-sentence, as his eyes bulge and his hands play that invisible accordion. we’ve listened as he confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden with Barack Obama. we’ve endured the bewildering gibberish about boats and batteries and sharks. the guy is lost in a thick haze of dementia, and growing worse with each passing day. but at the same time, let’s not forget that Donny has always been dumber than a bag of dicks. he doesn’t know s*** about s***. he believes windmills cause cancer. he thinks Frederick Douglass is alive. he hasn’t the slightest ******* clue how tariffs work. more than once, Donny had to be talked out of dropping a nuke into the middle of a hurricane. Upgrade to paid Stupid J. Mc****ingidiot was at it again in another late-night posting frenzy on his failing app. the galaxy’s preeminent authority on bleach injection decided to weigh in on bitcoin, the imaginary money whose only practical use is paying criminals to commit crimes. “VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!” let’s unpack this ****pile of dumb. “Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC.”” first of all, does Donny understand what bitcoin mining is? does he grasp that bitcoins are generated by computers solving complicated equations, or does he imagine that right now, grizzled old bitcoin miners are digging underground in bitcoin mines in the hills of Kentucky? CBDC is digital currency issued by a bank, rather than anonymously generated by computers. criminals hate this because the lack of anonymity makes it hard to, y’know, use it to pay for crimes. “Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left.” aha! this is the reason Donny is suddenly pro-bitcoin. last week, Joe Biden vetoed legislation that had been promoted by the cryptocurrency industry. I guarantee Donny doesn’t have a ******* clue what any of those words mean. all he knows is that Sleepy Brandon is going to put all those brave bitcoin miners in Kentucky out of their jobs. all Donny knows is that if Sleepy Brandon is against it, he has to be for it. the rest of that line, the China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left — that’s just boilerplate Trumpian scare-tactic Democrats are commies gibberish. “We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!!” made in the USA? does Donny imagine there are bitcoin factories, with freshly-minted bitcoins coming off a conveyor belt? does he think bitcoins are a tangible thing you can hold in your hand? does he imagine that you can dive into a pile of bitcoins like some high-tech Scrooge McDuck? bitcoins are generated by networks of computers connected to the internet. you can’t constrain their production to any one country. it’s a ******* ludicrous thing to say. but Donny doesn’t understand that. no, he imagines those bitcoin factories running 24/7, their chimneys belching smoke, churning out bitcoin after bitcoin — each one with MADE IN THE USA stamped on the back of it. “It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!” this might be the stupidest thing Donny has ever said. bitcoin mining wastes massive amounts of energy, and causes significant pollution. bitcoin mining doesn’t lead to quote-unquote “energy dominance” — in fact, it does the exact opposite. Donald Trump doesn’t understand any of this — because Donald Trump doesn’t understand anything. he simply lacks the capacity for coherent thought. he needs to be kept far from the levers of power — because his ignorance is the world’s most dangerous weapon. everyone is entitled to my own opinion is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
  4. lol i have him iggied but i saw your response to him. he is mad because i pissed in his corn flakes this morning. i am not lying if i had to depend on jj to bring me to jesus i would burn in hell. i want to be nothing like him and his kind. but i do like you homie...............
