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AUFAN78 last won the day on December 25 2022

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About AUFAN78

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  • Interests
    Land management, Golf, Fishing, Hunting, Shooting and Auburn Sports
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    "The Ham"
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  1. Agree. The first action, the most important action, would be turning the pedophile into proper authorities. Then summarily dismiss.
  2. Not going to lie. I had to look it up. Weird. Crazy. Some combination.
  3. Yes as I've already stated. Go to the threads beginning and follow along objectively. Perhaps it will sink in.
  4. Nope. This statement alone should give one pause: That the REAL danger to your children isn't from the gay couple across the street....it isn't at the Gay pride parade....the danger isn't from the cross dressers...or from books about gay/trans in the school library....it's not from the trans people.. Of course, there were other stupid comments as well. Thankfully, you got the last three or four sentences correct
  5. Just a stupid comment. Newsflash: Assault from pedophiles isn't restricted to a party or organization. Most of the victims don't have a political bone in their body due to age. Another stupid comment without basis. Any of those could and have been a danger to children in the past. You got one or two things right, he is a vile scumbag. I hope he rots in prison. Unfortunately, this does happen in churches too.
  6. His girlfriend, who was also there, is a model. Clowns are not happening. I'm sure you'd let any dude perform at your birthday Captain Obvious. I'll give a speech if you'll have it at Perry's, Fleming's, or Ruth's Chris and pick up the tab. You'll love it.
  7. Your take lacks context. Now, go fondle your blowup doll you freak.
  8. He's 18. Heading to Auburn soon. Please don't assume everyone is like you.
  9. You weren't offended with the OP. Me either. It was funny. I responded in kind and your sensitive litte a$$ took offense to it. Own that. The emoji is appropriate.
  10. Anyway, got to run to a birthday party. Later my dudes and dudettes.
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