  5. the damn right is getting more and more crooked every single day....................OH! and sperm are people according to the right. ustice system to their political benefit. The Southern Baptist Convention voted Wednesday to oppose in vitro fertilization, signaling a dangerous shift in conservative stances on the procedure. The move by the country’s largest and most powerful Protestant denomination, passed by 11,000 “messengers” at its annual convention, declared that IVF “most often participates in the destruction of embryonic human life” and calls on the denomination to “only utilize reproductive technologies” taking into account “the unconditional value and right to life of every human being.” The resolution also included a clause decrying the creation of surplus embryos and their destruction in the course of treatment. Instead, it called for the adoption of “frozen embryos in order to rescue those who are eventually to be destroyed.” The vote is an indication of how accepted it has become on the right to pursue restrictions and outright bans on IVF. Millions of Americans who have trouble conceiving children rely on the procedure each year, including many conservatives, and polls show it to be supported by most Americans overall. But most evangelicals and anti-abortion activists, if not all, believe that life begins at conception, and IVF often results in fertilized eggs being discarded. In February, the Alabama Supreme Court issued a shocking decision that ruled frozen embryos were people under state law, effectively making IVF procedures tantamount to murder in the state. Alabama Republicans as well as Republicans across the country then scrambled to reassure the public that the procedure would not be banned or restricted. Ever since then, Democrats have sought to legally protect IVF, while Republicans have waffled, including Donald Trump. As it happens, Democrats in Congress are seeking to hold a vote on such legislation, hoping to deal a political blow to the GOP and divide the party even further as some Republicans pursue piecemeal efforts of their own. It seems the issue of IVF may soon join the polarized issue of abortion rights, with Democrats and Republicans taking a side and fighting it out over elections and in the courts. More on the attack on abortion: The House voted on Wednesday to hold U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress in a 216-207 vote on party lines. Only one Republican was brave enough to vote against the conservative-fueled order of contempt: Representative Dave Joyce. “As a former prosecutor, I cannot in good conscience support a resolution that would further politicize our judicial system to score political points,” a statement from the Ohio representative reads. “The American people expect Congress to work for them, solve policy problems, and prioritize good governance. Enough is enough.” The contempt vote was held after Garland refused to hand over audio of a privileged interview between Biden and special counsel Robert Hur regarding a classified documents case against Biden. Republicans have pursued audio of the interview unsuccessfully as part of their ongoing efforts to catch Biden in a snare. Biden asserted executive privilege over the recordings, a move which reportedly came at the request of Garland himself. The Justice Department had earlier expressed concerns that releasing the audio would provoke a “frenzy” of deepfakes, or audio recordings falsely attributed to Biden’s interview with Hur used to disseminate false information. Congress already has transcripts of the audio in question—making this just the latest example of Republicans’ attempt to drum up attacks on Garland and the Biden administration more broadly. Only one GOP representative spotted the obvious political ploy. The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed a case seeking reparations for the Tulsa Race Massacre, the last remaining option for survivors and their family to secure recompense for the deadly attack that continues to haunt the Greenwood community of Tulsa. The court ruled that the last two survivors of the deadly massacre failed to prove that the city of Tulsa—both during and after the white supremacist riot in 1921 in which a racist mob destroyed their neighborhood and murdered more than 100 Black people—violated Oklahoma’s “public nuisance” laws. In their original filing, survivors Hughes Van Ellis, Viola Fletcher, and Lessie Benningfield claimed the city of Tulsa’s response to the Tulsa Race Massacre caused them to “continue to face racially disparate treatment and City-created barriers to basic human needs, including jobs, financial security, education, housing, justice, and health.” The survivors’ complaint also condemned the city for using the Tulsa Race Massacre, specifically the phrase “Black Wall Street,” to entice tourism to the area. Profits from massacre-related tourism, survivors allege, was not passed on to the community of Greenwood, instead using branding and recognition of the Tulsa Race Massacre to fill the city of Tulsa’s coffers. (Since the original filing, Ellis died at the age of 102.) Oklahoma law defines a nuisance as “unlawfully doing an act, or omitting to perform a duty, which…annoys, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, or safety of others.” The law also defines a nuisance as an act that “offends decency” or “renders other persons insecure in life or in the use of their property.” According to Oklahoma law, a public nuisance is all of that, but simultaneously impacts an entire community or “any considerable number of persons.” According to the dismissal issued by Oklahoma Supreme Court judge Caroline Wall, the survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre failed to “state a justiciable public nuisance claim under Oklahoma law.” The court also argued that the survivors didn’t have standing for their complaint because the people in charge of Tulsa during the massacre had all “long since passed away,” claiming it was an overreach to extend liability to city officials today for the actions of their predecessors. “Expanding public nuisance liability to include lingering social inequities from historical tragedies and injustices runs the risk of creating a new ‘unlimited and unprincipled’ form of liability wherein both State and non-State actors could be held liable for their predecessors’ wrongdoing,” the ruling reads. In a statement to News 9, the City of Tulsa touted policies and development projects undertaken in Greenwood, the site of the Tulsa Race Massacre: The City of Tulsa respects the court’s decision and affirms the significance of the work the City continues to do in the North Tulsa and Greenwood communities. Through economic development and policy projects, the 1921 Graves Investigation, and a renewed community vision for the Kirkpatrick Heights & Greenwood Master Plan, the City remains committed to working with residents and providing resources to support the North Tulsa and Greenwood communities. Prior to Wednesday’s dismissal, legal representation for survivors told CNN in April that this appeal was their last shot at possible recompense for surviving the atrocities of the Tulsa Race Massacre. “There is no going to the United States Supreme Court. There is no going to the federal court system,” said Attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons. “This is it.” Senator Mitch McConnell still doesn’t have the courage to confront Donald Trump for his actions on January 6, 2021. In the Capitol Wednesday, CNN’s Manu Raju asked the Senate minority leader if he planned to confront the convicted felon and presumptive Republican presidential nominee regarding issues between the two over the Capitol insurrection, in a planned meeting with congressional Republicans Thursday. McConnell made it clear that he would not. “I said three years ago, right after the Capitol was attacked, that I would support our nominee, regardless of who it was, including him,” McConnell said. “I said earlier this year I support him. He’s earned the nomination by the voters all across the country. And of course I’ll be at the meeting tomorrow.” Raju: Are you going to confront Trump over any of the issues you had regarding January 6th? McConnell: I said three years ago, right after the Capitol was attacked, I would support our nominee. I said earlier this year I support him. And of course, I’ll be at the meeting… pic.twitter.com/bgmTWSxXHs — Acyn (@Acyn) June 12, 2024 It’s quite telling that McConnell didn’t mention Trump’s name in his answer. In March, McConnell broke his silence and finally endorsed Trump for president—but only after his last opponent, Nikki Haley, dropped out of the race. Less than two weeks after the Capitol insurrection, McConnell criticized Trump on the Senate floor and accused him of instigating the riot. “The mob was fed lies,” McConnell said. “They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government, which they did not like.” But McConnell still didn’t vote to impeach Donald Trump in February 2021, saying that a former president could not face trial in the Senate. In a speech after the vote, he called Trump “morally responsible” for the January 6 riot, called Trump’s actions “a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty,” and noted that Trump was still subject to the country’s laws while out of office. All of this adds up to a pattern of inaction from McConnell regarding January 6 as well as Trump. McConnell, who plans to step down as minority leader in November, has joined the rest of the GOP in dismissing and ignoring the Capitol riot. McConnell has many personal reasons to turn against Trump, from the former president calling him a “dumb son of a b----” to Trump making racist attacks against his Asian American wife, Elaine Chao, despite Chao serving as Trump’s secretary of transportation. But that would mean McConnell would have to make a moral stand and put politics aside, which is not in his character. Unfortunately More on Trump world: As much as Governor Ron DeSantis would like to be the unquestioned ruler of the Sunshine State, he just doesn’t have that privilege. Executive privilege, that is. A panel of judges from Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that DeSantis cannot invoke executive privilege to avoid releasing records on his judge selections—not unlike his idol, former President Donald Trump, who has been banking on executive privilege and presidential immunity to shield him from an array of lawsuits. DeSantis had mentioned in August 2022 that a group of “six or seven pretty big legal conservative heavyweights” had helped him select state Supreme Court justices. When DeSantis refused to name names, someone filed a records request with his office. His office denied the request, citing executive privilege, so the person anonymously filed a lawsuit to have the records released. There is no law establishing executive privilege in Florida, but Leon County Circuit Judge Angela Dempsey still ruled in DeSantis’s favor in February 2023. The plaintiff appealed the court’s decision, and a panel of three appellate judges heard the case last month. Lawyers for the Florida governor again argued that the information was protected under executive privilege, as it related to his constitutional duty to appoint judges, a line of argumentation that could have had major repercussions on the efficacy of public records requests. But the panel of judges found that the governor was majorly overplaying his hand. “After denying the petition for procedural reasons, the (lower) court unnecessarily considered the merits of the petition and ruled the identities of the legal conservative heavyweights are protected by executive privilege,” wrote Judge Clay Roberts in Wednesday’s ruling. “We expressly decline to rule on the propriety of this ruling as it was irrelevant and unnecessary.” Judges Stephanie Ray and Susan Kelsey joined Roberts in his opinion. This doesn’t mean, however, that DeSantis will have to comply with the records request. The judges found that the plaintiff’s reason for remaining anonymous was too “vague” and their records request was not specific enough. “Appellant broadly requested records between many people during an unspecified period of time. While the records custodian could possibly intuit some contextual parameters, the core information Appellant sought was a list of names Governor DeSantis referenced in a particular interview,” the ruling said. The silver lining remains that someone has finally put a check on DeSantis’s power, while he continues to manufacture his voter suppression machine and transform Florida state law into a banner for his culture war. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene still doesn’t seem to understand how electric vehicles work. The Georgia Republican introduced a confusing amendment to the 2025 defense budget Wednesday, withholding funding from the electric car industry. But Greene couldn’t seem to specify why that was important. “My amendment would basically say that no funds should be authorized to or to be appropriated in this act or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2025, may be used for electric vehicles or electric vehicle charging infrastructure,” Greene said. “My amendment would ensure that no funds are authorized in this year’s NDAA on electric vehicles or electric vehicle charging infrastructure.” The word salad follows a similar electric vehicle–related gaffe that Greene made during Donald Trump’s Las Vegas rally on Sunday, when she tried—but failed—to make electric cars sound like a problem that’s hurting people’s wallets. “If you think gas prices are high now, just wait until you’re forced to drive an electric vehicle,” she shouted. That quip defied explanation, especially considering that not only are gas prices actually down this month, but by design, electric vehicles don’t actually rely on fossil fuels to run and therefore cost less to juice up. Read about Green’s original comments: Donald Trump wants to bring Bitcoin mining back to the U.S.—but it’s not entirely clear that he knows what cryptocurrency even is, or how massively its production strains a country’s infrastructure. “VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC,” the presidential candidate wrote Wednesday on Truth Social, referring to a “central bank digital currency,” or a digital version of the American dollar. “Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left,” Trump continued. “We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!” But promising to make Bitcoin mining exclusively American wouldn’t exactly be a good thing for the nation, and the very premise of the proposal calls into question whether Trump actually understands what he’s talking about. Mining Bitcoin involves using a decentralized global system of computers to process a blockchain—a long sequence of ones and zeros that effectively translates into a digital public ledger to verify the authenticity of a sale. Once a Bitcoin is bought and sold, a new line of information is added to the blockchain. Mining Bitcoin requires a computer to solve extremely complex mathematical problems in order to process that chain. In exchange, the miner receives a predetermined amount of the digital currency as payment. Around the world, Bitcoin miners use approximately 348 terawatt hours of energy (the prefix “tera-” meaning trillions) per year. That means that crypto mining alone consumes more energy annually than most countries in the world use for all residential and commercial activity, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, according to data aggregated by Visual Capitalist. As it stands, the majority of Bitcoin mining already takes place in the U.S., accounting for 37.8 percent share of the entire network by hashrate (a computational measure of a cryptocurrency’s blockchain). That’s been the case since the summer of 2021, when China—which previously represented 75 percent of the hashrate—initiated a crackdown on the digital asset, fearing that the highly volatile currency could undermine their nation’s monetary system. Ultimately, Trump’s promise that more crypto mining would make the country “energy dominant” simply doesn’t make sense. Mining Bitcoin doesn’t produce energy, as Trump’s call for “energy dominance” would imply. Instead, it requires a massive but incredibly unpredictable amount of energy to produce. It’s unclear just how much energy crypto mining consumes, as the cryptocurrency lobby has actually fought hard to keep the industry’s energy expenditures under wraps. In March, the Department of Energy settled a lawsuit brought by Riot Platforms, halting an “emergency survey” that sought to quantify the amount of energy used by crypto miners while agreeing to erase all energy consumption data that had been collected up until that point. But the infrastructure strain can be pictured in other ways: In August, taxpayers in Texas paid Riot $31 million not to mine in an effort to stave off rolling blackouts and spare the state’s electric grid. Trump’s promise may, however, benefit a different sector entirely: the fossil fuel industry, which currently accounts for most of the energy creation in the U.S. and, as a by-product, fuels the majority of mining data centers. Approximately 96 percent of Riot’s energy was supplied by fossil fuels, despite the miner’s claims that it supports the use of renewable energy, according to an analysis by WattTime, a nonprofit tech company. So his new stance on Bitcoin might make sense after all, given how much of an effort Trump has made recently to cozy up to oil and gas executives. More about Trump’s relationship with crypto: Jared Kushner’s Saudi Arabia–funded investment firm is finally being seriously examined. Senate Democrats have launched an investigation into Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, seeking information about the company’s investments—after it received $2 billion of its $2.5 billion in investments from Saudi Arabia. Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden is leading the investigation, noting the peculiarities of nepobaby Kushner’s involvement in business dealings he has next to no experience doing. In a letter Wednesday asking Kushner’s firm to respond to queries about its investors, Wyden wrote: Mr. Kushner’s limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudi PIF and other sovereign wealth funds. Virginia Canter, former Treasury Department chief ethics counsel, told Salon that Kushner’s shady business dealings with Saudi Arabia, so soon after he and his father-in-law left the White House, raise serious national security concerns. “It’s one of the most egregious situations I’ve ever seen in decades of working in the federal government as an ethics official,” she said. “It appears to be a payoff as much as a potential investment.” Kushner’s firm launched in 2021 and immediately received a majority of its funds from Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, with a whopping 99 percent coming from foreign sources. Kushner defended the flood of cash by pointing out that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s fund also invests in Nintendo, Uber, and Microsoft—which is more of an insult to those companies than it is a vouch for Kushner. “The Saudi PIF’s decision to invest $2 billion in Affinity so soon after Kushner’s departure from the Trump White House raises concerns that the investment was a reward for official actions Kushner took to benefit the Saudi government, including preventing accountability for the Saudi government ordering the brutal murder of journalist and American citizen Jamal Khashoggi,” Wyden wrote. In 2018, MBS oversaw the brutal assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump’s White House paid no mind to the murder, instead releasing a shocking statement expressing support for Saudi Arabia and sowing doubt that MBS ordered Khashoggi’s murder, despite a CIA analysis finding that was certainly the case. Trump himself has curious ties to MBS, which during his presidency raised concerns of foreign influence. This isn’t the first time Congress has sought answers about Kushner’s firm. In 2023, the stench of corruption was so putrid, Congress subpoenaed the company over its ties to Saudi Arabia, with even Republican James Comer saying Kushner’s Saudi blood money “crossed the line of ethics.” Unfortunately more on Trump world: House Speaker Mike Johnson has a tendency to think that when things go bad for his party, it’s the product of gross legislative mismanagement, judicial weaponization, and a vast executive conspiracy. But when his party wants to do something, it’s because justice is swift and everything is proceeding according to plan. House Republicans’ efforts to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt are no exception to this trend. The GOP quest to hold Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to respond to a subpoena was not dampened by any sense of irony, even though the Judiciary Committee is chaired by Representative Jim Jordan. Jordan famously refused to comply with requests from the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection, alongside Representatives Scott Perry, Kevin McCarthy, Andy Biggs, and Mo Brooks. During a press conference Wednesday, a reporter asked Johnson if he was concerned the run of rogue Republicans would undermine his argument for holding Garland in contempt. Apparently, he doesn’t think the two cases are alike at all. “Oh, I’m so glad you brought up the January 6 committee. We’ll be talking a lot more about that in the coming weeks. There’s been a lot of investigation about that committee, I don’t think it was properly constituted, I don’t think it was properly administered, and now we know that apparently, some of the evidence was hidden, and some maybe even destroyed,” he said. “You talk about apples to oranges, there couldn’t be a more clear contrast between that and what we’re talking about here,” Johnson continued. “This is the Judiciary Committee. This is the weaponization committee.” He went on to laud Jordan’s leadership and “extraordinary” work. REPORTER: You talked about the importance of Garland complying with a subpoena. I'm curious since Chairman Jordan and four other colleagues declined under the J6 committee, if you worry that undermines the argument. MIKE JOHNSON: You talk about apples to oranges ... pic.twitter.com/M4vg9QWWtE — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 12, 2024 With this statement, Johnson makes it clear there are different rules for Republicans in Congress, special exceptions that prevent them from facing the consequences of their actions. Those who break the rules to defend Donald Trump are doing so bravely, while those who break the rules to defend Joe Biden are subject to the most serious condemnation. Johnson did not elaborate on how he could so casually call the GOP-led committee the “weaponization” committee, a conspiracy theory buzzword Republicans have adopted to discredit the federal government. Johnson’s logic, or lack thereof, mirrors his untethered reframing of the guilty verdicts of Trump and Hunter Biden. One is evidence of a “two-tiered” justice system; the other, which would disprove it, is a “separate instance” not worthy of consideration in Johnson’s ongoing weaponization case study. The House Judiciary and Oversight and Accountability Committees had demanded the audio from Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, who described the president as a “well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” be turned over by the end of April. Their attempt to obtain the audio was blocked by the White House, which invoked executive privilege. The move summoned the ire of House Republicans, who became set on holding Garland in contempt.
  6. newrepublic.com Trump’s F-Bomb Rant to Mike Johnson Sparks Desperate GOP Moves Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling 24–31 minutes After a jury found him guilty on 34 felony counts, Donald Trump knew exactly who to call for a solution: House Speaker Mike Johnson. In a conversation reportedly laced with F-bombs, Trump urged the Louisiana Republican to find a political solution for his legal comeuppance, Politico reported Thursday. “We have to overturn this,” Trump told a sympathetic Johnson, according to Politico. Johnson already believed that the House had a role to play in overturning Trump’s conviction, but since that call, he’s practically done backflips to make it happen. During an interview on Fox and Friends last month, Johnson urged the Supreme Court to “step in” and overturn the jury’s verdict. “I think that the justices on the court—I know many of them personally—I think they are deeply concerned about that, as we are. So I think they’ll set this straight,” Johnson said, before effectively promising to viewers that the nation’s highest court would step in to make the ruling go away. “This will be overturned, guys, there’s no question about it; it’s just going to take some time to do it.” The House Speaker is looking to unravel Trump’s other criminal charges, as well. Johnson is reportedly examining using the appropriations process to target special counsel Jack Smith’s probe, and is already in talks with Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan to do so. It’s a near reversal of a position he took early last month, when Johnson told Politico that a similar idea proposed by Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene would be “unworkable.” “That country certainly sees what’s going on, and they don’t want Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg and these kinds of folks to be able to continue to use grant dollars for targeting people in a political lawfare type of way,” Jordan told the publication. But other Republicans aren’t exactly on board with the idea of defunding the special counsel—even if they disagree with the case against Trump. “I don’t think it’s a good idea unless you can show that [the prosecutors] acted in bad faith or fraud or something like that,” Idaho Representative Mike Simpson told Politico. “They’re just doing their job—even though I disagree with what they did.” Another, unnamed Republican went even further in torching the effort, claiming that attacking Smith’s case would completely undermine their calls against Democrats for “weaponizing” the justice system to their political benefit.
  7. I knew you Were a big shooter! and you do not brag like a couple on here. you are awesome! hell i bet you have a great old lady as well! long may you run cbo.
  8. mims turning into my mama.............lord help us.
  9. auburnwire.usatoday.com Where Auburn lands in Athlon Sports' 2024 preseason QB rankings Taylor Jones 5–6 minutes The summer months are here, and that means two things for college football fans: recruiting buzz and preseason predictions. Preseason publications are beginning to make their way to newsstands and supermarkets everywhere, including Athlon Sports, whose College Football Preview magazine hit the shelves earlier this month. The magazine is filled with plenty of preseason notes on conference realignment, coaching changes, and College Football Playoff predictions. Athlon Sports is also known for its extensive team breakdowns. The team at Athlon Sports has broken down each position unit within the SEC and has given each team within the new-look conference a ranking. Where does Auburn fall in Athlon’s SEC preseason quarterback unit rankings? Payton Thorne returns to the helm as starting quarterback for the Tigers this season and looks to progress from his 1,755-yard performance in 2023, where he passed for just 16 touchdowns. Hugh Freeze has full confidence in Thorne’s ability and has added more reliable targets at receiver to boost his production as a passer. Does Athlon Sports expect Thorne to take a giant step forward in 2024? Here’s a look at Athlon Sports’ 2024 preseason SEC quarterback rankings. Brian Bishop-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Diego Pavia (2023 stats at New Mexico State: 221-366 | 2,973 yards | 26 TD | 9 INT) Backup: Nate Johnson 2023 passing average: 223.67 YPG (9th in SEC) Scott Sewell-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Blake Shapen (2023 stats at Baylor: 184-298 | 2,188 yards | 13 TD | 3 INT) Backup: Chris Parson 2023 passing average: 181.83 YPG (13th in SEC) Jeff Blake-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: LaNorris Sellers (2023 stats: 4-4 | 86 yards | 2 TD | 0 INT) Backup: Robby Ashford 2023 passing average: 278 YPG (3rd in SEC) Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Taylen Green (2023 stats at Boise State: 121-212 | 1,752 yards | 11 TD | 9 INT) Backup: Malachi Singleton 2023 passing average: 187.5 YPG (12th in SEC) Visit Razorbacks Wire for the latest Arkansas football news © Joshua L. Jones / USA TODAY NETWORK Projected starter: Brock Vandagriff (2023 stats at Georgia: 12-18 | 165 yards | 2 TD | 0 INT) Backup: Beau Allen 2023 passing average: 211.6 YPG (11th in SEC) Visit UK Wildcats Wire for the latest Kentucky football news Wesley Hitt/Getty Images Projected starter: Payton Thorne (2023 stats: 162-265 | 1,755 yards | 16 TD | 10 INT) Backup: Hank Brown 2023 passing average: 162.23 YPG (14th in SEC) Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Jackson Arnold (2023 stats: 44-69 | 563 yards | 4 TD | 3 INT) Backup: Casey Thompson 2023 average: 324.8 YPG (1st in Big 12) Visit Sooners Wire for the latest news surrounding Oklahoma football Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Graham Mertz (2023 stats: 261-358 | 2,903 yards | 20 TD | 3 INT) Backup: DJ Lagway 2023 passing average: 259.2 YPG (7th in SEC) Visit Gators Wire for more Florida football news Maria Lysaker-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Conner Weigman (2023 stats: 82-119 | 979 yards | 8 TD | 2 INT) Backup: Jaylen Henderson 2023 passing average: 270.7 YPG (5th in SEC) Visit Aggies Wire for the latest Texas A&M football news John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Garrett Nussmeier (2023 stats: 48-78 | 591 yards | 4 TD | 1 INT) Backup: AJ Swann 2023 passing average: 338.92 YPG (1st in SEC) Visit LSU Wire for the latest LSU football news Sam Hodde/Getty Images Projected starter: Brady Cook (2023 stats: 244-369 | 3,317 yards | 21 TD | 6 INT) Backup: Drew Pyne 2023 passing average: 262.3 YPG (6th in SEC) ORLANDO, FLORIDA – JANUARY 01: Nico Iamaleava #8 of the Tennessee Volunteers warms up prior to the 2024 Cheez-It Citrus Bowl against the Iowa Hawkeyes at Camping World Stadium on January 01, 2024 in Orlando, Florida. (Photo by Julio Aguilar/Getty Images) Projected starter: Nico Iamaleava (2023 stats: 28-45 | 314 yards | 2 TD | 0 INT) Backup: Gaston Moore 2023 passing average: 243.2 YPG (8th in SEC) Visit Vols Wire for Tennessee football news Todd Kirkland/Getty Images Projected starter: Jaxson Dart (2023 stats: 223-358 | 3,364 yards | 23 TD | 5 INT) Backup: Walker Howard 2023 passing average: 285.6 YPG (3rd in SEC) Gary Cosby Jr.-USA TODAY Sports Projected starter: Jalen Milroe (2023 stats: 187-284 | 2,834 yards | 23 TD | 6 INT) Backup: Ty Simpson 2023 passing average: 220.4 YPG (10th in SEC) Visit Roll Tide Wire for the latest Alabama football news Megan Briggs/Getty Images Projected starter: Carson Beck (2023 stats: 302-407 | 3,941 yards | 24 TD | 6 INT) Backup: Gunner Stockton 2023 average: 305.2 YPG (2nd in SEC) Visit UGA Wire for the latest Georgia football news Chris Graythen/Getty Images Projected starter: Quinn Ewers (2023 stats: 272-394 | 3,479 yards | 22 TD | 6 INT) Backup: Arch Manning 2023 average: 289.1 YPG (3rd in Big 12) Visit Longhorns Wire for the latest Texas football news pardons if this is a repeat. my mind is not working great this morning.
  10. https://x.com/WarBlogle/status/1800969519986507902https://x.com/WarBlogle/status/1800969519986507902
  11. I hope your penis falls off and you have to squat to piss. no need to reply as you have been moved to iggy land for being one sorry azz christian full of hate.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/republicans-block-bill-requiring-supreme-223227170.html?
  13. https://twitter.com/amandacarpenter/status/1800890825087545845?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1800890825087545845|twgr^c53d79e034ec631265493a8c7f97a214a1d3076c|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fdonald-trump-unhinged-email_n_666a9922e4b076bcfea19ea7https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-unhinged-email-critics-075548120.html?
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/lauren-boebert-gets-brutal-reminder-154453245.html?
  15. Rare footage of Mr Golf trying out for Auburn Football............and if no one tells him then my time is wasted........grins
  16. i heard the commodores are going with cap'n crunch.............i might swap loyalties if it is peanut butter flavored..........grins
  17. auburnwire.usatoday.com How does Auburn's skill players stack up with the SEC's best? Taylor Jones ~3 minutes Auburn football’s skill players are incredibly talented despite their youth. Auburn returns a veteran running back room led by Jarquez Hunter and Damari Alston, and Michigan State transfer Payton Thorne enters his second season as the Tigers’ starting quarterback. The headliners on offense are the wide receivers. Auburn signed a quartet of impressive wide receivers such as Cam Coleman and Perry Thompson. Robert Lewis and KeAndre Lambert-Smith bring experience from the FBS level and tight end Rivaldo Fairweather returns after hauling in a team-leading 394 yards on 38 catches with a career-high six touchdown receptions in 2023. It is easy to see why the hype surrounding Auburn’s offense is growing, but how does it stack up with the rest of the SEC? Brad Crawford of 247Sports digs deep to find the answer. In his early SEC football power rankings, Crawford examined each SEC programs’ skill lineup. He determined that Auburn ranks No. 9 out of 16 SEC teams. His biggest question surrounding Auburn football this season is the play of Thorne. Can Thorne be a difference-making quarterback in the SEC? That’s the major question concerning this offensive arsenal for the Tigers, who landed a couple high-end wideouts this cycle in the portal and recruiting its 2024 freshman class. Coleman is a future superstar at the position and the post-spring addition of Lambert-Smith from Penn State was a major development. Auburn looks to take a giant step forward in year two under Hugh Freeze. In 2023, Auburn finished No. 10 in yards per game (351.2), No. 14 in passing yards per game (162.2), and No. 11 in points per game (26.2). Auburn had the SEC’s fourth-best rushing offense last season by averaging 189 yards per game on the ground, but premier back Jarquez Hunter failed to reach the 1,000-yard mark. If Hunter reaches the goal of 1,000 yards, and Auburn improves in the passing department, the Tigers could easily climb into top-five territory within the SEC in yards and improve drastically from last season’s six-win campaign. Contact/Follow us @TheAuburnWire on X (Twitter), and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Auburn news, notes, and opinions. You can also follow Taylor on Twitter @TaylorJones__
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